Five Yogurts
The case of the missing yogurts: With a gang of ravenous Wombies in the house, food has a habit of disappearing.
There’s less than three weeks till Wombat Day, so make sure your preparations are complete before the big day arrives on Saturday, October 22! Get your chocolate and wine gums now, before the stores run out!
Oh gosh, those wombats don’t know how to share! I shouldn’t be talking, I’m an only child haha. ALL FOR ME..
Sometimes Winky gets a little carried away when treats are involved.
Ah Binky, why am I not surprised. Who gets the last yogurt?
Winky, probably. Might as well make it a clean sweep.
Bad wombat!
I wasn’t trying to be bad! I was just hungry!
What flavours were they?
Wine gum flavored. Wine gum flavored yogurt is available only in Wombania, as far as I know.
But don’t wine gums come in different flavors?
Wine gums come in raspberry, orange, lemon, lime, blackcurrant, and sometimes grapefruit flavors.
This year will be the 1st time i’ve celebrated wombat day – I’m excited already !!!
is it acceptable to substitute Shiraz or Cabernet Sauvignon for the wine gums?
P.S. does the wombat dance involve any nudity ?
We hope you have fun on Wombat Day, Duncan.
Champagne is the traditional drink for those that drink on Wombat Day, but you can have whatever you prefer. The Wombat Dance doesn’t usually involve any nudity, but what you do in private is your business! Some wombats are wilder than others.
I have this problem with Michelle. She blames me when chocolate, ice cream, potato chips, yogurt, biscuits etc are all gone. What’s the point of having food & not eating it??? Plus it could’ve been Dixie. Maybe I could blame Cedric
Wombat Day 2009??? I think when daylight saving ended in your part of the world you put your clocks back too far…
I know! Good food needs to be eaten before it goes bad! I wouldn’t want to see it go to waste.
That’s just an old picture of us celebrating Wombat Day a few years ago. We’re not really a few years behind. Well, I don’t think we are. Are we?
That’s right!!
Winky is still using his “Wombie Wisdom.”
If you eat it before anyone else sees it, have you really eaten it, or did you just imagine eating it?
So I guess that Winky likes yogurts then? 🙂 lol
I do! How did you know?
Ow Winky…you have to learn to share with your siblings!! Mommy taught me that
Yeah, I guess I should work on that. But sharing can be hard when things are so yummy.
Hmmm…I understand what you mean Winky…I guess that’s why mommy put us (me and Kame) in separate tanks…so that I can’t eat Kame’s food
I hope Chris doesn’t read this. I don’t want to be put in a tank!
We have a custard stand near us that serves yogurt as if it were soft serve ice cream. I don’t think they have wine gums to go with it though.
That sounds really good! I like custard! I’ll have to bring my own wine gums, though.
Well Winky is larger than the others – he needs the extra nutrient.
I certainly do! Plus I just like to eat more than the others do.
Funny. Since the kids moved out, the food doesn’t disappear so fast.
Are you saying you have extra food? I’d be happy to help you out with that problem.
At least Winky didn’t put the empty tubs back in the fridge! Or did you?
Of course not! I know they go in the recycle bin.
Nice to see Wombies recycle.
Wombies are excellent recyclers! I just hope no one tries to recycle us!
Hahahaha! Well… at least Winky didn’t eat them all. He left one. Probably because he was full, but still.
I thought maybe someone else would want one.
In fairness, it might have been better to have explained the reason for buying five before leaving them unattended! 🙂
I think that’s probably why Chris now puts our names on the yogurts.
OCT 22, I must make sure I remember to do a Wombat Day dedication post
That’d be a good idea since you wouldn’t want to miss Wombat Day! A day where you can eat all the chocolate and wine gums and cake you want!
Winky can have my yogurt anytime he wants it. As a matter of fact anybody can have my yogurt any time they want it. I want food with substance. Give me some pinto beans and neck bones any day.
I’ll take all your yogurt, don’t worry! And any other good stuff you don’t want to eat!
I’m gonna’ party like it’s 1999!
Or… something… like that.
Or you can party like it’s Wombie Day! That’s what I always do!
One for you, four for Winky! You can’t blame him, he’s just treating himself REAL GOOD.
Yes, I am! Or was.
Good comic.
It’s hard to go wrong with yogurt.
If it was five separate flavors than ‘yes’ Winky lost a bit of control, but if it was five ‘mango’ yogurts than ‘yes’ Winky is my HERO!!!
It was four separate flavors, I have to admit. I’ve never had mango yogurt, but now I”ll have to try it!
Well, at least he left one 🙂 Happy Wordless Wednesday!
I didn’t want to eat them all!
I’m OK – I’m single, all the kids I looked after are adults, so my food only gets eaten by me! LoL!!!
Unless I’m baking that is… (sigh!)
Happy Holiday my Wombie friends! 🙂
I guess living alone makes it easier, but then I wouldn’t have anyone else to bug.
That happens in my house too and I don’t even live with Wombats!
The phenomenon doesn’t seem limited to Wombies!
Woohooo! Wombat Day! let the countdown begin! 🙂
Believe me, the countdown to Wombat Day has already begun!! At least around here!
4 in one sitting, Winky? maybe Chris should buy you the big size & the regular size for the rest of you? This is what happens when we had teenagers in our house… and now with a 3 year old grandson… He loves his yogurt! I bet he could give Winky a run for the yummies! BTW, I thought I should mention besides WI having a Badger for a mascot, one of local high schools has a Wombat! WI is very versatile in that respect 😉
Yeah, I’d prefer the big tub of yogurt, but Chris says they’re not single serving size. I think they’re Wombie serving size! I challenge your grandson to a yogurt eating contest! Mostly because I’d get to eat more yogurt.
Wisconsin sounds like a very smart place to live! Maybe I’ll emigrate.
Should I wear anything special for Wombat Day?
If you don’t have a wombat suit, you could always wear a Team Wombat shirt.
And we have a winner. Ha,ha,ha!
I didn’t really feel like a winner, though.
I will make my wife a Pudding cake!!!
That sounds delicious, especially if it’s chocolate!