The net was definitely the clincher.
P.S. I’ve changed my url.
Moved my site from self hosted to the free to save money. To transfer my old url with WordPress you now have to buy a Plan so I just went with the $24 option of a domain that redirects to the WordPress url. Also put a redirect onto my old url too so both send people to the new site
Agreed. I had to use a Post Type Converter plugin as doesn’t accept “Comic” post types. I had to change all comics to “Post” type before export/import. It was all pretty straight forward
Chris would have said yes if you had asked for the net!
We’d better go back and ask him then!
Check with Binky. I bet he has some of that stuff.
And he’d be more likely to give it to us!
I’m going to have to side with Chris on this one. You all are so getting into one mess after another. Well you’re trying to.
Have a fabulous day. 🙂
But if we didn’t get into any messes we’d never have fun!
Chris always spoils our fun.
The net was definitely the clincher.
P.S. I’ve changed my url.
Moved my site from self hosted to the free to save money. To transfer my old url with WordPress you now have to buy a Plan so I just went with the $24 option of a domain that redirects to the WordPress url. Also put a redirect onto my old url too so both send people to the new site
Redirecting your old URL is a good idea so people will still be able to find your comic. That’s a lot better than deleting your comics!
Agreed. I had to use a Post Type Converter plugin as doesn’t accept “Comic” post types. I had to change all comics to “Post” type before export/import. It was all pretty straight forward
WP has some quirks, but it is pretty good for posting regular content once you get the details sorted out.
If we netted Chris maybe we could get the other stuff we wanted!
That’s probably why Chris DIDN’T give you a net
Probably. Maybe we’ll have to get a net on our own.
I have to agree with Chris. Sorry, Fraz! 🙂
Adults never want us to have any fun!
I agree with Chris too, Fraz!
Noo! You can’t agree with Chris!