That’s great because I never can get enough of those tubes either!! Who needs wrapping paper when what you are really paying for is the FUN that is rolled up inside!!! Great illustration on the unraveled tube too – very detailed and realistic! W.C.C.
thanks for the great giggles today Fraz! and memories! I love to play whacking tubes or have sword fights myself. and of course the trumpet, toot too, or even scary noises you can make with them. and they come already wrapped! come to think of it, I may have a whacking tube I just unwrapped… (shhh, I am going to sneak up on hubby and whack him, hehehee)
Just peel all that annoying colorful papery stuff off the outside and get to that tube on the inside! They sure do like to wrap enough of that stuff on it, don’t they?
We used to have so much fun playing with “wacking tubes” as kids. The sticks that popped up in the yard after the orange flowers died made fun swords too.
This is a whacking great comic strip, now where is the next tube I wouldn’t mind whacking someone with it next? Chris watch out you are in the whacking zone 🙂
Whacking people is a lot of fun! Chris told me most people just throw those tubes out without using them?? That’s hard to believe! Why buy them if you’re not gonna use them? Anyway, I’m going to go out on recycling day and see if I can get some more. Then we can have a whacking tube party!!
My kids used to call those Styrofoam colored noodles you use in the pool, “whacking tubes”. When I first read this I thought of the game “Whack a Mole”. I’m not suggesting Whack a Wombat or anything, Just saying.
Fraz is too cute. Does he want to come visit me in Sydney?
Sure! Sounds like fun! As long as you have chocolate and wine gums!
Of course!!
Yay! I’ll be there for New Years!!
I used to love to stick my arms in these things and sword fight.
Whacking paper tubes make awesome swords, too!
You would think they would make those whacking tubes tougher? How is a wombat expected to whack?
Well they’re better than paper towel tubes, but they could be stronger. Maybe if they made them out of carbon fiber!
That would pretty much guarantee a marsupial a migraine 🙁
Only if you’re the one getting hit!
This one is so cute & funny. I guess it’s a good thing whacking tubes aren’t too tough or you would need to bug Chris again for bandages.
It’s fun to whack someone as hard as you can and it doesn’t hurt them. Though they don’t last very long.
Yep, less painful than thong slapping 🙁
Yes ‘Thongs’ Fraz, but don’t you worry we don’t have time for thinging thongs 🙂
Yeah, I know, I’m too busy whacking people!
Thong (flip-flop) slapping is great fun Fraz & it stings more than whacking tubes & if you do it right it’ll leave red marks
I’m gonna have to find me some flip-flops, then!
Oh how I’d love to play with theses thing more than the toys.
You can come play with us anytime!
Thank you, Fraz! That would be so much fun!
I have a gift for you, and for everyone here at Wombania!
I hope you all have a very, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Deb xx
That’s really neat, Deb! You animated your snowman Christmas card!
You have a Merry Christmas, too!
I wonder if people still play with those things since they got replaced with YouTube.
It’s hard to whack someone with YouTube, though.
No, but you can Rick Roll somebody with YouTube! 🙂
I had to google that!
Love it! I used to do that very same thing when I was a kid. You might have guessed I’ve probably taken one too many whacking paper tubes to the head!
You don’t seem too whacky to me! Luckily, it’s hard to cause a concussion with a wrapping paper tube or a lot of us might be in trouble.
I hope Chris has a good amount of gifts that need wrapping today. 😀
If Chris got half of the stuff on my Christmas list, he has tons of presents to wrap!
Those whacking paper tubes make for good presents… and you don’t even have to wrap them!
Maybe I’ll get some whacking tubes for Chris. He needs more. So I can use them.
Ha! Funny stuff!
Thanks, MJ.
Those tubes are awesome. You can also make neat sounds with them. Around this time of year I think we all have a few.
Yeah, sounds are good, too! I like to pretend I’m an elephant!
I agree. Everyone should have extra whacking tubes this time of year. Bwahahahahaha.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
It’s hard to have too many whacking tubes! If anyone has any extra ones, they can send them to me!
That’s great because I never can get enough of those tubes either!! Who needs wrapping paper when what you are really paying for is the FUN that is rolled up inside!!! Great illustration on the unraveled tube too – very detailed and realistic! W.C.C.
Thanks, W.C.! Yes, the fun in the tube is worth more than the paper on the roll. Well, at least some of us think so!
LOL… this Fraz boy is becoming my favorite character here!
Yay, I’m your favorite!
Just send me money!
We gave one of them to my baby son. We call it his cardsaber!
Look out world, the kid is armed!
thanks for the great giggles today Fraz! and memories! I love to play whacking tubes or have sword fights myself. and of course the trumpet, toot too, or even scary noises you can make with them. and they come already wrapped! come to think of it, I may have a whacking tube I just unwrapped… (shhh, I am going to sneak up on hubby and whack him, hehehee)
Some old people’s toys (sorry!) are still fun! But don’t blame me if hubby whacks you back and you end up in a whacking tube war with him!
My brother and I used to have so much fun with those tubes.
If you visit him for Christmas you can come secretly armed and then start whacking him when he least suspects it. “Hi, brother.” Whack! Whack! Whack!
I am going to see him for Christmas and your right that might just be funny. He is the kind of guy who would appreciate the throw back!
If he doesn’t appreciate it, it wasn’t my idea!!
Haha, at least they saved Chris the tedious task of unrolling the wrapping paper from the tubes.
Funny, but Chris didn’t seem very happy about it.
dude I love the paper lightsabers myself.
So do I! But real lightsabers would be even more awesomer!
Just peel all that annoying colorful papery stuff off the outside and get to that tube on the inside! They sure do like to wrap enough of that stuff on it, don’t they?
It’s like they’re trying to hide the good stuff with the ugly stuff! But I know those tubes are in there!
What is Chris working on that is so important that it out ways the real important situation that is lack of whacking tubes?
Chris calls it “work”. I call it boor-ring!
We used to have so much fun playing with “wacking tubes” as kids. The sticks that popped up in the yard after the orange flowers died made fun swords too.
It’s easy to have a whacking good time with whacking tubes. Twink won’t let me whack people with sticks, though.
They have found the proper purpose. 🙂
Yep, that’s what they should make them for!
OH! That’s what they are called! lol
I don’t know what else you would call them. They’re tubes. And they’re made for whacking!
Aww… Fraz looks so disappointed in the 5th panel! Well, at least they had a lot of fun with the wacking tubes that they found! lol
Yeah, I was disappointed. But we found some more later, so I had more whacking fun.
This is a whacking great comic strip, now where is the next tube I wouldn’t mind whacking someone with it next? Chris watch out you are in the whacking zone 🙂
Whacking people is a lot of fun! Chris told me most people just throw those tubes out without using them?? That’s hard to believe! Why buy them if you’re not gonna use them? Anyway, I’m going to go out on recycling day and see if I can get some more. Then we can have a whacking tube party!!
Whacking tubes – That’s perfect. I used to love whacking friends with those. Very funny strip.
That’s what friends are for, whacking them!
Hahahaha! Awesome!
Chris’ office must be sound proof.
Sometimes I think he wears earplugs or something, because he really knows how to ignore us when he wants to.
My kids used to call those Styrofoam colored noodles you use in the pool, “whacking tubes”. When I first read this I thought of the game “Whack a Mole”. I’m not suggesting Whack a Wombat or anything, Just saying.
Those foam noodles sound like they’d be fun! I should ask Santa for some, even though we don’t have a pool.
Hey they’re using them right!
I’m sure they were invented for whacking! And if they weren’t, they should have been!
That whacking paper sounds fun 🙂
Merry Christmas to you all 🙂
It is! We all had a whacking good time!
Merry Christmas to you, too, Kroten!
It seems to be good fun 🙂
It was! Too bad they didn’t last longer, though.