National Geographic Cover
The Wombies were proud to grace the cover of National Geographic a few years back. This exposure lead to their international comic strip deal which made stars of them all.
The tenth anniversary of the comic strip is coming up in a couple of months.
Sweet! 😀
Chocolate is sweeter!
Page 114-They’re going where the chocolate is! 🙂
Great cover, Peter! 🙂
Those Wombies will always find the chocolate, that’s for sure.
Thanks, Deb.
I agree with Deb, and we all know where they are coming from too, and that is the nearest chocolate factory, which just happens to be Winky’s place 🙂
Winky’s chocolate factory is, not surprisingly, like a Wombie magnet.
They deserved to be on the cover and have all those articles done about them. Helps us understand how complicated they are….and then sometimes not so much.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
They’re not too hard to understand. Chocolate and wine gums and rockets are pretty much it.
No wonder they are so famous. Next thing you know they will be on the cover of “The Rolling Stone”. Way to go wombies.
Yeah we’re famous now! Yay!
Maybe I should learn to play the drums.
You can play a guitar too if you like Fraz 🙂
Maybe I could play the drums and guitar at the same times! And sing too! I could be a whole band!
A One Wombie Band I like
the sound of that Fraz 🙂 🙂
So do I! I could call it The Frazzles!
Oops. I put the wrong email address on the previous comment and it made my gravatar look weird.
No problem, Bo, I fixed it.
Fantastic! And is the map a 3′ (1 meter) fold out map?
Of course! With all the extra features like topography, land usage, natural resources, and special hidden treasure locations.
That is mega-cool! I love it. 😀
Thanks, George. Your Addanac City cast belongs on National Geographic, too.
They’re more important than the President and super stars!
And I’m gonna be president one day too!
And Prime Minister 🙂
Yep prime minister too! And king!
Yeah, and your already a super star when you beat the Big Show and won the heavy weight championship!…that belt looked good on you too! 🙂
I have the belt on my wall! Right next to my Nobel Prize! I wear both of them sometimes. Not together though!
Aw, that’s cool, Fraz!
I think since I’m guessing their both on the wall right now that you need to hold this huge milkshake, and drink it! 🙂
That’d be a great way to celebrate that school’s over for the weekend! Yay! Plus I’m thirsty!
Let’s have one of Deb’s famous chocolate fudge and cherry topped milkshakes 🙂 I always enjoy drinking those with a large bag full of wine gums and a few boxes of chocolates at our disposal 🙂
That’s the only way to drink them! Or with one of my extra large pizzas! Or some pancakes!
Dropping off the milkshakes for you two now.
Send me and extra large mombo with everything on it…hold the anchovies….those are icky.
OK good! It’s one of my Super Fraz Super Special Wombie sized pizzas!
I used to peruse the pages of National Geographic for pics of the topless women. I bet I’m not the only one.
Twink will have
to be careful I think 🙁
I am ALWAYS fully dressed! Well, furred.
That because you are a respectable Wombie, Twink!
I certainly try to be.
That’s an effortless job for you, Twink. 🙂 Your a natural lady.
Thank you, Deb. I think you are, too.
Someone cut them in half??
They forgot the headline “Why they are responsible for the rise in chocolate prices”
I only have 8 warehouses full of chocolate! I’ve got to make sure we don’t run out!
I would think that all the chocolate you eat would boost the economy.
I bet it does! There’s not that many of us Wombies, but we probably eat as much chocolate as all you humans combined!
Only eight warehouses? I think we need to add at least another ten don’t you think? 🙂
Sure. Do you want to help me fill them?
Wow a decade of the
Wombies how cool is that 🙂
We will have to have a
big anniversary party for
that fantastic occasion 🙂
I hope Deb has enough
ice cream and fudge for
everyone? 🙂
Yes, almost a decade now. It’s hard to believe. And none of the Wombies have aged one bit. They must be stuck in some sort of Wombie time warp.
I’m sure the Wombies are planning something big, but they’re not telling me anything.
It’s always like that in cartoon world, and we wouldn’t want it any other way either 🙂 I for one always enjoy your cartoon adventures, they are well thought out, incredibly funny and the art work is second to none 🙂
The whole package at Wombania rocks Peter and I am looking forward to the next ten years 🙂
Have a fun weekend my great friend 🙂
Thank you, Andro. You are always too kind. Maybe the next ten years can bring a little more fame and fortune. That would be nice.
Congrats on making it big time!
We’re famous now! Maybe we’ll get on their tv show!
I like the sound of that one Fraz 🙂
I’ve always wanted to star in a National Geographic tv special!
😯 Tell me they aren’t naked? National Geographics are infamous for choosing naked tribes on their covers.
Hmmm, that might explain “This EXPOSURE lead to their international comic STRIP deal which made stars of them all. Just sayin
We’re not naked!! We’re wearing our naturally fluffy fur coats!
And I don’t know anything about that deal. I don’t get paid anything!
That’s awsome guys. Now remembe not to let the fame go to your head. But this does calle for the finest chocolate.
I’d far rather have chocolate go to my head than fame! Chocolate is a lot more yummy!
That way more important than fame!
A full tummy is more important than just about everything!
Hunger is a very bad thing. 🙁
I’m hungry for your latest chocolate invention. 🙂
I’m working on some special Wombat Day chocolates. I’ll send you some samples!
Well, that’s big time!! Congrats to the wombats, woot!!
It was fun being famous!
You always famous. Well, at least to me you are!
One day maybe I’ll be famous to everyone!
You are one of the greatest little Wombies in the world Fraz 🙂 Everyone knows that 🙂
Chris doesn’t seem to! I’ll go remind him!
10 years! Wow! Congrats!
Didn’t you know that bloggers are supposed to go strong for 4 months and then stop blogging?
Thanks, Dave. It’s 10 years for the comic strip, though, not the blog. The online posting of the cartoon started in February 2009, although the Wombania website does go back to 2003.
I’m sure you’ll be getting a Halloween/Thanksgiving (Canada of course)/Christmas special from CBS real soon 🙂
Just don’t tell that Peanuts gang.
That would be super. Though it would most likely be from the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) than CBS. The Wombania Thanksgiving Special could be all about the Wombies eating. Eating cake, chocolate, wine gums, pancakes, milkshakes. . . It would be a very fulfilling show.
I’m hoping somebody would be called a blockhead at least once followed by a good grief 🙂
No CBS huh? Well, hopefully CBC is better. The only thing CBS has got going for them is their Christmas specials.
We get CBS too, and all the American networks, and most of the cable channels, too. It’s just that CBC is local.
I don’t know, those are the Peanut catchphrases. We should come up with something more Wombie-ish.
I’ve just been informed by WP that I have been with them for three years, it doesn’t seem that long but I am still enjoying the ride so how cool is that? 🙂
Congratulations on your three years, Andro! Most people’s blogs tend to die out long before that. Time always seems to be speeding up, doesn’t it?
I need a copy, and congrats on the anniversary!
Thanks, David. I think the Wombies have hoarded all the copies of that special edition, unfortunately.
Ooo…congratulations on making the cover (and a whole publication) in National Geography!! Will there be chocolates and ice cream for the 10th anniversary celebrations??
There’d better be! And a big cake, too! We’ve worked really hard for those ten years! Well, kinda hard. Well, maybe not too hard. But I still want cake and ice cream and chocolate!
Well Winky, I was kinda hoping you guys would be sponsoring the cakes and chocolates and ice cream 😛 I’ll bring along some gifts uhmm..chocolate covered edible uh…something…..*crosses fingers and waits for invitation*
Of course you’re invited, Shree! And you don’t have to bring anything. There’ll be lots of cake and chocolate and yummies for all of us!
Wow! Ten Years! That’s an amazing feat Peter! That mock cover is hilarious!
Thanks, Denny. And those ten years seem like only twenty.
WoW!!! I am suitably impressed. I should go eat chocolate to celebrate
You should! I’m eating chocolate right now to celebrate.
I will be having an ice cream lolly soon covered in chocolate with peanut chips, almonds to be exact 🙂 Who else fancies one? 🙂
I might be talked into one. or two. Actually, you don’t have to talk me into it!
When is the Rolling Stone cover coming out?
The Rolling Stone interview would be a good one.
I agree, the Wombies need to
be on all the best magazine covers 🙂
I think so too! I’m gonna start calling them all!
So, is our 10 Year Anniversary at the beginning of November or December? 🙂 We need to know so that we can all start organising the biggest Wombie party ever 🙂 Even the Zombies are getting excited about it 🙂 Yaaaaay
I had to look that up. The first cartoon was for the week of November 17, 2003. I guess we’ll have to plan for something big for that week or I’ll never hear the end of it from the little guys.
Oh…you guys make great cover!! I sure hope this edition will be sold in Indonesia 😉
So do I! More people need to find out about us Wombies!
I can be the translator for this wombies special edition 😉
That would be great! Then the next time I come over to visit you everyone would know about me!
The cutest band ever!!! 🙂
Maybe we should record a song!