Binky’s Rocket by Androgoth

Our good friend and writer Androgoth drew a picture of Binky’s Rocket and wrote a short flash fiction post about Binky and his rocket. You can read the original post on Andro’s blog or below.

Binky's Rocket

Binky’s Rocket by Andro
June 11, 2013


Written forFlash in the Pan (50 Words)

After painstakingly examining
the schematics Binky was satisfied
that his new rocket build was
and as Fraz, Winky, Twink and
the rest of Wombania anxiously
packed their suitcases for a space
voyage of a lifetime, Binky sat
back into his favourite chair
and plotted a course for
Chocolate Paradise

Gray Dawster (c) Copyright 2013-06-11

Part of the Flash in the Pan
Originated from Red’s M3 Space at