Disappearing Trick by Peter Marinacci on January 11, 2016 at 12:00 am Chapter: Comics Adults can be pretty smart when you don’t want them to be. └ Tags: adults, chris, fraz, magic, money, trick
Discussion (50) ¬
Looks like Chris performed his magic mind reading trick on this one Fraz
You get the super duper deluxe first commenters dark chocolate trophy, Tony! Try not to eat it all at once.
No, that’s the second comment. The first comment is that other Tony guy above this comment.
That’s Tony’s evil commenting twin.
Yeah what Peter said Dave. I’ll share the chocolate with him.
You can share the chocolate with me too ’cause I’m a twin!
I didn’t know Chris knew any magic!
Oh yes. That’s how he stays kinda sane in a house full of Wombies
Chris always does say we drive him insane!
Oh Fraz, good try.
Congrats Tony 🙂
But not good enough!
He’s so cute. He looks like a little Mr. Peanut!
Mr. Peanut?? Now I’m hungry.
He gave it his best shot. 😉
I guess Chris out shot me!
Nice try Fraz!
Yeah. You wouldn’t want to see a disappearing trick, would you?
Ha! Good try, Fraz! He should have at least watched before asking you. Lol
He should have! But Chris always likes to be a spoil sport!
How did Chris know what you had planned, Fraz?
I dunno! Chris is getting smarter every day!
And I thought it would involve chocolate.
Well that would’ve been a good idea too!
Oh, that’s a good idea. I wonder if my wife like’s magic.
If she does I get a cut of it!
In the long run, that’s a good thing!
I don’t think it was good for me!
Well, Fraz won’t be performing any magic tricks with me because I’m too poor. :-/
I can also do magic tricks with chocolate. Do you have any chocolate?
Oh geez, my wife and I have almost finished a 1000 gram box of 70% dark chocolate in a week.
Seeing that in writing makes me realize I need more self-control.
Yeah no kidding! You should be able to eat a kilo in a day!
You should study the difference between the blood sugar of humans vs wombies. I think you might find why I can’t ear a kilo of chocolate in a day.
I dunno what that means but I feel sorry that you poor humans can’t eat chocolate like we can.
It looks like the magic disappeared!
It’s too bad Chris didn’t disappear!
I made friends much more easily as a child because one of my prerequisites for friendship is gullibility.
They make the best friends!
After all Fraz deserves some money for his disapearing trick.
I wish Chris would think so!
Most of the time adults are a lot smarter. Love this.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
I like dumb adults better!
Too funny this one,
and sorry for my late
comment, this is the
one that I missed, so
I am glad to see it 🙂
Fraz looks very smart
in his magician’s outfit
and I bet he is awesome
at doing tricks, well when
Chris is not around to
spoil his act anyway 🙂 lol
I think my magic tricks are pretty good but Chris would never know!
Thank you, Andro.
Watch me pull your wallet out of my hat!
That would be a good trick because I don’t have a wallet!
I like this trick…especially if you can make my $10 disappear and return as $100 😉
Well I can sure make your $10 disappear!