Not Lost Yet by Peter Marinacci on August 31, 2017 at 12:00 am Chapter: Comics You’re never lost if you know where you are. └ Tags: cellphone, hike, lost, smartphone, trail, twink, walk, winky
Oh no, that’s even worse than being lost, especially when we can’t order more chocolates, wine gums and pancakes đ Luckily I can hear Binky’s rocket powered go-kart approaching âș yaaaaaaaay
I don’t know what to do when my phone runs out! Luckily, I did have an emergency supply of chocolates with me, though.
If it runs out, Chase it
but always gave your
chocolates with you âș
I’m trying to follow the scent of my chocolate factory to find our way home!
It’s a great plan, let’s hurry
I’m in a chocolate mood đ
I’m always in a chocolate mood!
Me too since I met you Wombies đ
I think we deserve a chocolate break!
You’re right, will
now be too early? âș
No, now is always the perfect time for some chocolate!
This is when you need a good ole paper map.
A what??
I get lost in that “Out of Battery Power” place all the time, too. Maybe we’ll run into each other there?
Maybe we will. The Out of Battery Power place is kinda scary!
Now you’re really in a pickle.
Have a fabulous day. âș
I’d rather be in a pie. A chocolate cream pie!
Oh NO! Dead battery. Not good, Winky. It was a good thing you had an extra supply of chocolate. But what is next?…Hmm.
We’re going to stay here until all my chocolate is gone, and then we’re going to panic.
Being lost is even worse when you can’t use the GPS
It’s like being double lost!
You’re lost.
I guess maybe.
The old paper maps were reliable, but one could never get them folded back up…
I was never that good reading the old maps, either.
I bet they are somewhere in Canada.
The “somewhere” is the problem part.
Wherever you are, there you are? Hmmm, sounds like you’re lost.
But if you know you’re lost, are you really lost?
oh dear..that does sound scary…since most all of us now depend on our phones to tell us the way.
Without a phone, it’s like an adventure back to the olden days!