James Bond Double-O Fraz
James bond probably never had to deal with uncool relatives when he was growing up.
(This comic strip was previously published on June 11, 2009.)
Novroz and her turtles Kroten and Papoe invited Fraz to Indonesia to explore the country. You can read about their adventures together on Novroz’s Underneath The Shell blog.
(Click on the picture to see the rest of Novroz’s comic.)
This is one of my favorite story…Fraz the cool and Winky the uncool 😉
Ow…the jump that will lead to humiliating thing…sorry Fraz, Kroten had made you done silly thing!
Loved the comic strip 🙂
I thought Novroz’s strip was really good, too. And so did Fraz.
Thank you Soma and Peter ((hug))
It was fun making it…if you don’t mind I want to make it again…but of course I have to wait till long holiday comes to visit me again *busy teacher needs more school holiday*
You’re welcome, Novroz! We look forward to any new strips you might produce. It’s always great to see what others do with my Wombies.
Maybe you could use Fraz’s Genie to get some more school holidays!
Your wombies stole a lot of people’s heart 😉
I wish genie can really make that come true. Indonesian school needs more holiday like schools in Europe and American.
That’s a very nice thing to say, Novroz.
It’s too bad Genie can’t give you more school holidays. I didn’t know you had a lot less holidays over there.
We don’t have 4 seasons here, so we don’t have summer or winter holiday, only holidays after school term and Eid holiday…in total, we only have 6 weeks of holidays in a year 🙁
I checked, and schools here have about 13 weeks of vacation a year, more than twice what you get. Fraz wouldn’t like that very much!
Wow!! that is so NOT fair!!
Maybe I should to your country, Peter.
Maybe you should! But you said before you didn’t like our winters very much.
Ah yes!! I guess we can’t get everything we want 😉
There’s always something, isn’t there? Maybe the Southern US, they have about the same school schedule as we do. And Hawaii should be nice!
I am definitely looking forward to your next piece of Wombie Art Miss. Novia 🙂 🙂
Thank you Andro ((hug))
I will do my best
Yes I know that you will and you
always do a fine job too Miss. Novia 🙂 🙂
I always try to be cool, but it’s hard around here!
Yeah, that jump probably wasn’t the best idea. But I still had a lot of fun visiting you and Kroten!
When you come again…i won’t ask you to do silly things Fraz…that’s a promise!
Okay, Kroten! But it was kinda fun anyway.
I hope I can come visit you soon!
So cool, Novroz! Jumping is fun!
I agree, thank you Miss. Novia for adding such a brilliant adventure 🙂
Thank you Red and Andro 🙂
It was fun making it.
Excellent work, Novia! 🙂
Thank you Deb 🙂
I am looking forward to your next project, I wonder if it will be another Fraz offering? 🙂
I hope so! I need a holiday from my uncool relatives!
I love to have you back here Fraz…but I suspected Mommy has other plan on her mind.
Well, that’s OK. I can maybe sneak away to see you anyway!
Yes and you are learning the art of sneaking past the Zombies too, here have a few of these chocolate flavoured jelly beans for being such a good student 🙂
Those zombies aren’t as bad as I thought they were. They’re kinda dumb, really. Can I take a few of those jelly beans to go?
Maybe Fraz Bond would work better. He likes his wine gums shaken not stirred.
ha ha ha wine gums shaken not stirred loved it 🙂
I always take my wine gums shaken, not stirred!
That’s a good idea, Barry! Maybe that would be better! I could be James Bond’s Wombie brother!
Now I know that Fraz would make a cool president. If he doesn’t become our president, I hear there is an opening as the president of the wine gum factory.
I’m still hoping to be President/Prime Minister/King. But if that doesn’t work out, I might like being president of a wine gum factory.
At least you weren’t caught singing into your hairbrush 🙂
Loon is that a confession? 🙂 lol
Does rather sound like the voice of experience…
Yes I think so too 🙂
NO!!!!! I am innocent until caught !!!!
Maybe I should instal some super-spy cameras in your hairbrush!
We will be watching Loon 🙂
I never do that!!
Did you see me?
We won’t tell.
I hope not.
oh my god i love James Fraz is the coolest super hero
hey fraz you don’t have to try you are the coolest.
I’m glad someone thinks so!!
No one around here thinks I’m cool!
The shades are uber cool.
I thought so! Plus no one can tell who I am!
i think you should call yourself 008 . As in I 8 all the chocolate !!!!
That’s a great idea!
James Fraz Bond.
Agent double-oh-8!
Now all I need is a cool car!
Anyone got an Aston Martin they’re not using?
No but you can use my turbo super injection Suzuki with Binky rocket thrusters attached if you like? 🙂
That would be great!
Thanks, Andro!
Does it have an ejector seat?
How about a wine coloured Hummer? You could call it the The Wine Hum Mobile!!!!
That’d be cool, too! You got a Hummer to loan me?
Loon were you meaning me or Fraz? 🙂
Loon’s disappeared! Maybe she’s been kidnapped by the zombies!
This is so very true. Family members are hard to impress.
That’s for sure!
This is absolutely brilliant Peter
and Fraz’s face in the reflection
is top notch 🙂 🙂 Really great 🙂
Thanks, Andro. While reflections look difficult, they are quite easy to achieve.
They are when it’s an
expert adding them 🙂
No expertise required, really. You just set the reflectivity of a material, and position the camera properly. Like usual for me, though, the lighting is the difficult part.
Hey don’t be confusing me with any technical jargon, however I might try a reflection on my next drawing, but I’m not telling what it is or the surprise will be lost 🙁
Drawing reflections is a whole different matter, though, because you have to actually draw them.
I look forward to your surprise!
That skulls effort wasn’t the surprise but I will be adding another drawing soon 🙂 I hope that your weekend was fun Peter 🙂
Thanks, Andro. I hope yours was too, with those scary movies and Fireball XL-5!
I know you’ve already heard this Fraz, but you don’t have to try to be cool…you already are! 🙂
I need to show this to Twink. She doesn’t think I’m very cool!
I think that might be because you don’t want to eat the veggies she try to feed you.
She’s always telling me to do something I don’t want to!
Tell her to spot it. 😉
Then she just makes me sit in the corner!
Who made her boss over you like that?
Because I’m much older than Fraz, and he needs a lot of mothering! He’d forget his head if someone didn’t tell him where he left it!
I know Twink, I just wanted to see what Fraz was going to say.
I don’t need any mothering! I’m double-oh-8, a famous secret agent!
I understand Fraz. 🙂 I brought you a jelly donut. 🙂
Yay! Donuts are good spy food!
Yes, the sugar in them will help keep you alert of your surroundings. Better eat 2 more. 😉
Very sweet as always xxx
Thanks, Cat.
Excellent work on the comic panels Peter! 🙂
Thanks, Deb. This one is quite old, actually.
I think I recall it, but it’s just as funny this time around. 🙂
Yes, I posted it here in 2009, but it was actually made in 2003.
Almost vintage. 🙂
And I can feel the years!
I hear ya. 🙂
We need more James Bond, and you added this at the most perfect time too 🙂 I mean what better way to celebrate fifty years of James Bond than to add James Fraz 🙂 Brilliant…
And I purposely planned it, too, the brilliant mastermind that I am. Or maybe it was just a coincidence.
No, you certainly picked the best moment and well done, it is one of my favourites and believe me all of your cartoons are superb Peter so it is increasingly difficult to pick a favourite when they are all equally fangtastic 🙂
Thanks, Andro. You are always much too kind! But I’m glad you liked it that much.
A little Wombie with a dream too big for his britches.
That’s Not True xx
believe please xx
i believe in you
Thanks for the thanks, Cat.
Believe, believe, believe!
I’ll keep telling myself that.
No tripping at the finish line!
Finish line? I don’t see any finish line. . .
Yes where is that finish line? Okay I am having another early off the pc evening, but I will be back in the morning so get ready for lots of interaction 🙂 BTW – I was watching some Fireball XL-5 on the Youtube the other day and it’s really good, I used to watch that when I was a youngster so it was fun to find some of those on there 🙂 Have a wicked evening and a great start to your week Peter 🙂
I know I used to watch the Thunderbirds, which was made by the same people. And I think I used to watch Fireball, too. Those animated puppets and the sets they had were pretty cool!
You won’t be surprised to learn that I still watch the Thunderbirds, you are right they were, and still are fascinating 🙂
Not that surprised! I haven’t seen a full episode of any of those shows in ages. I should check them out on Youtube. There was a new movie about 20 years ago that I never did see.
Bwahahahahahaha. Yep, your family and friends already know way too much about you. Can’t fool them no matter how hard you try.
Have a terrific day filled with chocolate and milk shakes. 🙂
Unfortunately that’s true. It’s a lot easier to impress people who don’t know you!
No matter what, you’ll always be Mama’s little boy!
But I’m James Fraz Bond!!
It’s okay, James Fraz Bond, we all have a momma.
I guess so. But it’s kinda embarrassing for a famous secret agent!
Oh, a famous agent…I didn’t know that. Well then, in that case you have a mission of eating these 6 top secret chocolate cupcakes. Once done take your self to the cloning center but be careful of the Zombies trying to stop you from you mission.
Oh boy, my first mission!
You must be M!
I won’t tell anyone, though!
Is that ‘M’ for more marshmallows? 🙂
I never thought of that! Maybe it is!
Mrs. More Marshmallows!
That’s Aunt Debbie’s secret spy name!
M here…Ready for your next mission James Fraz Bond?…Good. You must take this suitcase to Binky’s Lab…it has top secret information inside that could jeopardize chocolate moon mission if it does not get to him within the next 3 hours. Make sure you take your wooden sticks on a rope in case you run into someone who is sniffing too close to the case…they are the enemy that want to own all the chocolate on the dark side of the moon. I have packed you a big brown paper bag full of marshmallows to for you to eat on the way to make you look natural….Good luck Fraz Bond…we’re counting on you!
You can count on me, M!
I’m an expert on eating marshmallows and looking normal. No one will get their hands on that top secret information when I have it!
OK, I’m off!
How did your mission go, Fraz Bond?
It went perfect! After that high speed chase in Andro’s supped-up Suzuki. And the shootout in the warehouse. And the helicopter escape. And the fight on that lookout tower. After all that I delivered the suitcase to Binky’s lab without any problems at all!
or just ‘MMM’ for short 🙂
You mean M&M?
Are you disguising yourself as the chocolate now?
No, someone might think I’m a snack.
Yeah, I guess that could be dangerous. Especially around Winky!
Exactly! 🙂
No Deb I mean MMMmmmmmmmmmmmm 🙂
Poor Fraz!
Comments like that are enough to leave a guy shaken (if not stirred)!
Yeah. Family never realizes how cool you are!
Here you go James Bond Fraz…it’s your theme song.
That’s my theme song!
Yes, of course it is, it must be understood that you are the real thing around here.
I am!
I just have to get some way so that theme song plays whenever I enter a room!
Put it on a pocket recorder and push the play button as you enter. 😉
Why didn’t I think of that!
Like Andro would say. Brilliant!
You would have thought of it, after all your Fraz. 😉
Well, I dunno. Maybe.
No, you would have. 😉
IT always funny when you walk in on someone who doesn’t know anyone is watching.
Not when you’re that someone!
If James Bond is 007, what is Fraz?
See what I mean??
Fraz you need a golden gun next 🙂
I do!
The Wombie with a Golden Gun!
Or even ‘Live and Let Fraz’ 🙂
Yeah! That’s even better!
🙂 😉 🙂 😉
I wonder if Bond goes through the same thing….?
I doubt it! James Bond’s family would all be super cool!
I think you’re cool Fraz. You can pretend to be a super spy around me and I won’t tell! 🙂
I’m not pretending! I really am a super secret super spy!
I knew that 🙂
So did I.
But you guys can’t tell anyone! Or then it wouldn’t be a secret any more!
I won’t tell.
I didn’t think you would!
Or Andro, either.
Nope, mums the word. 😉
As long as the word isn’t “Fraz is a super secret spy”!
No, just, “Fraz is Super!”
Super Fraz!
That might be another one of my secret identities!
Me neither 🙂
I knew I could count on you to keep my super spy stuff secret!
That is sooo true! They will knock you down every time. Thanks for stopping by.
Family never realizes how great you are!
Unless it’s one us triplets.
Well, that’s different! We know how cool we are!
Cool…I found you some cool chocolate spy glasses. http://www.logosonchocolate.com/aspx/Store/Productdetail.aspx?ProductID=115
They’re pretty cool, but I’d probably eat them!
That what they are for. You wear your black pair, but eat this pair.
OK, I can do that!
he does look pretty cool with those shades
Thanks! It’s important to look cool when you’re a secret agent!
and remaining calm, cool and collective.
That’s me! Even if there’s chocolate around.
Yes, even when you are fighting sharks!
Yeah, I’m cool, even when I’m scared! Which is almost never! I mean I’m almost never scared. Not I’m almost never cool. Cause I’m always cool!
Fraz cool as everl! Cheers 🙂
I try to be!
Mission accomplished.
That one was easy! I need a more exciting mission next time.
Ha Ha good one!
No Matter How Hard You Try Theres Always Gonna Be That Relative That Brings down your Cool Meter
Yeah, that’s for sure!
Well, you still look cool to me, Fraz! 🙂
Thanks, Marieke!
Don’t let Winky bring you down, “James Fraz” has important missions to accomplish! 🙂
I do! I have to same the world!
You look great James. James Fraz 🙂
Thanks, Sabina! International super spies have to look good!
I am just calling in to drop off some Spambo-Wambo Burgers, Wine Gums, Marshmallows and Pancakes for you Wombies and all of our wonderful great friends here, it is almost time to watch Predator next, of course I have only watched that film about a hundred times already but I am having an evening off 🙂 lol
Be good everyone or else? 🙂
Thanks for all the treats, Andro!
That’s a scary movie! Everyone says it’s too scary for me!
It certainly is, and so you can go and watch the Woodentops instead, which I am sure that you will enjoy 🙂 Here have a pancake, I have just made these fresh this evening 🙂
I never heard of the Woodentops. I watched one on Youtube. It was pretty good. But a bit slow. And nothing blew up.
Yes well the last time I watched one of those I was just a youngster, and I guess they will seem slow these days 🙂 Here have another pancake 🙂
Pancakes go well with anything!
But he’s wearing shades indoors.
That is WAY COOL! 😀
All us cool spies do that!
“Please. Like I could’ve told a civilian my real name this whole time…”
That’s right, I’ve been an undercover agent the whole time!
So so cute!! I’m such a huge fan of James Bond too! James Fraz, nice to meet you.
I’m James Bond’s little Wombie brother!
You can be my secret French connection, Cha!
No problem! I accept.
You can be agent C!
True! My own relatives will expose me every time. 🙂
If you have a secret identity, you probably shouldn’t tell your relatives!
There’s nobody like family to make you “look stupid” or “feel embarrassed” when you’re trying to “act cool”. Been there, done that 🙂
That’s for sure! Family seem to be experts at that!