Lost Words
The older you get, the more often words disappear from the tip of your tongue. Where they go is anyone’s guess. (This comic strip was previously published on October 28, 2010.) In honour of young Prince George getting a large stuffed wombat on the royal’s recent trip to Australia, Fraz took a trip to London to show Prince George what a real Wombie is like. While down under, Prince George, being the highly intelligent Toddler that he is, took an immediate liking to his stuffed wombat, and clearly has a preference for wombats. This trait runs in the family, as Prince William, George’s father, was called Wombat when he was little. (Thanks to Cha from Dontchawannadream for the idea.) |
Me at the Tower of London Castle. The best castle ever! (Photo courtesy of ct253.)
Marching with the Buckingham Palace Guards. They wouldn’t give me a hat! (Photo courtesy of akivasha.)
The London Bridge. I wanted to raise the bridge but they wouldn’t let me do that either! (Photo courtesy of bugdog.)
Me and some red phone booths. I dunno what a phone booth is. (Photo courtesy of sylmac.)
A great tour of London Fraz. To wear one of those hats you have to have a high dome shaped head to fill it. I can’t believe they were such spoil sports about the bridge raising. It woulda been so much fun.
I think if Fraz tried one of those hats on, all we would see is his feet sticking out at the bottom 🙂 Thanks for that thought Tony it’s mint 🙂 lol
That woulda been funny! I coulda been Hat Fraz!
Hat Fraz, I like the sound of that one and it would make a good piece of art work I think 🙂
I always make a good piece of art work!
He’d disappear under all that furriness
I could be a like a ghost hat! Moving around under the hat and no one would see me!
Adults are always spoil sports! You mean all those guys with the hats on have dome heads??
Sure do. That’s the only thing stopping them slipping down over their faces
I wonder how they got that way? Maybe someone hit them over the head!
They put small ones on them as babies & gradually increase the size as they get older.
I’m glad I’m not them!
I think the lost words dissolve through the roof of you mouth & absorb into the forgotten memory section of your brain.
Cedric said to tell you it’s in sector M37
I hope there’s some cheese left for my next visit Tony, hopefully with a round of toast and chocolate cake and biscuits for afters 🙂 lol
Did someone mention chocolate cheese cake?
No but now that you have mentioned it let’s get Deb and Twink to make us a really big one, it will take a lot of eating but I know that you and me can manage it Winky 🙂
I’d like to help you two eat it too!
That sounds like a good explanation. I’d check sector M37, but I forget where it is.
Wow Tony how did you beat me here? Hmm… Good morning Tony, I guess we can always share the chocolate award for 1st place? 🙂 lol
This is great cartooning Peter, and a very funny one too. That’s the thing with thinking of something and forgetting in an instance, it was on the tip of Winky’s tongue there but I’m sure that his thought will come back to him, eventually 🙂
I love the London imagery, that’s absolutely awesome and a very good idea from Cha 🙂
Yes, Tony gets the coveted chocolate trophy this time. But you get the smaller second place trophy, so all is not lost. I’m not sure if Winky will ever get his thought back, but he’ll probably have another one. One day. Cha’s idea was great!
Yes Cha has come up with some awesome ideas snce she joined our Wombie community, and wha a fangtastc artist she is too I always enjoy calling into her Space and seeing what her creativity has produced 🙂
Thanks for the smaller 2nd Place Chocolate Trophy Peter, I will eat that later on with a glass of Deb’s special blend of chocolate fudge and cookie flavoured milkshake 🙂 I can hardly wait…
It wouldn’t be the same without Cha around here. And she comes up with some great ideas for her Wombie art, like the Star Wars/Fraz characters.
I was just going to comment that . . .
I forget 😳
I do that all the time!
I’m also wondering where they go, because I constantly lose them there too.
Tony said thoughts go to sector M37 so I think we should try to find that place!
Well now I don’t have to take a trip to London because Fraz has shown me all the sites! 🙂
Fraz, you must have gotten a lot of money from Binky’s books because that trip must have cost a pretty penny.
I didn’t have to use any of my money for the trip! I flew over on Frazline the jet Doron gave me! https://www.comics.wombania.com/fan-art-the-frazline-jumbo-jet-by-doron/
That Doron is a wickedly exciting artist Fraz and you are lucky to have his expertise in airline drawings to boost your already growing collection of transport 🙂 I wonder what you will get next? 🙂
I dunno Andro! But I can always use other cool things to drive or fly!
I might need to borrow that in September. Does this airline make nonstop flights from Germany to the US where other planes of similar size will not?
Frazline will fly you anyhere you want! The only stops we make is to fuel up on chocolate and wine gums if we run out. But we hardly ever run out!
Wow Fraz! Looks like you had a great time! 😀
I did! London’s really fun!
Luckily you were a good little Wombie or you could have ended up in the Tower of London, but then I guess if that happened there would be a huge supply of chocolate and wine gums to keep you company 🙂
I did end up in the Tower of London! But not as a prisoner. Just as a tourist!
Ah Winky, a lost of words. Could it be your getting some age to you?
Maybe. I don’t know. I think maybe I should eat more chocolate.
Of course, that what it is! I could have had a chocolate V-8!
I definitely need one of those!
Yes me too, I hope Deb saves
me something like the chocolate V-8 🙂
Deb always brings enough for everyone!
Fraz make a great looking Doctor!….love it!
I’m a really good doctor too!
I bet you are. How’s your rates?
You can pay me in wine gums!
Yes and pay me too Deb, I like chocolate chip cookies and toasted marshmallows 🙂
With chocolate sprinkles!
Cha did another outstanding job being creative with Fraz. Awesome work! 🙂
It was Cha’s idea that Fraz should visit the royals after Prince George received a stuffed wombat on their trip to Australia, but I made the pictures.
Yes, plus it was a little idea but that’s all!!
But thanks Deb! lol
Peter you did a fantastic job!!!
Thanks, Cha, but I think your idea was a BIG one.
It was a brilliant idea, Cha!
You did a fantastic job, Peter!
I’m the one who had to pose for all the pictures though!
You posed very well too, and Peter took the shots just at the right time…bravo to both of you!
Chocolate milkshakes for both of you too!
Yay milkshakes! I’ve got some pizza you can have!
I’m surprised that you have any pizza left as normally you eat those really quickly, but I am sure that Deb will enjoy a taste, or a lick of your fork 🙂
I have my pizza and pirate shop!
So I never run out of pizza for my friends!
Bwahahahahahahaha on the cartoon. That’s the truth and then some. I forget what things are all the time. Frustrating and then some.
Love the tour and all things wombat rock.
Have a fabulous day. 🙂
It is pretty frustrating when the word somehow gets lost between your brain and your mouth.
YAYYYYYYYY!!! I’m so happy!!! It looks awesoooome!!! Seriously!!! 🙂
And thanks for mentioning my name, that’s very kind of you.
I <3 Wombania.
If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have went to London! Yay Cha!
You always have
the best ideas Cha 🙂
Well then spit it out!!!
That would be kind of rude. Especially if I spit it on Fraz!
No spitting, unless of course you got a sprout in your mouth…but spit in a napkin.
I try to never put sprouts in my mouth!
I know, but you never know if you get a chocolate covered one, in which the once the yummy chocolate has dissolved your left with the icky thing in your mouth…grab the napkin and do what’s has to be done….spit.
I hope that never happens but it’s good to know what to do about it if it does!
I have that problem myself. 😉
It happens to the best f us!
Oh, how I can relate to the loss of words and what a trip for Fraz! I’m jealous! 🙂 He sure is photogenic and Cha was wonderful, as always, too! I wish I didn’t know what a phone booth was, either. 🙂
Next time I fly to London you should come! I flew over on my Frazline jet! Everyone could fit on it!
Count me in, Fraz, thanks! And will there be chocolate?
Of course! Chocolate and wine gums and pizza and milkshakes! All you can eat! Free!
Well, who could pass all this up and Free? Wow! 🙂
I dunno. I want everyone to be happy when they fly Frazline!
I have the same problem… I thing the words get stuck on the back of my teeth.
Words seem to get more elusive the older we get!
I bet it got scared just hanging there and ran back up to your brain.
I hope it found my brain!
I can’t tell you how many times my wife and I have had this conversation when I lose the Honeybaked ham at holiday gatherings. W.C.C.
I lose a lot of food that way, too!
I think there is a black hole on the tip of the tongue because a lot of stuff gets lost there.
A black hole on the tip of the tongue would explain a lot!
Fraz is living the life! And what fun it looks like he’s having doing it too. 🙂
I had a lot of fun in England! That’s where wine gums come from!
I’ve noticed it’s happening to me more often. I forget a student’s name and I’m thinking, “I know this kid and I can’t believe I cannot recall his/her name!”
I think I need some memory supplements or something!
And the good thing is it only gets worse with age! Memory supplements and fancy name tags!
Yes! Name tags!
Looks like he ate his words.
I might have accidentally!
Wow!! Fraz has been busy!! What a tourist 😉
I hope Winky can find the lost word
My trip to London was fun! You should come with me next time!
I wouldn’t mind tagging along on your next trip too Fraz maybe all three of us can tour London and eat chocolate all the way round too 🙂
We won’t give any to the Beefeaters as they only eat beef, but we might be able to tempt them with some Spam 🙂
Maybe even the Queen and Prince Philip will like some of our wine gums and chocolate chip lollipops? We can drop some off for them both on our tour… Miss Novia can have a Spambo-Wambo Burger and we will eat mint and turnip ice creams 🙂
That sounds like a lot of fun! Maybe you should plan all our trips! The Queen wouldn’t see me on my trip. She pretended to be all busy and stuff.
I can send my turtles across the world, that’s all I can do. Maybe they can go with you 😉
That would be awesome! We could have lots of fun together! Too bad you can’t come though.
lost for words… thought I would never hear it? sorry for lost appearences… I might need some of Deb’s V8… How long would it take me to get to mars with it?
Deb’s V8 chocolate is really good! You should try some! I dunno how long it might take you to get to mars though. Binky has a hard time just getting to the moon!
I hate when words just disappear like that Where the heck do you suppose they run off to?
I think there must be a lost word world!