Time Flies
Here’s a brand new Halloween Wombie Zombie video. They’re coming for your chocolate, and there’s nothing you can do to stop them.
As for the cartoon, time flies, and the older you are, the faster it goes. But, as they say, the alternative is much worse.
(This comic strip was previously published on April 2, 2009.)
This is absolutely brilliant, just as I knew that it would be 🙂 I especially like the Zombie Wombie actions and of course the’Pop Goes the Weasel’ choice of music just adds to the ghoulish delights of this new Wombie Zombie video…
I truly enjoyed this one Peter and the finale of the giant Pumpkin falling down and squashing them is just hilarious 🙂
Well done on this most excellent video presentation, it rocks my great friend 🙂 🙂
Thanks, Andro, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Even though it’s pretty simple, it took a lot of time to produce and edit. The music was a good find, from http://incompetech.com
Yes I think your Halloween Wombie Zombie March is really great, I have watched it three times today and I will be clicking on it again soon 🙂 I know it takes a long time for the animations but you have done all of us proud with this video Peter and I hope that you will be adding a lot more now that you have the zest for new and creatively exciting adventures 🙂 Wicked…
Well I don’t want to disappoint you, Andro, but I’m not planning to make another new animation for quite a while. They just take so much time. And I really should learn to use the programs properly, too.
Yes I understand, but never say never is my motto so I will look forwards to your next outing, sooner or later is good enough for me my great friend 🙂 🙂
I hope that you are having a fine day 🙂
I will make another video, it’s just more likely later than sooner.
🙂 🙂
Poor Chris, well he is a
bit ancient isn’t he? 🙁
He’s the oldest human I know!
He gets older every
time I see him 🙁 lol
I don’t think he eats enough chocolate.
I don’t think he eats enough of anything 🙁
I think he eats enough sprouts!
I like those too, but I also
like lots of chocolates 🙂
Yeah, you’re way cooler than Chris!
Thank you for saying so Fraz 🙂 Here have these extra juicy Wine Gums and a large bag of Chocolate Werewolves 🙂
I like chocolate werewolves a lot better than the real ones!
Yes it gives you the chance
to bite back for a change 🙂
Yeah! And I have big vampy fangs, too!
Yes those fangs aren’t just for biting Werewolves and necks, they are also great for taking pop bottle caps off and piercing yogurt cartons too 🙂
Wombies don’t need Swiss army knives ’cause we have our fangs!
OMG, did my cheque bounce, I thought I had paid for top billing?
Your cheque was okay, but you forgot to include some treats for the Wombies.
Sorry Loon I was too
quick for you today 😉 lol
I wonder if I should keep score. . .
Don’t worry Chris, I think Androgoth already is 🙂 Note to self… add winegums with cheque 🙁
That should keep everyone happy!
I like wine gums 🙂
You’re probably part Wombie.
i think that I am Peter 🙂
I hope that doesn’t hurt!
I am keeping count of your
naughtiness too Loon 😉 🙂 lmao
Now where did I leave my paddle,
noooooo I mean for the canoe 🙂
I’m guessing Chris finally remembered his mom’s birthday 😯
I’m smarter than to remember her birthday more than once every three years!
Age is like a time vortex. as you get older you get closer to the vortex centre rapidly sucking you closer, spiralling downward out of control, closer & closer to DEATH!!!
Great video Peter. Loved the pumpkin drop surprise ending. Brilliant work
Age is like that, and unfortunately none of us can escape its pull.
And I’m happy you liked the video.
Hey Peter I added viseo and got my name wrong when I commented earlier so you can see how eager I am to play your video again 🙂
Shh!! I fixed that.
I’m glad you’re eager, though!
Thank you for fixing the typos 🙂
EONS have passed since I might have been able to dispute that.
And I’m too old to know.
Time flies when your having fun!
Are old people allowed to have fun?
Yes, I give myself permission to every day. 🙂
You don’t seem old to me, aunt Deb!
Or me either 🙂
The video is hilarious! The look so adorable marching in after the chocolate. And the ending was great!
Everyone who hasn’t viewed it yet really should take a moment out to watch it!
Great work!!!
Thanks, Deb. I’m glad you liked the little monsters.
I loved it! 🙂
The whole video is amazing,
and the music is perfection 🙂
The music has a nice foreboding tone to it, which suites the theme.
I agree my great friend 🙂
I figured it was your kind of music.
!!!!!!!!!!! I am about to press PLAY on the vid 🙂
i am so excited 🙂 PDM 🙂
YOU have been on a roll my friend 🙂 KUDOS 🙂
amazing xx ok shhh 🙂 i am Gonna press play xx
Lots of Love
yes time is flying 🙂
Time flies far too fast as you get older.
I agree 🙁
Maybe we could get Binky to invent an anti-aging time tunnel or something.
Tell him to hurry!
I’ll try to get him to make it a top priority, but I don’t think he’ll listen to me.
Yes I like the sound
of that one Peter 🙂
I think a lot of us could use an anti-aging time tunnel!
Yes and lots of chocolate treats too 🙂
I’d better tell Binky to make it an anti-fattening tunnel, too, then.
Binky will think of something special I know that, I wonder when he will finish that rocket project? 🙂 That Dark Matter needs investigating 🙂
He claims to always be working on it, but he never seems to get very far.
I think it’s the stash of chocolate and wine gums under the work bench that has his main attention 🙂
Binky would never admit that, but I think you’re probably right.
LOVED IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 🙂
Thanks. Cat.
i think here in WOMBANIA
we are all kids 🙂 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kudos Binky 🙂
You made a great vid 🙂
loved the music too 🙂
gonna comment in a sec 🙂
Yes, it’s always big kiddie time here in Wombania.
Hey Cat we have to play
somewhere don’t we Uncle
Peter? 🙂
huh ?
🙂 lol
This site is for grown UPPPPPP KIDS 🙂
that’s the best thing about it 🙂 xx
And best of all everyone gets along. And no one leaves any messes to clean up. And also all the goodies are free!
YEP !!!!!!!!
It’s Love in here 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂
And chocolate.
We all have a great time
in Wombania and no mistake 🙂
I’m sure the Wombies are happy to know that!
Yes Fraz has just handed me a plate of Wombie Zombie snacks, there is a blood red chocolate thingy with milk chocolate green fingers and a dark choco marshmallow brain for afters 🙂
I’m glad Fraz gave that plate to you and not me.
Actually there was a plate for you too but we figured that you wouldn’t enjoy them and so Fraz and I ate the lot 🙂
I should try to be cuter.
Winky mentioned that when he joined us but Twink said that you are already cute so maybe she has some wicked plans for you? 🙂
I didn’t know that Twink felt that way! She has been giving me extra cupcakes lately.
Yes but she could also have your name on top of the chores list, I mean the Wombies don’t like that kind of adventuring, so watch out or your household tasks could be increased quite dramatically 🙁
I’m pretty easily bribed with cupcakes. And Twink obviously knows that!
Great video! I don’t think they’d want any of our chocolate though… it’s all “sugar free”!
Thanks, Jerry. I think the Wombies might try to get your chocolate if they were desperate.
Yep, I’ve noticed that about time. It does go by faster when you get older. Drat.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Time goes by so fast these days I think I must be going backwards.
I love the video Peter!! The music is perfect for the scene 🙂
As for the comic…I know how that feel, time sure flies so fast
I’m glad you enjoyed the video. I picked the music when I had the concept, so I tried to make the animation fit to it.
Time should slow down for us old folks!
hey Chris was it really you that picked the music or was it Peter? 🙂 Either way the music is brill 🙂
Shh!! I fixed that one, too!
The music reflected the mood I wanted, so it worked out well.
And you did a great job too! 🙂
Thanks, Deb.
It must be difficult having to remember which character is saying what and when? 🙂 lol I always have fun reading all the observations and wickedly offered wit 🙂 Everyone here is great…
It helps to be a bit schizophrenic I suppose. Yes, everyone here adds to the fun.
I always enjoy calling by and adding my thoughts to everything and everybody 🙂
I’ve noticed! And I’m very glad you do!
It is a shame that we can’t get everyone interacting, but it’s still a lot of fun either way 🙂
Most people seem to sweep through once per post, but it would be nice if they came back for more.
I think that with time that will happen too and I will look forwards to that as it increses the fun around Wombania don’t you think? 🙂
It certainly does! Though I think our wacky interactions probably aren’t for everyone.
No, I think that some must be thinking that we are a tad crackers, but hey I don’t care 🙂
I’m sure we’ve scared more than a few away!
Ah…it reminds me of me and my little turtles…Always careful not to mix them up 😉
Yes, they do get upset when that happens!
So weird how the older you get the faster time goes. I wonder if they are studies on that?
Who’d want to study old people?
Nobody does.
They would study them more if they were handing out free chocolates 🙂
As long as they weren’t really old chocolates.
No way, we don’t want any smelly pancakes or old stinky chocolates 🙁
I might, though. If they’re not too stinky.
You have a factory crammed packed with fresh chocolates why would you risk a stinky offering? 🙁 eeeeeew
I can never say no to a chocolate! Well, almost never.
I just hope that it’s not too stinky 🙁
If you age chocolate, does it get stinkier like cheese? I don’t know. I never let my chocolate hang around for long enough to tell.
I don’t know about anyone else but this year has been flying by way too fast.
And every subsequent year goes by faster and faster!
Great video! They were starting to scare me a little. 🙂
Thanks, Wendy. When the Wombies are denied chocolate for too long, they do get a bit scary.
Actually, so do I. 😉
I’ll never come between you and your chocolate, then!
I would 🙂
You like to live dangerously.
Yes I was counting on Wendy not seeing that comment and I think that it worked 🙂
It looks as if luck was on your side. This time, at least.
Yes I hope it lasts until
your next cartoon Peter 🙂
24 hours more to go! I hope you make it.
I’m almost there 🙂
Less that twelve hours and counting down!
You are a smart man. 😛
I’ve learned a few things from living with the Wombies for so long!
Maybe Chris could learn something next?
He’s learned to shut up and live with them!
He is a wise grump, I mean a wise chump, I mean he is just wise 🙂
I think the Wombies would agree with you.
Yes well it was Fraz that gave me the idea 🙂
Not surprisingly!
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Time does go quicker. I wish it were summer again.
It’s almost summer! We just have that little winter thing to get past.
Hi Joyce are you
having a fun weekend? 🙂
Thanks to the internet, remembering things isn’t as important anymore.
Just don’t forget where you left your smartphone.
Does that make us all smarter, or dumber?
I hope time flew by because Chris had fun! 🙂
Nice vid!
Time flies when you’re being Wombied.
Yes and Zombied too 🙂
Once Zombies eat your brains, I guess that your sense of time is really gone.
Yes I guess so, but the trick
is not to let them catch you 🙂
That would be preferable!
So very true.
Luckily, I’m not old. Very.
Chris, did you leave the word old off the end of that sentence, or were you just joking? 🙂
I’m only old in the Wombies’ eyes. I’m not old yet! Well I guess they have aged me a bit more that I’d like to admit.
Yes well don’t worry Chris age is just a number and your Wombies think you’re great, just don’t let on that I told you 🙂
That’s not the feeling I get from them!
They are good at disguising their feelings 🙂
They seem to be able to express their displeasure with me quite effectively.
I can attest to that. As I get older, I start noticing how fast time flies now. 2012 seems like it’s only lasting for fifteen minutes. 🙂
I think time is getting shorter, but no one wants to admit it.
How do you stop zombie wombies…..drop chocolate
That would be quite effective, actually.
You can leave a trail of marshmallows too, but I don’t think that they have a taste for pumpkins anymore 🙁
No, I think the Wombie Zombies have had their fill of pumpkin. Or more accurately, they have filled a pumpkin.
That was a neat trick at the end, i have been watching it again today 🙂 I really admire your video making skills Peter, you’re an expert 🙂
I’m glad you like the video, but there are a lot of errors it it, and a number of things that could have been done better. Amateur is more like it!
Your amateur skills certainly have a professional look about them Peter 🙂
Thanks, Andro. I strive to be a professional amateur.
I have wonder where time has gone.Love the zombies.
Thanks, JB. Time seems to just disappear these days.
The older you get, the less hours there are in a day.
That’s for sure! I think youth somehow steals them.
hehehe, funny. Poor Chris.
Yes poor Chris 🙂
Yes, poor, poor me. Maybe I need some chocolate.
Here have some of mine I have plenty 🙂
Thanks, I needed that!
For Sunday 🙂
Thanks, Andro.
You’re welcome 🙂
Have a superb time
and watch out for
those Wombies 🙂
I’ll have to hide the cake if I have any hopes of getting any for myself.
This is so true. I can’t figure out where I put the last 14 years.
If you find out, let me know. I’d like to find my missing years, too.
Scholar Mel sent Fraz some interview questions at wombies@wombania.com.
Oh boy, I’ve never been interviewed before!
When I think about it, yeah, adults lose sense of time. Time flies by, but for me, I treasure the good memories and forget the bad ones. Nice video, but their flashy night-vision eyes kinda scare me. Did you know cats have that too – the sparkling eyeballs at night – even my own cat creeps me out when her eyes are like that.
The older we get, the faster time flies. It seems it’s universal. Well, for humans, anyway.
The Wombie Zombie eyes are supposed to be a bit creepy. Yes, cats have a reflective surface in their eyes behind the retina that helps them see in the dark.
Time flies. I agree…
Did I miss your birthday, Peter??? If I did, I’m sorry and happy birthday (a little late). 🙂 !!!
Btw I LOVE THE VIDEO!! SO awesome.
Time definitely flies, especially when you have birthdays to remind you! Thanks for the BD wishes, Cha. And I’m glad you enjoyed the video.
So true. Still, I’d feel quite missed if I were whoever Chris is talking to!
Chris probably doesn’t even remember by now!