Power Lemonade Stand
If your price is right, you don’t need quantity, you just need one big sale to the right buyer. Power Lemmondae (TM), the price of excellence!
Cha, our artist friend from France, painted a nice little watercolor of Fraz . You can visit Cha’s blog Donchawannadream to see much more of her art, or click on the painting to see the original post by Cha.
Discussion (109) ¬
This is a rough business model. He may need to downsize soon.
I’ll downsize as soon as I make a sale.
Would you like some lemonade?
Are there any freebies Winky? 🙂
For you, yes. But not for just anybody that walks by! I’d go out of business before I got any business!
Thanks Winky I will just have a small sample of your enterprisingly tasty Power Lemonade 🙂 Mmmmm
Do you feel the Power?
Yes and it is deliciously fizzy too 🙂
That’s all part of our secret recipe!
Do they charge extra for the extra “M” in Lemon??
Great pic Cha…though now I want to Cha Cha if I could only dance.
No, that’s included in the $1,000,000. We use only the best quality double-m strength lemons for our Power Lemmonade (TM).
It’s the best picture ever ’cause it’s of me!
Thank you very much, Bearman!!
Ahah Cha Cha is so much fun. And… what a great dance name! lol
it’s all about finding your market! And when / if the wombies do, they’ll have to let me know… seems like shares of this thing could go public at any moment!
We’ll keep you up to date. So far there’s been a lot of lookers, but no buyers.
You need a sweltering hot day and a few millionaires in the queue 🙂
Thirsty millionaires are a lot harder to find than I thought!
Winky is applying the basic concept of economy`za
Yeah, but it doesn’t seem to be working very well! At least not yet.
Have you come up with new plan yet?
Not really. If I don’t make a sale soon, I think I’m going to drink it all myself and be worth a million dollars that way.
Ohhh mon petit Fraz looks tired!!
Posing for an artist is tiring!
Maybe a bigger glass will attract more customers.
That might be an idea! You can have the whole jug for a million dollars, if you want.
lol . . . if only I had a million.
So I guess you won’t be a customer anytime soon?
That is way more expensive than panda poo tea!!!
And much better tasting, I’m sure!
That Panda Poo Tea sounds revolting 🙁 lol
Maybe Pandas like it?
Maybe you need to try some fancy packaging!
The basic glass and jug look doesn’t seem to be getting any interest.
Somebody should listen to Jim Rohn. 😀
I didn’t know about him. Maybe I should read his books while I wait for a sale.
Maybe mark it down. If it’s “Half off!” then it’d look like a steal at 500k
That’s an idea! Have a glass of Power Lemmonade (TM) and save half a million dollars!
And with all the energy from the Power Lemmonade (TM), you customers would be raring to spend all their savings. Maybe, they could invest in your business!
I like the way you think! Maybe you should be my money manager!
I don’t think he’ll make that sale…
But I’m counting on it!
At least you have positive thinking, Winky.
Yep! But at this point that’s the only thing I have that’s positive.
Bwahahahahaha. I don’t think he’s going to get one bite on this. Just saying.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
There’s still hope! I think!
You just need one millionaire with good sense of humour. 🙂 But I’m afraid, that you’ll wait for him so long, that finally you’ll drink all lemonade. hehe
I’m hoping for that millionaire, or maybe even a billionaire, to pass by any minute now.
I’d like to have a drink of my Power Lemmondae (TM), but I can’t afford it!
I love you Winky
Does that mean you’ll buy a cup? I’ll throw in the jug and the stand, too!
Maybe you should offer free pancakes and wine gums or just charge $10,000 a sip 🙂
Free pancakes would be a good idea. And all the syrup you can drink. If I had a million dollars, I’d go for it!
Stanley is my kind of guy!
Seems reasonably priced as it is POWER lemonade after all. You’d probably sell more if your Sale’s Rep wasn’t asleep. He needs to be out there visiting potential customers & heading up a huge advertising campaign.
Fraz hasn’t been much help, that’s for sure. We’re selling Power Lemmonade, and he’s asleep! Well at least he’s not drinking away our product.
Can I make a down payment?
Absolutely! As long as it isn’t in Monopoly money.
Lemonade wrapped in a gold leaf???
If that’s they way you want it, sure! And no extra charge, either!
Maybe you should throw in a house or a fondue set as well????
A fondue set maybe. I think a house might kind of cut into my profits. Unless you mean a dollhouse.
Time to lower the price.
Catch My Words
Would you be more likely to buy it at 50% off?
Here’s an idea: Free power lemonade! $1,000,000 for the antidote.
But what happens when they figure out they don’t need an antidote?
I think you should go public. Sell advance shares. After all, you already have a million dollar product!
That’s right, I do! Though I haven’t sold a cup yet. But still, maybe some people would like to invest in my Power Lemmonade (TM). It has potential!
Perhaps you should freeze some on sticks and charge $5,000 a lick? 🙂
I could do that. “Taste a million dollars, for only $5,000!”
That is a good jingle, maybe Fraz can sing that to the gathering crowds instead of snoozing? 🙂
If I sing that, do I get half the profits?
Well you will definitely get lots of treats put it that way 🙂
Okay, then! I’ll sing!
I am going to have to remember this power of POSITIVE THINKING the next time I am depressed by not making a sale! Fun stuff! W.C.C.
Positive thinking is good, but I sure wish it’d turn into a positive sale. I’m getting tired sitting out here all day.
That happened to me when I was a kid with an old neighbor, and we did not have high prices. problem there was no traffic.
Selling lemonade can be tough! Maybe if we moved our stand down to the mall. . .
I think moving the cart down millionaire’s row would be a better prospect 🙂
I didn’t know there was such a place! I’m only my way!
I see he already has his eye set on retirement. 🙂
I’ve worked hard all week, I’m ready to retire!
Can’t balme him for trying. Every little bit helps.
I wish I could get a little bit of that million, but so far nothing!
Maybe we need to start up a Power Lemonade Raffle, then wait until a million tickets have been sold… and then you will have your million dollars 🙂
That’s a good idea, but I wonder how long it’ll take to sell a million tickets? There’s only two of us selling, and one of us is still asleep! And it’s not me!
Just keep trying.
I will, thanks!
Thats a good business model, just make one sale and you’re SET FOR LIFE!
It sounded good to me, too, but it hasn’t worked out so well! I’m still hoping for a sale.
Maybe you will sell plenty over the weekend 🙂
Yeah, maybe some of those weekend cyclists or runners or something will be thirsty enough to buy some.
Yes Winky what an excellent thought and with so many running and cycling past there is bound to be someone thirsty enough to buy some 🙂
I would have thought so, but it looks like none of them wanted our Power Lemmonade (TM)!
Ha! Just one!
Great!! So how would you like to pay?
So that comes out to about $15,000 per drop, right? Those must be some expensive lemons!
We only use the highest quality double-m lemmons for our Power Lemmonade (TM).
Cha did a great job on Fraz’s painting. She never disappoints!
Winky! Have you lost your sweet little mind…$1000.00?
Yeah, Cha’s portrait really captured Fraz’s expression.
Yes, indeed!
That’s $1,000,000 not $1,000! For a thousand dollars it’d hardly be worth sitting out here all weekend.
Oh well then…that change everything. So um, er a, have you seen your doctor lately. I mean, a , well…never mind. Just have yourself a big plate of chocolate at the beach house. There is one there with your name on it.
Are you trying to tell me something?
I guess it doesn’t matter. That chocolate is good!
Nah…it was nothing. But eating the chocolate is really something…so you enjoy it now.
You don’t have to worry about that!
That must be… ‘SPECIAL’ lemonade. I love the illustration below!
Yes, Cha did a great interpretation of Fraz!
It’s made with REAL artificial lemons!
Special million dollar double-m lemmons!