Value of a Dollar by Peter Marinacci on August 8, 2016 at 12:00 am Chapter: Comics Everyone should know the value of a dollar. └ Tags: chris, dollar, fraz, money, shopping, store, value
Well Fraz, you’re not wrong but…
That’s what Chris said!
What’s in the dollar store bag, Fraz?
I bought a toy car!
Wow!…isn’t that store great?
It is! They have lots of toys and stuff!
And that isn’t very much is it. Now, at the $100,000 store you can get some fairly interesting things.
I’d like to go shopping there!
That’s one way of looking at it, Fraz! 🙂
I thought that’s the way I was supposed to look at it!
And those dollars go so quickly!
I don’t have nearly enough of them!
And that dollar is burning a hole in your pocket. Or it would if you had a pocket, Fraz!
I spend ’em as fast as I get ’em!
Well, that’s one way of looking at it.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
It’s the way I look at it!
Good point.
I thought so!
Our dollar store only sells $2 products. 🙁
That’s not fair!
In New York, you can get a slice of pizza for a buck!
I wanna go to New York!
Can’t argue with that Chris. Like all of history’s great philosophers Fraz logic never fails
Yeah Chris should pay more attention to me! I know what I’m talking about!
Nice purchase at the dollar store, Fraz, a bag with a dollar sign printed on it. I read in the comments that you got a toy car too, so I guess that was $2 altogether.
No! I didn’t have to buy the bag! They give you that. But I did have to pay tax.
Was the tax $1? It must be because those stores say everything is a dollar therefore…
If the tax was a dollar I wouldn’t pay it!
That sounds logical to me, but Fraz says no. I just don’t understand the complexities of tax law.
When I get elected president no one will have to pay any taxes at all!
It looks like you’ve been spending again Fraz ☺
It’s ok it was only a dollar! Plus tax.
That’s okay then,
I like the pound shops
in the UK too ☺
You n me are like twins,
we enjoy getting good
stuff at low prices 😎
Yeah! Then we can buy more neat stuff!
Yaaaaaaay now you’re talking 😉
We should go shopping and get some more toys!
I will grab Winky’s
wheelbarrow, then
we can fill it with all
our favourite stuff 🙂
That’s a good idea! I need to get my own wheelbarrow!