One Hit Wombie
Writing a hit song would be much easier if you didn’t have to make up the whole thing.
Editiorial cartoonist Bearman is holding a charity drive to raise money for the Cincinnati FreeStore Foodbank and the Red Cross Japanese Earthquake relief fund. Check out Bearman’s website to see how you can make him donate more money. And best of all, it won’t cost you a dime!
Discussion (62) ¬
Hmm, yes, Men At Work found that out the hard way too!
as, too, did George Harrison !
Oh well, at least George could afford the settlement. Fraz would have a lot of trouble paying up.
I would imagine it happens subconsciously quite a lot, finding out that the song you’ve just written is actually a reworking of some old tune that was stuck in your head.
Perhaps Fraz should consider writing a song for Bollywood ?
Taking a hit pop song from the West, keeping the original melody but swapping the original english lyrics for new Hindi ones seems a failry common practice 😆
Sounds like a formula for success! Now Fraz just has to learn some Hindi.
Other Song Titles:
Some Where Over the Insane Ho.
Paradise City: same title but different lyrics : “Take me down to the paradise city where the girls are green and the grass is pretty (I saw this in the newest Star Trek film).
This could be a new trend. Old songs, slightly new lyrics.
hahaha that’s a nice twist. where girls are green really cracks me up.
As long as they’re not green because they’re sick.
Ha ha, fraz is going to have to dig deep.
But i suspect that he has a strong support network. lol
Digging deep sounds like too much work. I think I’d rather just take a nap.
Thanks for the shout out.
Isn’t that how Weird Al makes a living???
But Al Yankovic’s songs are officially parodies, so I guess that makes it okay. And profitable.
I made a musical CD once. I released it on the Benny Hinn label and the hole kept healing up though and it wouldn’t play.
I suppose the CD was trying to tell you something, but I won’t hazard to guess what.
I dunno if I agree with Chris, “When you wish upon a car” sounds pretty catchy.
The song might be catchy, but it could catch the wrong things, like the attention of some music lawyers.
But it would make for such a swell jingle though. I can see some automobile company using it.
And how did we both have the same tune stuck in our heads on this precise day? Check out the title of my strip today. 🙂
That’s a good idea. I think I’ll call up the big car companies and see if I can sell them the song.
“When You Wish Upon A Starbuck’s” Good one, George! That’s pretty funny that we both referred to the same song on the same day!
Isn’t that how “On top of Spaghetti” was made?
That’s right!! So why can’t I get away with stealing a good tune??!! It’s for a good cause. Me!
I can think of one reason: You’re not a chipmunk!
I’ll paint on some stripes, and I bet no one will be able to tell the difference. Might need to add a tail, too.
Uh I wanted to write a hit song once but was afraid I would be arrested for assault!
As usual very cute cartoons! Keep up the good work! W.C.C.
Those are the kind of hits best avoided. Best try for a Top 40. No one should be upset about that.
I made a mixed cd of various artists and called it what I wanted; private stock mind you. Give Fraz some cookies to take his mind off it a while.
Mmmm. . . Cookies! What were we talking about?
Bwahahahahahahaha. Reminds me of Bucky Katt. He’s always doing this very same thing.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
That cat can’t steal my idea! I’m gonna sue!
Bucky’s already been sued
Did the plaintiff win any catnip?
Ah man!
What a bummer!
They could have followed that up with Twinkle Twinkle Little Car and everything!
That sounds like another hit to me! We definitely should try to sell the car companies these songs.
They could do worse!
Even if it’s too late for rock stardom throwing out a jingle or two might still be fun!
There’s only so many chords, and Elvis was huge playing cover songs.
Considering you’re a real musician, we’ll take that as a vote in our favor!
How about “When you wash upon a car”? Is that still too close? It makes sense though.
That sounds like a good variation, too, if it wasn’t for the lawyers.
I used to go downtown and volunteer at the Cincinnati FreeStore Foodbank all the time! This is such a good cause. I hope you get a lot of donations!!
It’s actually Bearman over at Bearman’s Cartoons who is doing the charity drive. It should be around $500 or more by now.
Haha! Somehow, somewhere, I can hear a plaguarism lawyer’s spider senses tingling! 🙂
Yeah, they’re probably all over Fraz by now, read to suck out his blood.
We should start a band!
We could name the band The Wombie Pawns!
Yes, I’ll order the T-shirts.
We’re rich, we’re rich!
You know, this plagiarism thing is a pretty sketchy arena. The more recipes I read, the more I realize how much is co-opted, often w/out credit.. no different from art, literature, and all the rest.
I never really thought of how it applies to recipes. You mean we’re often eating plagiarised food? No wonder I have indigestion!
I think a recipie counts as a scientific procedure: you can publish it, but you hold no rights to it
I didn’t realize that, but it generally seems to be the case, though the details of it (like most things legal) can get a little complicated.
It doesn’t seem fair that all the great songs have already been written. Maybe I would have written “When You Wish Upon a Star” first if I’d been born seventy years ago.
Exactly! It’s prejudice against us kids!
hehe. 🙂
what? that’s illegal? “oops, I did it again…” yup, it’s a lot tougher than I thought to come up with a hit song…
That’s why it’s easier to just change an old hit. A lot less work, and better results, too!
good luck with the song writing Fraz 🙂
you could always find an inspiration by having a hot chocolate.
A hot chocolate, with some chocolate-chip cookies, and some chocolate cake, and fudge brownies. . .
Does Binky help with the laundry?
I built a nuclear-powered dryer, but no one seemed to appreciate the extra glow it gave to the clothes.