Habib Wombies and Belly Dancing Twink by Cha

Cha is a talented French artist who likes to draw and paint, and has done a number of Wombie paintings. You can see the original post of the Habib Wombies on Cha’s blog, or just visit her blog Donchawannadream to see the other things she likes to paint.

In this drawing, the Wombies are in Morocco, and to quote Cha, “Binky’s riding a camel, Winky’s charming a snake, Twink’s drinking mint tea and Fraz… I mean… PRINCE FRAZI… he’s just thinking about Lokums (on the little table, see?).”

And if you scroll down, you can listen to “Drown Out”, the tune Cat Forsley, a singer, songwriter, poet, and musician, created for these drawings. Click on the play button below to hear it, or click on her avatar to hear more of her music over at SoundCloud.

Habib Wombies by Cha

Habib Wombies by Cha
27.5 x 19.5 cm
original watercolor
June 1, 2012

Belly Dancing Twink by Cha

Belly Dancing Twink by Cha
original watercolor
June 1, 2012

“Drown Out” original music by Cat Forsley
May 29, 2012