Foot In Mouth Disease
Too many people suffer from foot-in-mouth disease. The cure is often simple: know when to shut up.
(This comic strip was previously published on November 15, 2010.)
To battle the Zombies, Fraz merged with a Dalek from Dr. Who to become a Frazlek! At least that’s the story according to Andro. I haven’t heard Fraz’s version of the tale yet. Andro’s original drawing can be seen on his Frazlek post.
Video game prices have pretty much stayed the same over the last 30 years.
They are just as overpriced now as they were then.
Yeah video games should be free! Or like a dollar or something!
The way the dollar is going it will be free before this government shut down ends 😐
Not real good when one lives off the exchange rate.
I wish our government would shut down. Permanently. They always seem to do more harm than good.
Maybe we should rotate governments every 5 years.
Canada gets Mexican government, USA gets Canadian government, and Mexico gets USA government. Rinse and repeat.
Nothing against Mexico, but their government makes ours look like a utopian state. Maybe we could trade governments with some European countries.
Don’t try the UK as they are out of
touch at the grass roots level 🙁 Snobs…
Perhaps we should start looking to Mars or Venus for better leadership.
Even the Zombies
have more intelligence 🙁 lol
Seems to me there are more than a few brainless Zombies in politics.
I just noticed, is Chris wearing house shoes? I didn’t start doing that until I moved to Germany.
No, they’re just shoe-shoes. The only pair the poor guy has. Without laces here, so I guess this is an earlier rendering. It took a while before we could afford laces for him.
I think some Zombie slippers would look good on Chris, that might be a good idea for my next drawing? 🙂
I’m not sure I would agree with that.
It is a great solution. I hope you reap the millions for coming up with the cure that could save a lot of people undue stress, heartache, and other equally appalling symptoms associated with the disease. 🙂
Maybe if I figure out the cure I could be rich! Then I could buy all the video games I want!
I think he’s warming up to the idea Fraz. Just look at the smoke coming out of his head.
Chris is always warming up when I’m around!
Chris seems to have a serious lack of appreciation for you Fraz.
I know! I wish I could trade him in for one of those cool tv dads!
How about Ray ‘cos everybody loves Raymond
OK! He’d probably be better than Chris!
Although on the down side you’d have to put up with Ray’s parents.
And Robert…
That might not be much fun. Maybe I should try to get someone else.
I would give you $500 and a large bag of wine gums 🙂 It would have to be a large bag because I would be playing the games with you 🙂 Chris needs to get into gaming then he would know how important it all is 🙂
If you weren’t my twin you could be my dad!
I don’t think Chris ever played a video game in his life!
Yes that’s true, on both 🙂
We need to give Chris a game
and hope that he figures out
how to play it, hopefully just
in time for your $50 dollars to
be enjoyed 🙂
I dunno what kind of game Chris would play. Maybe something where he could yell a lot. He really likes yelling. Especially at me!
How about Tennis? John McEnroe was a bit of a yeller as I recall so perhaps this game will be perfect for him 🙂
That sounds like a good idea. If Chris yells at the game maybe he won’t have enough yelling left to yell at me!
Yep, always comes out wrong Fraz.
If Chris would just give me a $50 allowance I wouldn’t have to say anything!
If he doubled or trebled that amount you could have even more games 🙂 Hope the Zombies have a word 🙂
That would be awesome but I don’t think Chris would ever do that!
Not by the looks of those
moths flapping around his
wallet 🙁
But he has credit cards! He should use them! It’s like getting stuff for free!
Yes free for you Fraz but Chris has to pay his statements every month so will he be willing to spend on your games with them?
I dunno. I thought when you used a credit card it’s like getting it free.
I can get both of my feet in my mouth and still be heard. Bwahahahahahahahaha.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
I do that too! And I have big feet!
You have bigger feet than the
Henderson’s friend, I’ve seen them 🙂
You mean bigfoot? We Wombies are known as little bigfoots!
Yes him, the big smiling one with the hairy down-to-earth expression and big teeth 🙂
I didn’t know you were a little BIGfoot Fraz 🙂
Little bigfoot is what some people call me.
It’s a good name 🙂
You should hear what
some people call Chris…
When I called him “my people” he didn’t like that.
Mmm, tasty feet. 😉
I’d rather have chocolate!
Much better than smelly one’s 🙂
That’s for sure!
Here have a few of my chocolates while I pour us some of Auntie Deb’s chocolate and fudge milkshakes 🙂
I needed that to celebrate! I made it through another week of school!
How is your arithmetic coming along now, I know you like to practice when sharing out the wine gums, like two for you, one for me, ten for you and three for me…
I know why not tell me about your other subjects and how well you are doing in them 🙂
Not on the weekend! It should be illegal to talk about school on weekends!
Maybe a liiiiitle bit more buttering up first.
The last time I tried buttering up Chris it didn’t go too well.
What a huge mistake you made, Fraz. You should of asked for $100!
I’ll remember that for next time!
I just found out what a Dalek is last night. I’m watching Doctor Who so I’m not so terribly ignorant when I do comic cons. 😛
I believe the Daleks have been around since the 60’s. It’s amazing how long Dr. Who has been going.
Thank you for taking note on that one Jason 🙂 Have a great Friday and weekend 🙂
I am glad Fraz didn’t ask for two vid game because then he’d have to shoot his other foot too! W.C.C.
Then I wouldn’t have a foot to stand on!
I bet it was Crash bandicoot. Am I right?
It might have been!
Hey that’s a game by Naughty Dog and one of the best platform games to date, well I enjoy playing that one even today so there 🙂 lmao
Hey Loon have fun today 😉 xxxx
I bet I could beat you at it!
I will take you on anytime and the winner gets a big bar of chocolate, and the loser gets wine gums so nobody really loses 🙂
OK you’re on! Tomorrow at noon!
Okay I missed the deadline so
how about a re-match on Wednesday? 🙂
OK. But you better be ready this time!
Sounds like something my daughter would say.
You are entered to win a teeth whitening kit to remove chocolate stains.
Oh boy! I hope it’ll fit my big teeth if I win!
Luckily here in the UK game prices have dropped rather well on most titles so it is much cheaper to purchase the better games, which is definitely welcomed 🙂 Never mind Fraz maybe the Zombies will have a word with Chris, and more importantly, that should change his mind 🙂 Yaaaay
Maybe I should come over there and live with you then!
I don’t think Chris will even listen to the zombies but he might.
Yes you can live with me for sure, it will be games and chocolate treats, marshmallow and wine gum lunches followed by as many milkshakes you can drink 🙂
Hey and maybe Winky, Binky and
Twink will follow with such great treats 🙂
I could go for that! And all the other Wombies would too! You might end up with your whole place full of Wombies! That’d be awesome!
It wouldn’t bother me Fraz as I am a
big fan of you Wombies, as you know 🙂
I know! But they’d probably end up eating all your chocolate and wine gums!
Thank you for adding my zany Frazlek Peter, it looks much better here in Wombania 🙂
I want to give credit to Miss. Novia for her wonderful impression and brilliant notion of ‘Frazlek’ as I believe my original choice for this simple drawing was ‘Zombinator’ or something close 🙂 lol
Have a superb Friday and weekend Peter 🙂
You’re welcome, Andro. I always enjoy posting your work here.
Yes, Novroz’s title for your drawing was very good. Your original title was “Frazombinator.” I posted both versions on the fan art page here:
You see, I cannot even remember my own creations 🙂 lol It must be all the searches I did looking for the cast of ‘Creepy Halloween Time’.
Thank you for your great input, I think it will be a good story once it gets going, but if not, it was still enjoyable getting the characters sorted out and posted 🙂 lol
I’m glad I saved the earlier version of your drawing before you changed it.
Those kinds of user-driven stories like the one you’re doing now on your blog can end up going just about anywhere.
Yes and I am wondering where it will go next, it is quite good though, but more writers on it would have been a lot better I think.
Maybe after the weekend
it will be more fun and others
might join in? 🙂
The weekend is always a bit slow. Maybe another post on Monday with a link to the story would get more people involved. I couldn’t find it at first.
How about $5 and you can rent it for a few days?
I guess that’s better than nothing.
Wow…a video game costs $50? That’s very expensive (because I only play free games on my mobile 😉 )
Some of them are cheaper and some of them cost even more! Maybe I should get a mobile!
Don’t jump in so fast – mobiles are pricey (maybe $200+, and that’s without data plans)!
How come everything costs so much money? When I’m president prime minister king everything will be free!
I think you have inflation to thank for that. 🙂
Inflation should be banned then!
Mobile can be pricey but it has a lot usages Fraz 😉
You can go online, play games, chat, share your pics. Now, go ask Chris to buy one 😉
I did! And guess what he said? Well you probably know. No!
then…you have to find a job
My lemonade business didn’t do so good. Maybe I could help someone eat their chocolate for them!
Ohhh it started so well….
I thought so!
Oh…Fraz really needs to learn when not to be too honest!! Or at least holding on to the truth till mission is accomplished!!
Wasn’t he the one who did the same thing with the lemonade??
Someone’s needs to tutor him!!
Chris says always tell the truth. But when I do I get in trouble! I guess I do need to learn something.
Poor Fraz. I think you need a lesson or two in “timing.”
That might help!
great punchline!
Thanks, Denny!