Winky Car Wash by Peter Marinacci on June 30, 2016 at 12:00 am Chapter: Comics A shiny coat is a sign of a healthy Wombie. └ Tags: car, twink, wash, wax, winky
Shine away Winky!
I’m trying to!
Shine on you crazy diamond!
I don’t think I’m worth as much as a diamond!
Bwahahahahahahaha. He may be onto something here. What I’m not sure, but sometimes wombat logic is hard to grasp.
Have a fabulous day. 🙂
A lot of people have trouble understanding me. I don’t know why.
Hot wax? More like hot mess!
I thought I turned out quite well, actually!
Keep on shining, Winky!
I’ve never been shinier!
Um, ouch!
It wasn’t ouchy! The hot wax was only warm.
Then wasn’t it warm wax?
I guess it was. But they still call it hot wax!
Until you pull it off…
I don’t want to pull off my fur!
Can I ride your wombat?
You can ride for chocolate!
A wombie candle, how cool.
He’s about as bright as a candle, too.
And the wax will also stop poop sticking to your fur.
Well that’s better than having it stick to your butt fur when you answer the call of nature.
You did remember to wax your butt fur as well didn’t you Winky?
I’m not talking to you!
I’ll take that as a No
And I finally got a new comic posted!!!
Well that’s good!
You look great Winky!
I’m glad someone appreciates the shinny new me!
He’s right, the shine
is definitely there 🙂
I’ve never been shinier!
Another fab looking
comic strip offering
Peter 🙂
Thank you, Andro.
I can hardly type this message, Winky. I’m so dazzled by your gleaming fur.
Maybe I should be in a new car showroom!
Great opportunity to get Winky’s statue into Madame Tussaud’s London 👏🏼👏🏼
Well I’ve never looked spiffier!
Shine on Winky! Shine on!
I should shine for quite some time!
Great idea Wink, maybe I should try it on my turtles’ shell 😉
One of the oldest car waxes we have here is called Turtle Wax!
I wonder if a Wombie washes my car if that’s an extra charge…. that wax job looks great though! Nice shine!
Thanks! I’d wash you car for some chocolate!