Fan Art : Androgoth’s Fraz Finds His Genie
Fraz Finds His Genie by Androgoth of My Gothic Realm |
Androgoth is a talented writer who writes mostly dark and Gothic pieces (and some lighter things, too) for his private My Gothic Realm blog. Thanks to Androgoth, Fraz has finally found a genie! Fraz has been searching for a genie in a bottle for quite some time, and he ended up finding one on the beach of his very own island (island courtesy of Debbie Adams). Androgoth’s original drawing of Fraz and his Genie can be seen here. |
Fraz Finds His Genie by Androgoth |
Discussion (9) ¬
Fraz must be so happy and ecstatic to find his own Genie 🙂
Thanks to Deb and Andro he now has an Island and a genie..way to go Fraz 🙂
I couldn’t ask for anything more! I have great friends!!
The initial idea of Fraz Island was a most wonderful thought from our Deb of (Debbie Adams Art), of course the Genie and the Bottle came a bit later and before long I was busy scribbling out yet another sketch, so thank you Deb and Fraz (Peter Marinacci Creator of Wombania) and all of our other great friends and artists for all the wonderful inspiration that you have all given me 🙂
Perhaps the next time I pick up a pencil it will be a sketch of Binky, Winky or Twink, oh and not forgetting Chris 🙂
Thank you everyone 🙂
You did a great playful version of Fraz and his Genie, so if you find you want to do any more sketches, I’d love to display them here.
Thank you Peter it is a real honour that you would wish to add my Fraz drawings here on your Fan Art Gallery 🙂
Have a brilliant Friday and weekend 🙂
Well I think the honor’s mine. But I’m glad you’re happy with how your drawing looks here.
This one is priceless, and Fraz’s favorite possession so it seems too! Excellent idea and work!
I don’t think Fraz would ever want to go without his Genie now that he has one.