Eye Test
Any exam that you don’t have to study for is a good one.
(This comic strip was previously published on September 28, 2009.)
Our friend and Star Wars fan Cha from Dontchawannadream painted a Fraz-Chewbacca hybrid. Or maybe it was just Fraz dressing up in a Chewbacca costume. Either way, no one would be able to refuse him candy on Halloeen. You can see Cha’s original Frazewbacca post on her Dontchawannadream art blog.
I’d give him candy. Chewy was my fave fro m Star Wars. 🙂
I’ll take candy!
Hey I nearly got in here first today Peter 🙂 This is a great cartoon and Winky is definitely having fun 🙂 Looks like Twink isn’t too happy at him spelling out the obvious but at least he is enterprising, and also gives free chocolates out too so how about that for being generous? 🙂
Brilliant painting by our great friend Cha also, Fraz looks the business in this one 🙂 Actually he looks Wookie brilliant 🙂
That’s gonna be my halloween costume this year! Frazewabacca!
You could win a best “costume contest” as Frazbecca, Fraz!
I hope I win most chocolate too!
Of course you’ll win…your Frazzie! 🙂
I’ll share it with you guys whatever I get!
I know you would, Fraz, You like to share.
How about now I share some milkshakes with you. I’ve got Jumbo chocolate with you name on it!
OK! I can always use a milkshake! Especially a jumbo one!
I hope I have some with my
name on them too Deb 🙂 Mmmmm
No, I drank them all! HAHA!
I didn’t really!
You little kidder Fraz 🙂
I knew that you wouldn’t
have drank all of them 🙂
I’d always save some for you Andro! An aunt Deb wouldn’t like it if I hogged all the milkshakes for myself either.
Hows about FRAZenstein???
I like that!! Chris already calls me his little monster!
I could try drawing a Frazenstein 🙂 Or maybe a Fazzombie? 🙂 That could be fun for Halloween 🙂
Yeah that would be cool!
I will have a go at
one or both of those Fraz 🙂
I like the type of eye exams he’s doing…I should try that on my patients too..LOL!
My patient wasn’t too happy, though.
Not patient enough 🙂
And not happy enough, too!
Well…I don’t know..it’ll be kinda fun though..especially those that use those really, really weird Korean styled contact lenses…makes their pupils look 3 times bigger than normal….their eyes if any bigger would look like Paul’s (the alien from the movie Paul) LOL
That’s funny. I don’t think I’ve ever heard about those type of contacts before. . . I just Googled it. It makes them look like they have Manga eyes!
He did deliver what was promised!
They always expect more!
I think he should take up taste testing wine gums instead. There’s no money in it but you do get to taste wine gums.
Okay! Where do I sign up?
I heard from a friend who is a friend of a friend of Binky’s that he has an opening in his wine gum factory.
Binky has a wine gum factory?? No!
I could be wrong but I thought he was the CEO of wine gums.
He’s been holding out on me! I’m going to have a talk with him.
You have to make a little extra money some how!
And eye tests are pretty easy to do!
You know Winky! You could charm a lot of rich old ladies that way.
You know any rich ladies that need charming?
I do know one, but you couldn’t charm a postal stamp out of her. 🙁
Maybe I should give her some chocolate to cheer her up!
You may just be in luck there. She loves chocolate. I’ll try to get here to go get and eye exam from you. 🙂
If that don’t work, you can always eat the chocolate yourself. 🙂
That’s a very yummy plan!
Cha did a great job on Fraz as Frazbecca! Excellent work as always!
Cha’s Wombie-Star Wars collection is great and very creative!
Cha has a wonderful imagination and artistic eye an hand. 🙂
She certainly does!
Thank you my dear friends!! xxx
You’re welcome, Cha!
I agree! I also think that costume will be nice and warm for cold wintry days!
That means I can stay out later and get more chocolate! Yay!
great minds think alike Fraz! and get full tummies too 😉
First there’s Wombat Day and then there’s Halloween! October’s the best month for goodies for our tummies!
Bwahahahahahahaha. That’s quite the exam. What do you expect for 5 bucks?
Have a terrific day. 🙂
More than that!
Up next, a hearing test! Same great quality as the eye exam!
That would be another good one! Maybe you can think of some more tests I could do!
In the army, I had to take a color blind test and a trigger finger test. Those were the easiest!
I have fingers. But I don’t know if I have a trigger finger! That sounds like a funny test.
Basically, all I had to do was bend my index fingers (trigger fingers) as if pulling a trigger on a weapon. Fully extend and then curl them several times. Surprisingly, some people failed!
I think even I could pass that test! I can even curl my toes if enough chocolate is involved.
Oh, that’s a desirable attribute, Winky! You’d move up in rank and get Top Secret clearance in no time!
Which means access to rocket blueprints! 😀
You think so? That would be super! Though I think some of the army tests I wouldn’t be so good at. Like running and climbing and stuff.
No, no, no, Winky. You’ll be the backpack (like Belt on the Croods) Chris will do all the running, jumping, climbing…See?
Oh. okay! I think I could do that! I can hang on! Chris might not be so happy about it, though!
It was some kind of exam, but 5$ is a bit too big price 😉
For the test I got, $0 would have been too much!
Only $5.00! sounds like a bargain to me. Just the reassurance that you have 2 eyes and they match! I think Twink was a bit hard on the fellas. What more could she expect?
I don’t know, but she seemed to expect a lot more!
Hummm, well as a girl myself, maybe it woulda helped to tell her that her eyes were pretty too!
That probably would have helped. Twink does have very pretty eyes!
a little sweetness goes a long way…. unless it is going in a wombies tummy!
And then you need a lot of sweetness! Well I do, anyway!
I see the hidden “Wombie” on the eye chart but my eyes aren’t good enough to see what else is there!
You pass the eye test! $5 please.
The chart says WOMBIES then FZBDE, then ROCKETS then WOMBANIA then I don’t know. It’s too small for me to read! Maybe I need glasses.
I just don’t understand the education system anymore – I thought the lowest grade you could get was an ‘F’ but now you can get ‘I’s too??? W.C.C.
But having two “I”s should add up to more than an “F”. I think. Maybe I should go ask Binky.
I must be getting old , I can only read the first line of the eye chart 🙁
If you can’t at least read the WOMBIES line, you fail the test. Sorry.
I could have told her that for $4.00.
I’m not sure Twink would have liked that any better!
Now that is an eye exam i can live with. I love the wooki bat.
Cha’s painting of Fraz-Chewbacca is super!
you’re lucky. Last time I got an eye exam, I had to pay extra for glasses! 😛
I ended up having to pay, too. And I was the one giving the test!
We need more chocolate 🙂
Well I won’t argue with that! My Winky’s Wonka chocolate factory is working full time for Halloween!
Are you going to make some chocolate Ghosties, Zombies, Ghouls, Witches and Brains on lollipop sticks Winky? 🙂
Yes! Well, I mean chocolate ones of course. Not real ones!
I wonder if Winky can do me a new pair of glasses cheaply. Great Wombie Wookie ba Cha
I could try to make you some glasses. Is chocolate okay?
Yes but they won’t last long as I won’t be able to resist them
I think we just discovered a great money maker! Chocolate glasses that you have to keep buying because you keep eating them!
Cha always does great work!
Yes I agree Peter, her artistic
talents are always awesome 🙂
Thanks a lot!!
Ohhh didn’t know Winky was an eye expert!! Looks like he really knows what he’s doing. Not a quack at all.
I read a thingy about eye doctoring online. I even remember some of the stuff!
At least she has both blue eye, not one brown one blue 😉
I love that Fracebawca! Who will becone Wobisolo? 😉
That’s true! But Twink didn’t seem too happy about it. Maybe I could be Wobisolo! That would be fun!
But Han Solo is slimmer than Cewbacca … and you are not that slim to be Wobisolo 😉 Sorry Wink
Aww!! Well maybe I could be Wobisolo playing Santa Clause with my built-in padding!
That would be like paying for wine gums and wanting the money back. 🙂
I wish I could do that! Then you could keep using the same money to buy wine gums forever!
But then the economy wouldn’t stay afloat.
I think wine gums forever are more important than the economy!
Without the economy, nobody could make wine gums.
No!! Well I guess the economy is important then!
More important than you think. 🙂
Probably. I try not to think too much.
It won’t be long before we are all enjoying another chocolate and wine gum filled WOMBAT DAY 🙂 Yaaaaaay
Only 9 days until Wombat Day! I can hardly wait!
Is there anything in the fine print about refunds?! My eyes aren’t quite as good as they used to be, you know!
Um, I’m going to say no. At least I hope there isn’t. I never read the fine print!
Winky is an ophthamolo-jest!
I should put that on my sign!
I love those shadows!
Thanks, Denny. I like shadows, but half the time they get washed out with the lighting. I wish lighting was easier!