When my kids were little, I used to punish them by not letting them brush their teeth. Actually, it was only a threat. They’d jump to obey at the thought that I might really carry this out. Abusive, I know.
I knew someone that kept their toothbrush in a locked bathroom cabinet. Probably had something like that happen to them as a child and were forever scarred.
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I watched a French movie the other day where a character used another person’s toothbrush to clean the toilet. I was nearly sick…
And so was the person who owned the toothbrush, I imagine.
Are you suggesting there’s a better way to clean a toilet?
If it’s your own toothbrush, then no.
I’d like to know where I can get those rats that will wash my dishes. (Hopefully they’ll scrub the toilet with other people’s toothbrushes.)
I use Hjörtur’s toothbrush to clean stuff all the time..
Bad Pawn, bad!
Maybe that’s why some people’s families make them sick. They all have the same germs.
I believe that theory has a lot of validity.
It’s 9:00 at night… do you know where your toothbrush is?!
That’s why I always lock my toothbrush up at night.
Yuck! I thought toothbrushes were as personal as underwear. I guess not Wombania. 😀
It takes a brave soul to step into Wombania.
One does not simply walk into Wombania.
Getting into Wombania is a lot easier than getting out!
One does not simply get out of Wombania 😆
Oh my, it would take a lot of brushing to remove all that mud cake residue 🙁
Don’t worry, I brushed my teeth real good!
Attaboy Fraz 🙂
Well I understand that logic. Bwahahahahahahaha. He does have a point.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
I thought I did, too!
That is true family sharing.
A little more sharing than I’d like, though.
Ha! Is this some sort of Theory of Relativity?
I think it might be Fraz’s Theory of Relatives.
When my kids were little, I used to punish them by not letting them brush their teeth. Actually, it was only a threat. They’d jump to obey at the thought that I might really carry this out. Abusive, I know.
I think some kids might actually enjoy not brushing their teeth!
Oh but no, there will be no toothbrush sharing. Share the tic tacs
I don’t have any tic tacs, but I’ll share my tics with you.
Ha ha!
I don’t really have any tics.
Maybe they could use different parts of the brush to keep things hygienic?
I suppose if you divided a toothbrush into equal sections, a whole family could share one brush.
I guess using the same toothbrush is a good way to insure you all have the same germs!
Then I guess my job is done!
Are the same germs in the toilet bowl as well? Maybe she should use it to scrub that also 😉
No, those are bad germs!
No one gets to use my toothbrush but me.
Your toothbrush must have better security than ours.
I am Fraz as you are Fraz as you are me and we are all together! But sharing a toothbrush doesn’t make us closer…
But it makes our germs closer!
I knew someone that kept their toothbrush in a locked bathroom cabinet. Probably had something like that happen to them as a child and were forever scarred.
We rarely consider the consequences of toothbrush trauma on the young.
Ow…Fraz!! even though you are family,you guys came from different species…that means different germs 😉
Well most of us are Wombies, so we should have the same germs. But I guess Chris has icky human germs. Ewww. Maybe I should wash out my mouth.
My point exactly!! You should wash your mouth clean…human and their germs, yuck.
Please don’t tell my mommy I said that!!
I won’t!
Sharing is caring! I’m impressed that he knew.
Chris wasn’t really impressed, though.