Meatball Catapult
The Dark Ages would have been a lot brighter with more meatballs.
Our great friend Andro drew a picture of Fraz painting up a storm. Fraz enjoys painting, and can be quite an artist when he wants to be. You can visit Andro on his Gray Dawster blog.
Discussion (63) ¬
I like your new Meatball Catapult Fraz, and I am guessing that Winky is enjoying it too 🙂
I am! It works for chocolate Easter eggs, too!
I love the expression on
Winky’s face as he ponders
what flavour of meatball
will be coming his way next 🙂
This is awesome cartooning my
great friend and just looking at
the scene makes me laugh out
loud, so it’s a BIG LOL for your
fine efforts 🙂 Have a fantastic
start to your Monday 🙂
Thanks, Andro. Yes, Winky was full of anticipation as he waited for the next shot. I think he was pleased with it.
I bet he was full after it too,
his enthusiasm for eating never
changes, especially when there
is something spicy on the menu,
oh and chocolate, pancakes, ice
cream, spam and wine gums is
on the catapult shooting list 🙂
I wasn’t really full, but I guess I was satisfied. A dessert catapult sounds like a great idea!
Thank you for adding my
whacky approach to drawing
Fraz Peter, I certainly do
appreciate your kindness my
great friend 🙂 I wonder what
I will be drawing next? 🙂
You’re welcome, Andro. We await your next piece with great anticipation.
It will be arriving here soon Peter 🙂
That sky looks cloudy with a chance of meatballs
I wish! It didn’t rain any meatballs, though.
Well meatballs make everything better! 🙂
They sure do!
This contraption is making me hungry!
I’ll let you catch the next meatball!
Sink your teeth into that one!
I did! And it was yummy!
What a great invention, Binky, and can I have meatballs for breakfast? 🙂
Of course, Lauren. Firing away!
I was pretty sure meatball was correct and I was right.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
It is and you were!
I wish everyday would be a meatball day! I’ll have chocolate chip meatballs.
That would be awesome! I’ll shoot some chocolate chip meatballs your way!
LOL and I larfed at Tony’s comment 🙂
Have a meatballtastic week 🙂
I’ll try to have as many meatballs as I can!
Why isn’t that a thing?
Wouldn’t you go to a restaurant that had one?
Maybe we should open up a chain of meatball catapult restaurants!
Ahahahah fun+food at the same time = i want one for me too!
Food should always be fun! I’ll ask Binky to make you your own meatball catapult.
Medieval meets meat.
And it was a meaty meeting!
At my signal, unleash meatloaf!
I will!
No, he meant precisely what he said… Don’t try to put words in his mouth, you human.
Yeah Chris always tries to do that!
Medieval catapults work with meatballs.
I wonder if meatball catapults work with medievals?
I need one….. can it catapult ferrero rochers?
It can! That’s what you get for dessert!
I like the way you serve meatballs – now how are you going to handle the spaghetti? W.C.C.
I dunno. Maybe I’ll just throw it at Winky!
Nope, pretty sure it’s a meatball catapult. Chris, quit making up words.
Chris makes up big words all the time!
Now you know better than to play with your food!
Wombies have to play with their food! It’s the law!
Will it work for chocolates too?
Yep! It works really good for chocolate Easter eggs!
I bet Winky catches every meatball!
I’d never miss a meatball!
I like Andro artwork posted up there. He always is so entertaining!
It was certainly nice to see some new artwork from Andro.
I like the dreamy look on Winky’s face. 🙂
I was dreaming about the next meatball to come!
I saw the Red Arrows but not one meatball flying in my direction yet… spicy with chocolate chip please.
I’ll shoot you some spicy chocolate chip meatballs right away! Get ready to catch them!
Now I can’t wait to see the Spaghetti Slinger in action!
That’d be cool! I’ll ask Binky to make one!
Can you aim the meat ball to Indonesia 😉
I’ll try to but I don’t know if it’ll go that far!
Little V says cheese balls would be a great source of ammunition.
I love cheese balls!