Test Answers
Tests would be a lot easier if teachers weren’t so rigid in the answers that they accept.
(This comic strip was previously published on December 7, 2009.)
Fraz was recently interviewed by Scholar Mel about his race for the presidency. You can read Fraz’s presidential interview here.
And, in the same vein, Debbie Adams painted Fraz a new election poster in hopes he’ll get elected president in 2012. You can see the original poster of Fraz For President on Debbie’s blog.
F for Fraz,F for fun,F for fabulous,F for free chocolates, F for fantastic….Fraz rocks 🙂
and he should be made the world leader, president of all the countries..My vote is for Fraz 🙂
That’s lots of good ideas! I wish you were my teacher!
And thanks for the vote!
I agree with Soma 🙂
‘F’ for Frazzy the Great 🙂
I wouldn’t mind getting those kinds of “F”s!
No me neither 🙂
🙂 🙂
Only prob is explaining to Chris the “f”s are for fabulous and fun. Good luck with that 🙂
Yeah, Chris isn’t always as dumb as he looks.
Not always but sometimes he is 🙂
Lucky for me!
No good deed goes unpunished.
I should just stick to eating chocolate. It’s safer.
and tastier too. 😉
Much tastier!
I can feel another party coming on 🙂
We could start now…I’ll get some cake.
I’ll get the Wombies!
We could make it a Wombat Day Long Weekend Party since Wombat Day is Monday!
Great idea!
Now lets all pitch in and get some spam salad, spambo burgers, Wine gums any way you can think to eat them.
Have Twink warm up that pancake maker cos were going to need it running all weekend! 🙂
Sounds good! We need some milkshakes, too! And I had my chocolate factory make some special Wombat Day wombat-shaped chocolates just for us!
I like the sound of that 🙂 Hey Deb did you hear what Winky is doing, he is getting his production line going so that we will have Wombat-Shaped Chocolates all day long, I think he means all night long too 🙂 Wow we are going to need loads of milkshakes too 🙂
Excellent. I just brought a keg full of chocolate milk shake, and it need to be put on ice.
Actually those special wombat-shaped chocolates will be made all weekend long! So we’ll never run out! And with Deb’s milkshakes and Twink’s pancakes it should be the best long weekend Wombat Day party ever!
I also have a cake in my oven that’s too large to go on a plate. So gather around it and start munching.
With us munching on it, your cake won’t be too large to fit on a plate for very long!
That’s good because I need to get that oven door closed.
Don’t worry, Deb! I’m on it!
I’ve already got my biggest spoon ready 🙂
You’ll need it! This is an emergency cake eating rescue mission!
In that case i will bring a fork along too and that way I can eat cake with both spoon and fork at the same time 🙂
I always eat with both hands, too!
I will bring some extra boxes of Party Hats I think that we are going to need them 🙂 It’s almost Wombat Day here you know? 🙂
I know! I’m going to stay up late to get an early start on the celebration!
You two got that oven cleaned out yet….I still see some cake in there! How about a big shake for the both of you so you can wash down what you ate and so you can finish the rest. 🙂
Well I know I can’t resist cake and milkshakes! That oven will be cleared out in no time!
Keep eating Winky! I think you’ve put a big dent into it! 🙂
I’m eating as fast as I can!
I think Fraz should become a teacher and teach his own subject. Something like… Frazology.
Frazology! That would be great! I’d be an expert in that!
That would make you a Fraziatrist 🙂
Fraziatrist! I like that! That sounds important!
Well you are important, Fraz, and you know everything about yourself, so it would only makes sense to give you another very important title.
I wonder if being a Fraziatrist will help me get more votes?
or what about Fraz the inventor, an inventor of everything frazilicious 🙂
I’ll add both of those to my resume! Everyone will have to vote for me now!
I have voted for you about five times now 🙂
Does it lets you do that? Shh…Don’t let our government know.
I wonder if I can vote for myself a million times?
You should try in, but your already in the lead by 100%. Just as I told you before…it’s a landslide. 😉
That’s good! But an extra million votes would be nice!
The race isn’t over yet! 🙂
I know, and I don’t want to lose at the last minute!
Yes you can vote as many times as you like but only if you have signed out and in again 🙂
I didn’t know that!
Thanks, Andro!
Hey you are welcome, and we
need all the votes that we can get 🙂
Yeah, we don’t want any of those politicians winning the election!
No we don’t 🙁
Them fibbing fouls aren’t going to win…Fraz is! 🙂
I’m counting on it!
I’d bet all my wine gums on it! 🙂
I can’t find fault with any of those answers!
Maybe the teacher got a hold of the wrong grading key?! 🙂
I bet she did! I thought my answers sounded pretty good, too!
That’s because they were the right answers. 🙂
I think so too! But I don’t think teach will admit she’s wrong!
Sounds like she doesn’t have anyone to bring her chocolates so she stays happy. She should never grade paper without eating chocolate first…it’s only fair the those that tested.
Okay, if I can’t get her to take that vacation, I’ll try bribing her with chocolates next time!
No, not you, she needs some guy that likes her to do in regularly…Maybe Chris. 🙂
Chris and my teacher? Ew eew eeew!!!
Eww. I just pictured it. You’re right, bad idea.
Just bring her a little chocolate each morning so she always has some. But don’t let the others see you do it or they’ll call you, teacher’s pet.”
OK. I think a little chocolate every day might keep her happy.
It certainly keeps me happy Fraz 🙂
It keeps me pretty happy too! I think it works on everyone!
It works for me. I start every day with a piece of chocolate to bring on my first smile!
I guess that’s why Winky is always smiling!
That and because he knows Twink is going to make some delicious goodies through each day. 🙂
She does! I just wish she wouldn’t make those icky things, like broccoli!
Aw Fraz, you don’t need help with your homework. You know everything that matters.
I think so, too! But my teacher doesn’t!
Well I don’t agree with her.
Maybe she’ll move to Alaska or something.
We could send her on vacation before the final grades come out….pack her lots of chocolate for the trip to make in more enticing for her.
That’s a great idea! I’ll try to get Genie to send her on a free vacation to Alaska!
Make is a long vacation, and the sooner the better. 🙂
Oh, and the next teacher has to be tested by you before she can teach you all.
I get to test the teacher? Yay!
Yes, and make it so that you know you’ll like him/her. Oh, and maybe you can have Genie send your teacher on a slow boat to China instead. 😉
I’ll make sure I ask the new teach important questions. Like how much chocolate do you eat? And how are you going to celebrate Wombat Day?
She should celebrate it with us!…then send her on vacation.
That would be a good idea! A Wombat party, and then bye-bye!
It does sound a bit harsh. Maybe we just need to get her to be a bit more open minded.
Open minded in going to Alaska! And not coming back!
Ask who Fraz, ohhh Alaska I see what you mean, here have another chocolate fudge and strawberry pancake it’s almost time for Wombat Day 🙂
Aunt Debbie and me were trying to send teach on a long vacation! It didn’t work, though.
One sleep till Wombat Day!!
Genie must have went on vacation instead. 🙁
I bet she did! I haven’t seen her around. I hope she comes back for Wombat Day!
I’ve been looking all over for her. I haven’t seen her at any of the parties yet….You may have to summon her.
OK, I will! I don’t want Genie to miss out on Wombat Day!
Thank you for posting Fraz’s campaign poster.
We really need you to be president, so I hope more vote for you in my side bar. …so far 100% have! :-)….looking good!
I hope so to!
I hope I get 100% of the vote on the real election!
Your going to win by a landslide, Fraz. 🙂
Oh boy! I can hardly wait!
Just a few more weeks to go…hang in there!
I know! But I think I might explode!
No, no, don’t do that…it would be too messy. Just calm yourself with some chocolate and, well…here’s a big chocolate shake to calm you.
OK. Thanks. I’m calmer now. But I’m still excited!
You need something to keep your mind busy. Maybe you could play Frazzle with Winky.
I play that with Winky all the time! I think he’s all Frazzled out though.
Poor Winky needs waking up, and he needs to keep awake during Wombat Day too, especially with having the factory running 24 hours 🙂
I’m pretty sure I can make it to Wombat Day. But I think I might have to sleep the rest of the week!
You can’t sleep the rest of the weekend…it’s almost over. And tomorrow is Wombat Day, and is some parts of the world…it’s today!….Yay!
Ding, Ding, Ding!
Wake up, Winky!…Time to eat!
I’m not going to sleep for Wombat Day! I meant I’m going to sleep the week away AFTER Wombat Day!
Yes, of course, my mistake. I should have known you would not miss such a great event as Wombat Day. 🙂 Here then, have a piece of chocolate cake with wine gums on top. 🙂
Thanks, Deb! Have you tried my new Wombat Day truffles?
You’re welcome, Deb. Fraz needs all the publicity he can get for his presidential campaign.
I’m a fan of Fraz, well all the Wombies, so I have to do my part. 😉
You do much more than your part!
I agree, and the Fraz for President Poster just shows how brilliant Deb is with her creative art 🙂 Fraz can’t lose with support like this 🙂
And with all the support you give him, too, Andro! (Your Fraz poster is scheduled for next Thursday).
I love that poster too! 🙂
Thank you Deb 🙂
Your welcome, Andro. 🙂
Wow I can’t wait, hey Fraz I will bring along sopme extra large choco pancakes on Thursday so that everyone can enjoy your success, it’s not every day that a Fraztastic Wombie becomes President so we will need to make this party the Wombat of all parties 🙂
Yay! Monday is Wombat Day, and Thursday is Fraz Day!! It’s going to be a great week!!
It’s already Wombat Day (weekend) at my place. 🙂 Yay for the Wombats everywhere!
Yeah, Wombat Weekend, then Wombat Day, then Fraz Day! What more could we want!
Well maybe no school in between!
No school now, and the next few days. 🙂
That alone is work having a party for!
It sure is!! Wombat Weekend Party time!! Yay!!
Hardly. I looked at the poster her first when I got the idea to paint one…I thought it would be fun.
Your poster is still very nice!
Thanks you.
Not if there is still work to be done. 😉
If there’s work to be done, you can hide out with me!
That’s why I’m here now. 😉
If we hide here long enough, that work will go away. It always does!
You know, I think you right. I already forgot what needed to be done. Oh well, I guess I’ll just share some of these cookies with you and everyone else here too.
Cookie eating is a lot more fun than working!
Yes it is, now where is the keg of milk shake? Would you go fetch me a glass of it?
Sure. I just have to sneak out and back so no one finds out we’re hiding here!
Thanks….I needed that, Fraz!
Now as long as we’re both really, really quite we won’t have to work the rest of the night…we can eat wine gums instead. 🙂
Yeah, and wait for Wombat Day!
I’m getting kinda sleepy, though.
Go to sleep till morning, Fraz…it’s okay. 🙂
I think he already is asleep.
His answers were right. Switch schools
I’d like to switch to No School, but no one will let me!
Home study. 🙂
That would be awesome! I bet Winky could home school me!
Yes, and you could eat all the chocolate and wine gums you wanted too while your learning….Maybe Binky ought to teach you though.
Not Binky! He’d try to teach me math and science and all that hard stuff. Winky would teach me about chocolate and eating and how to have fun!
Well we want to make sure you remember how to add up your win gums and divide the chocolate up between you guys. Binky can teach for 1 hour and Winky can teach the rest of the day. Is that fair?
Well, I guess so. As Long as Binky doesn’t try to teach me that math with fractions and stuff in it.
What stuff in fraction?…Never mind, I don’t want to know. I see you point. He is a very brilliant Wombie and we need him to be working rockets for moon chocolate trips, so we’ll just let Winky teach you more in depth of the wine gum theory.
I wouldn’t mind learning about rockets, but Binky always makes it so confusing! Winky never makes anything confusing. Well, other than himself.
Winky can confuse anyone with his hypnotic stare, it makes humans wonder if he is looking at them or looking for them 🙂
Looking for them? Like he’s lost?
Yes probably but he usually finds his way back on the chocolate trail 🙂
Winky would never get lost if there’s a chocolate trail!
I went over to Winky’s cabin one day, and we took a walk, then he gave me this look like, what? I turn around and there was no one behind me, but he was still looking and his mouth started to water. Turned out a chocolate leaf fell on my head from a chocolate branch and he came after me, and I screamed. so he just stopped and asked me if he could have it.
Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s just that it was chocolate! Fresh from the dark chocolate tree!
I should have known better. But I had just watched a scary movie the night before, and let my imagination carry me away.
You probably need some extra dark chocolate to settle you down, then. Luckily, I just happen to have some!
Egads an F ? Theory of Ice Cream is surely the answer to everything. Silly teacher 🙁
I know! I think my teacher needs to go back to teacher school!
I think you should get an “A” for imagination!
Do you wanna be my teacher?
Bwahahahahahahaha. Yep, you have to be careful who helps you with your homework.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Yeah, Winky’s answers weren’t teacher approved.
I think you should file a complaint! Your teacher obviously did a poor job marking the test! 🙂
I think so too! Maybe I can start a petition to have my mark changed to A+!
Sounds like Winky needs to be in school more than Fraz.
No comment!
The problem is that teachers are too rigid with the questions.
The problem is that there are teachers.
And tests.
Yeah, that’s a problem, too.
Thanks for the interview Fraz 🙂
So, I see that Winky is your presidential adviser.
As long as we don’t get any school tests it should be okay!
Thanks for interviewing me! You can read my interview here!
I didn’t know about the interview until just now but I will be taking a look for sure 🙂
All the famous people get interviewed!
Yes and I am surprised that you are not interviewed every week I mean, that’s how famous you are 🙂
Yeah, me too! Maybe I need to do something to get on the news.
Only if it helps you win the election 🙂
I meant something good! Like maybe giving out free chocolate!
You can hand me some more chocolate anytime Fraz, and I will always eat it too 🙂
You always can share my chocolates, Andro! But I still haven’t gotten on the news. Maybe I should rescue a cat or something.
You can rescue Deb from the Zombies, someone just opened all the traps and they have escaped, I hope that they don’t find their way into Winky’s factory or we might lose all of our extra chocolates 🙁
Oh no!! Not just before Wombat Day! It could ruin our party! I’ll have to get all my pirate friends to start Zombie trapping!
Help!!! Fraz!…Save me!
Hold on, Deb! Me and my pirates are coming to rescue you!
That was a really good interview, Fraz!
Thanks! I hope it gets me more votes!
Whew – glad I re-read that … I thought this was a toon on ELVIS & Fairies! W.C.C.
I heard Elvis was pretty famous. But I don’t think he was ever president.
Looks like you were messed up by the Theory of Relativity. My theory is that your relatives will mess you up every time.
Especially if your relatives are relatives of Winky! I hope Winky doesn’t see this.
Hey, I’m closely related to Winky.
Not as closely as me! But you are kinda more like him.
I think you can get A in J.R.R Tolkien class..you should change your teacher Fraz 😉
I tried to change her into a frog, but it didn’t work.
Maybe you have to kiss your teacher to turn her into a frog 😉
Ewww, no way!!
Not any worse than I would have done on my own
I guess I shouldn’t ask you to help me with my homework, then.
I vote for Fraz as well. And you’re right. Teachers ARE way too rigid!
Thanks for the vote!
Maybe we could teach teachers yoga!
Or maybe the flying trapeze 🙂
Or shoot them from a cannon! To Mars!
Or even Pluto 🙂
That would work too!
…or at least to accept multiple answers! Not everything is black and white. 🙂
Yeah, a lot of things are chocolate!
Yes Dark and White Chocolate are always nice to eat 🙂
Yeah, with a little wine gums on the side.
I LOVE white chocolate! Milk chocolate is nice too. Oh great…now I want chocolate. 😛
I always want chocolate! Even though I’m always eating it. I guess if I didn’t want it I wouldn’t be eating it.
You are a chocoholis Winky it’s in your nature to want more so here have a couple of these extra large choco pancakes with wine gum trimmings 🙂
A Chocoholic too 🙂
I do kind of always think about chocolate. It’s so good!
Yes thinking about chocolate is almost as good as eating it 🙂
It’s a lot better than not thinking about it, anyway!
I will give you some Wendy 🙂
Thanks Andro. I’ll share with Winky. 🙂
Oh boy! Thanks, Wendy!
Anytime Winky. I’m always willing to share with my Wombie buddies. 🙂
🙂 🙂
I hope that you will share
something with me next too
Wendy 🙂
Of course I will!
Not sure what you’re asking me to share Andro. Keep in mind that I believe this is a kid friendly website. 😛
I cannot imagine a world where “The Theory of Ice Cream” is not the answer to every question.
Either can I! That, and chocolate! Chocolate is the answer to a lot of things.
Hey Peter & crew. I’ve just been browsing around other areas of Wombania & as I mostly only come to the comic page I didn’t realise you have so much info here. You probably know more about Wombats that most of us Aussies. I spent a lot of time out the bush on the west coast of Tassie when I lived in that area bushwalking & four wheel driving & I can’t recall coming across a wombat during the day. Untill I read one of you facts pages I didn’t realise they were nocturnal. See you’ve taught me something new about them already. Occasionally see a dead one on the road that have been hit by cars which is always sad.
Have a great day & I’m still excited about Monday!!!!.
Thanks, Tony. I’m looking forward to your Wombat Day cartoon, too!
The Wombat Information part of the website gets a fair amount of traffic, so I guess enough people are interested in learning about wombats. They are very interesting and unique creatures. Wombats are mostly nocturnal, but supposedly during the winter months, the ones in colder areas will come out during the day to sun and feed. So that would probably be your best chance to see them during the day. Also, ones in zoos seem to be somewhat active during the day.
Yes and like Tony I have toured your site, there are lots of interesting snippets and lots for the kid’s to do too, posters, drawings, you name it there is plenty of things to look at in Wombania 🙂
I put up most of those things years ago when I first created the site, but unfortunately never really added much to it over the years. I’ve been neglectful!
Well you don’t need to be adding much, there is so many different and interesting features already 🙂 Of course anything else that you decide to add will make it even better 🙂
I’m glad you think so. The site seems rather lacking to me. But I just never seem to get around to adding anything more.
I find it a very interesting site, with loads of information and there is even downloads for kid’s to draw and paint Wombies, lots of posters and… Well you already know the rest but yes I find your whole site worthwhile 🙂
I guess I shouldn’t really worry about it, then. 🙂
No just keep adding your cartoons and enjoy everything, especially all the extra chocolates that Winky is making these days 🙂
Strangely, I never seem to get any of those chocolates or treats.
There are many questions in school that have many possible answers, but sad thing is most teachers do not favor witty answers. For instance, explain briefly what is hard water. The answer is ice, right? A lot of teachers go by the book and say it’s wrong, but to me, in real life it’s the right answer. LOL!
That’s very true, Felicia, and it’s unfortunate because it encourages conformist thinking and not creativity. Lateral thinking is a lot more beneficial in the long run.
Felicia how about we share a nice Wombie cake, I will save you the largest piece and even get Twink to make some extra pancakes for when you get here 🙂 Of course everyone else will want to join in but that’s the beauty of Wombania, we always share everything 🙂 I hope your weekend has started well 🙂
Hi Androgoth,
Sure! Thanks for the Wombie cake! Are you sure you can get Twink to make extra pancakes? 🙂
I’ve had a nice weekend so far. Thanks! I hope yours went well too 🙂
I remember when Fozzie Bear got an ‘F’…he thought it was for being funny.
I wouldn’t mind getting a an F for being funny. Or for being Frazzy. I should get an F+ for that!
All of Winky’s answers were theoretical… how was he to know the teacher was looking for different theoretical answers?
Yeah, I think my theoreticals were just as good as the ones Fraz’s teacher had.
Oh… I clicked the Vote For Fraz logo on Deb’s site thinking I’d get to vote & it brought me here. So how do I vote???
You have to scroll down a bit more. There’s a “take the poll” thingy where you can vote!
Yes VOTE for FRAZ Tony 🙂
Yeah, there’s no better Wombie to vote for!!
For everything too! 🙂
I agree!!
I, for one, support the theory of ice cream.
I do too! I eat ice cream whenever I can.
Fraz is up there with my costume for Halloween. Tied with Andro.
Damn, can I do a Marsupial Mania Master array?
You want to dress up as me for Halloween?
Think it would be pretty original. will have to work on the accent though
Just talk with your mouth full of chocolate!
You are always tying me up Miss. R 😉
SWAK! Keep trying my best Andro. Thinking of you of late, especially during this season of zombies, ghosts ghouls and my favorite holiday.
and candy! and playing dress- up!
And eating eating eating chocolate!
I will show you around Winky’s new factory Miss. R and while we are there you can practice fraz’s accent, it works best with a mouth full of chocolate cake but even wine gums will work if you don’t chew too many at once 🙂
I hate it when the weather service comes on the tv with an alarm and says, “This is Test.”
It seems like when they do that I have never studied enough for it.
I never study enough either. At least that’s what teach always tells me.
It is nearly Wombat Day folks 🙂 🙂
Only two more sleeps till Wombat Day! Yay!!
Yes I know, hey have you seen all the goodies on my Space, there are two large bowls of wine gums and some Wombat cake and there is even some buns to enjoy 🙂 I hope you will have enough wine gums Fraz but if not I can always give you some extra yummy one’s next time 🙂
I just saw it now! Binky let me peak! That’s a lot of wine gums! You sure know how to throw a Wombat Day party!
And I don’t think we’ll run out of wine gums if we can keep Winky away for a while!
We can send Winky on a wild Zombie chase but when he comes back he can still have as many wine gums as he can eat in one, two, three, no that is fourteen sittings 🙂
Once Winky gets on the wine gums, he won’t leave until they’re gone!
I agree. He needs to get help from someone else.
So you didn’t like my answers either?
Hm, F definitely meant Fraz there. Or fantastic. So no reason to worry. 😉
That’s what I’m hoping, too!
I’d have at least given him partial credit for those. I especially enjoy his look of confidence with each answer.
I wish you were my teacher!
Now, Fraz, you should have gotten me or Binky to help you with your science. Winky is good at building things. Science, not so much.
Binky usually confuses me. I’ll try you next time I need homework help.
Peter, I think my favorite thing about this is the reflection you put on the desk. Your attention to detail is really what sets Wombania apart from so many other webcomics.
Thanks, Red. The funny thing is reflections are really no harder than adding reflectivity to a material or surface. They do add a certain realism, I suppose. People seem to like reflections, though, so I guess I should use them more.