One of the students in my classroom had super glue in her bookbag. She took it out during class one day while at the back round table and burnt a bunch of little holes in the fake wood. I didn’t give her that particular nickname, but I was not a happy teacher. At least her hand didn’t get stuck. I should be grateful for that… 😉
That’s Binky for you,
always quick with his
wit… and super fast
on his getaways too 😃
Hope you get unstuck soon Winky 👍
I did get unstuck, but I didn’t get Binky yet! I’m not going to share my chocolate with him next time.
No, he might take the whole
stash next time… how cheeky
of him not to help you get free,
it’s just not good enough 😐
Binky can be mean sometimes.
Just wait until he unsticks. 😉
Yeah, Binky better keep running!
That is dangerously stick stuff by any name.
And it’s super strong, too!
Bwahahahahahahaha. This made me laugh out loud.
Have a fabulous day. 🙂
I think Binky thought it was pretty funny, too!
Rin Binky! Run!
He’d better hide, too!
Glad you’re unstuck Winky! Twink must’ve stopped by with the nail polish remover.
Twink is my hero! I could have starved!
You gotta hand it to Binky, that was a good one!
I’d like to hand it to him, all right.
One of the students in my classroom had super glue in her bookbag. She took it out during class one day while at the back round table and burnt a bunch of little holes in the fake wood. I didn’t give her that particular nickname, but I was not a happy teacher. At least her hand didn’t get stuck. I should be grateful for that… 😉
Superglue and kids is never a good or safe combination!