Poor Fraz. Winky’s not very sympathetic to his noseless situation. Don’t you have to pack it in ice & get to hospital so it can be microsurgeried back on.
Yeah that’s right minus 100. Forget the ice just get Fraz to hospital Winky….
This is so funny because I dragged my son outside yesterday because ‘it’s good for you’ and was freezing with the wind chill. We stayed inside all day today 🙂
Now Don & Herb won’t be satisfied until I give you a scientific explanation of frostbite and how flesh freezes when the capillaries in the extremities constrict to reduce blood flow and heat loss. . .
Poor Fraz. Winky’s not very sympathetic to his noseless situation. Don’t you have to pack it in ice & get to hospital so it can be microsurgeried back on.
Yeah that’s right minus 100. Forget the ice just get Fraz to hospital Winky….
Or they could just crazy-glue Fraz’s nose back on.
I presume Winky’s extra layers of spam and wine gums improve his cold tolerance?
I would think so. Winky should be good even on Pluto.
Don’t worry about it Winky. Life may not stink but it smells real funny.
I guess there are advantages to being noseless.
He could always use the carrot as a nose. 🙂
That’s a good idea. We could call Fraz “Old Carrot Nose” from now on.
Oh No! poor Fraz! I hope he gets it sewed back on fast. maybe he needs to go inside for some warm cocoa?
Warm cocoa and minor surgery would probably be a good idea.
Ha,ha,ha! Funny stuff Peter! As soon as I get a chance I’ll browse through the funnies here.
Thanks, MJ! I enjoyed reading your comic strip.
That was some big sneeze. God bless you Fraz.
Maybe Fraz should use one of those elastic straps to keep his nose on.
This is so funny because I dragged my son outside yesterday because ‘it’s good for you’ and was freezing with the wind chill. We stayed inside all day today 🙂
Hopefully all noses are still attached and no one lost any other vital body part.
This reminded me of the penguins from Beakmans World for some reason. I loved those guys =)
Now Don & Herb won’t be satisfied until I give you a scientific explanation of frostbite and how flesh freezes when the capillaries in the extremities constrict to reduce blood flow and heat loss. . .
You hardly ever use it anyway? Bwahahahahahaha. Now that’s a friend indeed. Good one.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Winky doesn’t want to be an alarmist. Of course, if it was his nose that fell off, that would be different.
Oh my, how are you going to find the hidden chocolate in the house now?
It’s OK now. Binky was able to put my nose back on!
Yaaay for Binky! and you too for having your nose back! 🙂
Yeah, it was kinda embarrassing when I was noseless!
I can imagine. Your lucky your lips didn’t fall off too!
Or my eyes!
Oh my!…that would be really bad!..or your cute little ears!
Maybe I need one of those big face mask hat things! You could knit me one!
You mean a ski mask. Yes, that is a great idea and I’ve made one for you…
your going to need that when your building your snowwomibes
That’s it! Now my nose or ears won’t fall off! Even in Alaska! Thanks aunt Deb!
Your welcome sugah! Now you just go out and have all the fun you want!….here’s a pot of hot chocolate too!…exta whipped chocolate cream! 🙂
I will! Now I can stay out for hours!
Good, and don’t forget your nose mitten! 🙂
I won’t! Even though it looks a bit funny.
I know it looks funny, but you without a nose is not so funny at all…well maybe a little, but you need your sniffer.
Yeah, I found that out last time!
I missed this one Peter but I am pleased
that you directed me here, how brilliant 🙂
Glad you liked it, Geoff!