Snow Day
Winter would be a lot more fun if everyday could be a snow day and you didn’t have to go to school.
American artist Debbie Adams painted little Fraz fighting Big Show, a 440 pound wrestling giant. Fraz defeated Big Show to win the Heavyweight Champion of the world title! You can read all about the historic match over on Debbie’s art blog.
Great timing for this post – it’s snowing here in the UK today and some schools already closed because of the cold
That’s funny as here all the snow melted over the weekend with a record-breaking warm spell.
This is a great piece of cartooning Peter, and what perfect timing indeed Duncan R as it has been snowing most of the day today 🙁
Being as it’s the middle of the winter, it should be snowing here, too. But it isn’t. Poor Fraz. Maybe he’ll have to go over to the UK to get a proper winter.
He can stay at my place 🙂
There is always lots of chocolates
and marshmallows to eat and he
will have the chance of sledging
with the Scarecrows 🙂
I’m all packed and ready to go!!
I will bring the sledge over right away, it is going to snow again at the weekend so we can have a Snowman building competition 🙂
Yay! That’ll be fun! I guess winter must have moved over to the Uk this year!
Yes and it is positively
freezing too 🙁 brrrrrrrr
I’ll be sure to bring my mitts!
Hey bring me some
Wombie mitts too Fraz 🙂
I’ll bring you some extra large ones!
Hey, how come loon isn’t here already ?
Maybe she and Andro/Geoff are duking it out over top spot, which left it wide open for you to grab the coveted first poster prize.
I was still in shock over Rachael’s adoption of two Wombies. Wombies in Reno….what could posibly go wrong?
Maybe they could start a wine gum factory down there and feed all those poor deprived Americans.
As long as there is no waxing going on then everything will be okay Loon, hey how are you today my wickedly sweet Loon 🙂
All the better for seeing you Androgoth. A wombie wax has gotta hurt 😯
Hands off me, you two! I have rockets!
Ouch I never thought
about all that fur 🙁 Yikes…
Loon are you going to be gentle
with the waxing of the Wombies? 🙂 lol
We’re going into hiding!
A good idea me thinks 🙂 lol
It is with you two lunatics running about!
Yes and talking of lunatics where is our sweet little Loon? I bet she was over in a flash when you posted the new cartoon? 🙂
No, she was a Janey come lately.
Yeah, I don’t know why people never overlook those littte details. 😉
I dunno. Adults always miss the chance to have fun.
Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll it’s the Big Show….down!
And I won! Big Show wasn’t so big!
More like a big snow job!!!!
He was kinda slushie.
Naughty again…
I said SNOW!! Sheez, Androgoth 😉
I know that, hey and I just
realised what you meant 🙂 Cheeky…
Hahaha… these things take a bit of time… I’m sure that any minute now… wait for it… wait for it…
There’s never enough snow around when you need it!
Darn… what a good answer, Fraz… wish I’d’ve thought of it way back when I was in school… of course we had lots of snow for snow days for real, back then in the good old days…
I wish I was back in the good old days!!
Yep, I remember the snow days and they didn’t happen often enough either. Great cartoon.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Every day should be a snow day! Except weekends!
If there’s a POSSIBILITY of snow, you want to be prepared… might as well stay home! 😀
That’s what I say, but no one believes me!
Well, the bright side of if not being a snow day is you won’t have to make it up at the end of the year, which shortens your summer fun.
Make it up?? I think they should just disappear!
I’ll have to agree with you on that one, Fraz!
The schools just need to learn to squeeze all the lessons in one time frame, so that snow days are a bonus!
I think they should squeeze all lessons into September, and then we could have the rest of the year off!
Now that would be even more fun! 🙂
September wouldn’t be much fun, but the rest of the year would be!
In a way it would be exciting though knowing that you 11 month vacation was coming up soon….Ponder that over this rich and thick chocolate milkshake.
11 months of vacation would leave a lot of time for pirating and zombie trapping and treasure hunting and genie wishing and being a prince in Morocco!
Yes, you’d have a fun fill year! I think October- March ought to be for just trapping all the zombies so the that your island is free of them for the spring and summer so we can have parties without them around to disturb us.
That sounds good! If I can only get my school to agree!
Now that will be a trick. If Genie can’t get that part done, then I don’t know who could.
Here have a chocolate pancake and shake to cheer you up, because I don’t think Genie is going to do it.
Yeah, it might be hard to convince them to have school only for one month. But they could save a lot of money! And teachers could get 11 months off too!
Well at least I have your pancakes!
…and a milkshake!
Yeah, this is one deal that Genie just can’t fix. Well, moving on to other things.
So… You did a great job beating Big show out of his belt….Fraz the Champ! 🙂
That’s right, I’m world champion! Even if teach doesn’t believe it!
Teacher never believe their students unless it’s a correct text-book answer…they can be a bore at times.
But you! Your the WWE world champion and need to have a victory party!
That’s right, I do! We could have the party at my Beverly Hills mansion and invite all those famous stars! It’ll be great!
I’ll bring the cake, fundge, spam, wine gums, ice cream and chocolate soda, but first I’ll have to book a flight to get there…so do you!
We can fly over on Genie’s magic carpet! We could take my pirate ship, but that’d take too long.
Let’s take the Genie’s rug…might be faster!
And the magic carpet is a lot of fun, too!
We could lay out a blanket on the carpet with a picnic basket full of spam, chocolate and wine gums.
It would be a party on the way to the party!
That’s a super idea! I’m getting some treats now!
Well I got the basket, so just load your treats in it and we’ll all be on our way! I hope we hit some air pockets too to make it even more fun!
Genie always makes his flights fun by zooming over the mountains and diving to the ground and doing all kinds of stunts!
Hey Fraz I always thought
that your Genie was a lady 🙂
She is!
Oops, sorry Genie!
I think there was only Me
that noticed so shhhhhhhhhhh 🙂
I hope so! Genie can get pretty mad sometimes!
She will forgive you Fraz and probably offer you another few thousand wishes too 🙂
Yeah, she doesn’t stay mad too long.
Thank you for adding my drawing of Fraz and Big Show with you comic today, and the fan art page…It’s an honor! 🙂
The honor’s mine, Deb.
Thank you! 🙂
Those technicalities are a drag! 😀
They sure are! Kinda like my teacher!
you are right. I wish there were more snow days, I remember growing up and having snow every winter, now we are lucky to get it once a year.
Yeah, we need way more snow! Especially on test days!
Frazzie, you need to go to school to learn. Don’t you get enough school holidays already?
You can never have enough holidays from school!
Fraz is brilliant as usual. Maybe I should start to think like him. 😀
That would be cool! But maybe not a good idea on your tests.
Technicallities can be such a pain. It could snow though Fraz. Why risk it by going to school with the possibility of getting stranded on the way
I tried to tell Twink that, but she just gave me one of her looks! She obviously doesn’t care if I get stranded.
She’s so insensitive to your needs Fraz
I know! If she wasn’t she wouldn’t make me go to school when I didn’t want to.
I am praying, praying, praying to have school canceled tomorrow. Come on SCS. Call it already!
I’d cancel school for you if I could!
It never works for me either!
The school system is rigged!
Hey Fraz it has been snowing here today too, only it was really snowing 🙂 How about a nice snowman building competition? 🙂 The best snowman wins a triple fudge pancake with wine gum surprise 🙂 Yay
I need to come over there to get some snow! I’m a pretty good snowman maker, too! So I think I’m gonna win those special pancakes!
I have been practicing with some pretend snow and I am nearly as good at building Snowmen as you now so it could be a close contest 🙂
I guess we’ll see who’s best when we build our snowmen!
I have a good chance but I know how wicked you are at snowman building so I will just have to try my best 🙂
It’ll be fun whoever wins! Even though it’ll probably be me!
Yes it will surely be a lot of fun and it doesn’t matter who wins, it is the taking part that matters the most 🙂
You might win next time 🙂
I think I’ll win THIS time, but we’ll see Mister!
I can’t wait to see the finished snow wombies and snowmen! 🙂
That’s a hint Geoff! 😉
We’ll try to make them as soon as we can!
This is a great wrestling painting Deb and Fraz looks so wicked standing there with the defeated giant zonked out underneath him like that 🙂 Well done Fraz 🙂
Yay me! Big Show was tough, but I was tougher!
You certainly showed him, it was like David and Goliath but you were too good for him 🙂 Yaaaaaaaay
Yeah, maybe next time I could fight someone bigger!
How about the Jolly Green Giant? 🙂
I could definitely take on sprout man!
Sprout Man and anyone else that dares to challenge Fraz Vader of Wombania 🙂
That’s right! No one can beat Fraz Vader!
Fraz was probably watching the weather report ….they never get anything right!!!
I wonder if I could bribe the weather guys to forecast a big storm?
Fraz, you would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for that pesky window.
I should’ve drawn a picture of a snowstorm and taped it to the window!
That is your great logic showing
through again Fraz, well done 🙂
Maybe I’ll try the picture thing next week!
Yes it’s a great plan 🙂
I think so! And by next week, Twink should have forgotten about this time!
That is even better 🙂
Tree allergies acting up? Better stay inside Fraz.
I never tied that one. That might work!
when I was a kid we had heaps of snow and rarely did school ever close on account of it. It had to be like 3 feet deep. But here in the NW they close school 7 or 8 days every year for an inch of melty snow. WTF!!!
I think they should close school every day it snows! No school winter!
No Snow is no fun. 🙁
Especially when they won’t close the school!
It had been snowing here in Germany but I don’t know if I have seen a snow day here yet. Don’t move here Fraz. :-/
Germany doesn’t sound like very much fun then!
Somebody always gotta ruin the fun. lol
Yeah. They’re called adults!
I second that!!
I love fish but the adults won’t let me eat fish everyday!
Maybe you could escape and come live with me, Kroten! You could have all the fish you want!
I mean… You wouldn’t want the school districts that did get snow to get all behind… Good thinking, Fraz!
Yeah! We should have snow days for the whole winter just to be fair!
I don’t go to school and don’t need to make excuse of snowing….but I wish we have snow in Indonesia
No snow? I guess you can’t make snowman or go tobogganing then.
No but we can invite her over to Canada and let her join in with our Snowman building competition if you like? 🙂
That would be great! As long as it’s not too cold for Novroz and her turtles. They’d have to take extra warm coats!
Don’t worry we can let them sit
in the truck with the heater on 🙂
All night??
Yes you can afford it 🙂
Genie can fill up the tank
with never-ending fuel 🙂
I guess Genie could, but I think Novroz might like to come into the house!
I think 16 degrees Celsius is already too cold…I don’t know if I can take snow brrrr
16C is pretty warm! It was -10 yesterday! And the wind makes it colder! But it’s 8C today!
-10C??? My God! I can’t even imagine how cold that is. I think I’ll prefer to be inside the house bundled in thick blanket with the heater on…and drink a lot of hot coffee and tea.
Even 8 is still cold.
It’s -12C now! And was -25C with the wind chill a couple of days ago. It’s almost cold enough to wear a hat!
I think 8 is pretty warm!
And we turtles prefer to sleep (read: hibernate) when snow falls down…I came from a country that has snow 😉
I forgot that you came from a different country. What country did you come from, Kurome?
I came from Japan 🙂
and I believe Japan has snow
Japan is really hot in the south and pretty cold in the north. They even have snow monkeys! We learned about it in geography.
The snow monkeys love hot bath 🙂
I saw that! Those snow monkeys are pretty funny. I wonder if the like chocolate too?
hmmm…. Hot chocolate while bathing in onsen sounds fun, maybe they do like hot chocolate!
Ah…I wish I know how Chocolate tasted *sigh*
Poor Kurome! It’s too bad chocolate isn’t good for you. It tastes really yummy!
Everyone loves a snow day except for the people who get a lot of them!
I’d love a lot of them! Every day should be a snow day!
Thank you for commenting on my Youtube Vampire video Binky and you are right it is a bit of a problem trying to talk with a mouth full of fangs 🙂 lol I have just added a couple of videos to my Space including the Vampire scene 🙂
Yes, I know. That’s why I only use chocolate fangs that I can eat while I’m talking. I’m not sure if that helps, but they sure taste better.
I saw your videos on your site.
Thank you for viewing those Binky
and I am already ordering some of
those chocolate fangs, you are right
if I am going to be biting everyone
I need to enjoy the experience too 🙂
Definitely. Chocolate always makes biting better.
I’m going to start calling them Technicalitologists instead of meteorologists.
Will that get you anymore snow days?
How is the Sleeper Hold exactly done, Fraz? I have watched WWF when I was young and I did not know any moves like that. Sure would love to know how..I can use that on my sister if she tries to pillowfight me! 🙂
It’s my special move! It’s sorta a choke hold, but I dunno if I can tell you the exact details because it’s kinda a secret. If the other wrestlers found out, they might use it against me!
We had 3 or 4 inches Thursday morning and by early afternoon you could not tell there had ever been any at all!!
I want my snow to stay!!
So do I, Fraz!! It just doesn’t happen here in Mississippi!!
It’s not staying up here either! And it’s supposed to! Maybe we’ll have to move to the north pole!
How about Alaska instead?!
That’d be good too! We could build good snowmen up there!
I forgot: Deb’s painting is fantastic!!! 😀 Love it.
Yes, very nice. And Fraz really liked it, too!
Fraz should move to Alaska. I’nm sure that there are plenty of snow days up there!
Yeah, I think I’d like that!
We need more snow, it has all gone around here I wonder if someone shipped it out somewhere? 🙁
All our snow is gone too! It’s raining out! It’s supposed to be winter!