I had to Google as I left school too long ago.
A dictionary site says.
obtuse [əbˈtjuːs]
1. mentally slow or emotionally insensitive
2. (Mathematics) Maths
a. (of an angle) lying between 90° and 180°
b. (of a triangle) having one interior angle greater than 90°
So it’s greater. Glad to have been able to help Winky out of a difficult situation
Winky appreciates the clarification and will try hard to remember it for the next test. Obtuse equals greater than 90 degrees. Obtuse equals greater than 90 degrees. . .
Geometry-based humor is okay, if you can find the right angle.
I agree, it’s all a matter of perspective.
And this wombie model, ladies and gentlemen, comes with the new, built in, self-demonstration feature!
We here at Wombania spare no expense or technique to education the general populace.
I’ve been obstinant but never obtuse (or convex)
I think you might be missing out if you’ve never been obtuse or convex.
I had to Google as I left school too long ago.
A dictionary site says.
obtuse [əbˈtjuːs]
1. mentally slow or emotionally insensitive
2. (Mathematics) Maths
a. (of an angle) lying between 90° and 180°
b. (of a triangle) having one interior angle greater than 90°
So it’s greater. Glad to have been able to help Winky out of a difficult situation
Winky appreciates the clarification and will try hard to remember it for the next test. Obtuse equals greater than 90 degrees. Obtuse equals greater than 90 degrees. . .
Huh. Never had that problem; seing as the alternative is called “a cute” little angle
I bet you say that to all the triangles.
I get it. I like it too.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
You can explain it to Winky, then.
i like how they are in the dark, it looks cool 🙂
also, from the side winky’s teeth look scary 🙂
Thanks, Agent Moose! The scariest thing Winky does with his teeth is gnaw on a big chunk of chocolate.
I appreciate that sort of humor (although I do not know the answer to his question). 🙂
Geometry humor doesn’t need to be understood to be appreciated.
I think it’s less than greater.
And hopefully greater than less.
I’ve been trying to figure it out but my thermometer only goes up to 130 degrees Fahrenheit. Ha,ha,ha!
Let’s see, you double it and add 32. . .or is that subtract 32? Anyway, that’s still too hot for me.
Don’t take that thermometer with you to the desert! It’ll blow up like a cartoon thermometer
Obtuse: Annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand. Now guys, play nice.
The first two comments are as funny as the original toon!
Being obtuse can certainly have its advantages at times. Even if it is just to annoy others.
On the other hand, Winky, your sensitivity to chiaroscuro is highly perfected. So buck up, and have a Happy Face. 😀
Is that some kind of chocolate? Winky is very sensitive to all things chocolate.
Oh, I see, it’s an art thing. Twink is the artist, so maybe she told Winky about it.
obtuse? angular? wombies seem too round to have angles? could she really of meant obese??? math is over my head, Binky dear.
Yes, Wombies are much more rounded (some say well-rounded) than angular. Twink actually meant the other kind of obtuse.