Bright Idea by Peter Marinacci on November 25, 2019 at 12:00 am Chapter: Comics Some ideas are brighter than others. └ Tags: burnt out, fraz, LED, lightbulb, winky
I’m not sure LEDs would help either. Just saying.
Have a fabulous day and week. 🙂
I’m not usually very good with new technology.
If you switch to an LED, you ideas would be much brighter!
But I don’t know how to change my light bulb!
A four pack at that!
I don’t think my brain has room for four light bulbs!
Bright ideas are treasures that need to be restored with whatever bulb it takes. I just posted on how to creatively problem solve. Maybe Winky needs to go there to get his mojo back!
Binky has lots of bright ideas but I don’t. Maybe your website can help me!
What Comedy Plus said.
Here’s an idea. Eat chocolate cake.
I don’t know if the cake will help me, but I’ll eat it anyway!
Course, LEDs take less current to work also…
Well that’s good because I probably have less current than I used to!
Like everything in life 🙂 Happy week ❤
My life is always strange.
Einstein, eat yer heart out!
Well, my ideas probably weren’t as bright as his.