Evil Meanies: The Secret to Writing A Bestseller
If you want to be a successful writer, you should write what you know. And if you want to write a bestseller, make sure you include some wombats.
(Cartoon rendered in a flat-shaded style.)
If you want to be a successful writer, you should write what you know. And if you want to write a bestseller, make sure you include some wombats.
(Cartoon rendered in a flat-shaded style.)
Oh seriously Fraz, “Evil Meanies”, too cute !!!
I’m hoping to get the cute vote.
You got my vote, Fraz
I hope you can vote more than once!
You got 3 votes from us 🙂
Thanks, Kroten! It’d be awesome to be elected President of Indonesia!
Well I will be voting for you Fraz 🙂
I hope all your Skeleton & Werewolf friends vote for me too!
I have even got the Ghouls handing ‘Vote For Fraz’ leaflets out now so how about that for a creepy idea? 🙂
I don’t think it’s creepy! But I guess that may be because the Ghouls are on my side!
Oh and while I think of it, Chris should buy you a laptop, Fraz. Those books must be uncomfortable on your toosh?
Did you hear that, Chris!!
I think that you may have to shout that out a bit louder Fraz 🙂
Yeah, Chris doesn’t hear me very well when I’m asking for stuff!
Pssst: Is that extra “N” in the title a typo?
It’s funny how you don’t notice something till someone points it out.
A typo? Here? Impossible! 😉
I never make little typos…just big ones.
If you ignore them, they go away. They just want attention.
That is the way to do it Fraz. Write about what you know!
That’s what they tell me!
Haha! I would buy that book!
Yay, that’s one sale!
So it’s about avoiding politicians.
I guess we can avoid them by voting FRAZ FOR PRESIDENT!!! Put the good guy in the Whitehouse!!!
Yeah, that’s right! Vote for me, not the evil meanies!
I call dibs on the first copy!
I’ll even sign it!
I could have used this book when I was a kid!
There are always way too many evil meanies around!
I see, that you are serious writer Fraz 🙂 I’ll buy your book for sure 🙂
Thanks! I think my book may be a bestseller!
It’ll be for sure 🙂
With people like you buying it, it should be!
Seat-cushion books are a nice touch!
They’re not very soft, though!
Awesome book, Fraz! Could you write one on evil meanie bosses too?
I could add a chapter about mean bosses!
sounds like a movie title too
Evil Meanie Bosses?
and Evil Meanie Bosses II
Oh boy, a series!
Hey don’t stop at just two Fraz why not add a trilogy? 🙂
Sure, why not? Maybe Revenge of Evil Meanie Bosses could be the last one. It worked for Star Wars!
Well, Ronald Reagan started off this way. Hmm, alongside a chimp !
Was that a chimp, or a chump? Hahaha!
Yes but which one was the Chimp? 🙂
Hard to tell!
These books will definitely fly off the shelf!
I’ll be President, AND a bestselling author!
And a King and Prime Minister too, don’t forget how popular you are with all the lovely ladies either, I think this could mean extra helpings of chocolate, wine gums and pancakes 🙂
I hope I don’t get a swelled head from being so popular and so awesome!
Don’t worry Fraz, if that happens there is a nice chocolate remedy standing by so you can’t lose 🙂
That makes me feel better!
I’ll buy your book Fraz!.
They better print enough copies!
I’ll get you book, Fraz…well, my mommy will.
You do need a laptop. I bet your bottom gets sore.
Chris won’t get me one, so I’ll have to buy one with all the money I’ll be making selling my book.
I can relate to that too! So there is a candidate here too? Hmm. I’ll have to see who bids highest for my vote.
All the dark chocolate you can eat! I bet the other guy can’t beat that!
Actually Will Taft looks like he ate a LOT of chocolate! So you may be right. He might not be in to sharing.
It’s always good to share. Especially if you want their votes!
I can relate.
Seems like a lot of people can. My book should sell well!
You may have a hit on your hands. :
I hope so! I could use the money!
But you’ll alienate the evil meanies demographic.
I never thought of that. Maybe I could get them to buy my book so they could see what I said about them.
I’d buy that book. Keep on writing Fraz.
Yay! I think I like being a author.
With Fraz as President, there would always be plenty of Chocolate around!
That’s for sure! Free chocolate for everyone! It’s a basic right.
It’s that cool cartoon look again. Woot! Nice!
Someone stole the third dimension!
True. True.
He will make millions!!!
I hope so!! That’ll buy a lot of chocolate and wine gums!
I’d buy any Wombie’s book. <3
Thanks, Cha! I hope you’ll like it!
Don’t forget to add lots of yummy illustrations, maybe even offer readers a free chocolate bar with every copy that is sold? 🙂
That’s a great idea! Who could resist buying a book if it came with a chocolate bar!
Yes, a chocolate bar and one of your signed ‘T’ shirts, now that is an offer they can’t refuse 🙂
Everyone will vote for me now!
Look out New York Times best seller list!
That would be awesome!!
So what are 3 steps on how to avoid them?
I don’t think I should reveal my secrets, but one way might be to use chocolate to lure the Evil Meanies to their doom.
Evil and meanies… the book will be a sure hit!
I hope you’re right, Indrani!
Is there a sequel in the works that will tell me how to deal with nice meanies?
That does sound like a good idea for a sequel!
Even then, the evil meanie community will shun your book!
Well I guess the Evil Meanies will have to write their own book, then.
I really like the cell shaded look of the comic. Sorry if this comment was not of the meanie variety.
It is quite a different look. Glad you like it, James.
As blue meanies were covered in the 60’s you’ve come up with a book that speaks directly to OUR generation!
Oh, to rid the world of the evil meanies. Genius.
A vote for me is a vote against the Evil Meanies of the world!
Fraz would win in a landslide!
Do it Fraz! Do it!
I hope you’re right! I could use a landslide of votes!
If you win, you’ll certainly have your fair share of “meanies” to deal with, politics and all!
You’re right. I guess I’d better buy my own book so I can deal with all the Evil Meanies!
I NEED that book! when is it in stores?
As soon as I finish writing it! I hope.
I should tell this advice to mommy so that she can write more about us in her short stories 🙂
Btw, why the art is changing?
The art style isn’t changing permanently. A few years ago when I started making the comic strip I tried out a couple of different ways of doing the art, and I thought I’d post the different style ones instead of re-doing them. Only a few were made in this style.