I think you’re right, though in the newspaper version of the comic strip Chris was seen at his desk at least one other time. That one will make it here eventually. For an architect, Chris does surprisingly little architecting.
For the last panel I was trying to zoom in on the book, which still ended up too small.
That better not be a flea because Fraz won’t be too happy wearing a flea collar.
It would be for us, but probably not for Fraz. Unless maybe it was a secret-agent super-spy flea collar which included all sorts of neat high-tech gadgets.
What a sad turn of events. Maybe a book on Jedi Mind Tricks would of been more useful. Ha,ha,ha!
That would be a good idea but that book never seems to be available.
Or maybe Fraz should borrow a library book on hypnotism.
Or torture…
This could quickly get out of hand. Beware of Fraz, world!
Or one of those get rich quick books. An allowance is what parents pay their kids to live with them right?
Yeah, it takes a large incentive to overcome the embarrassment kids have to put up with living with their parents.
I did that with a Kreskin book on mind control. Didn’t work for me either.
Do those techniques ever work? It might be pretty dangerous if they did.
Nice try though. You’ve got to admit that. Excellent.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Yes, but unfortunately it didn’t get him his raise. Next time he probably won’t be so subtle.
Maybe Fraz should check out the book “Better Blackmailing” by I.M. Sirius. 😀
If Fraz reads all these books, he’s going to a force to be reckoned with. A junior Hank-in-training.
Lol, true statement.
Perhaps he should get the book called ‘reversing psychology’. lol
I need to start a library list of all the books Fraz is banned from reading!
Now that’s the trouble with a little lite reading.
Fraz never has trouble finding trouble.
I think he may have used those quotes the wrong way.
Maybe he should try the book 48 Laws of Power.
If Fraz ever gets hold of that book, we’re all doomed.
Hmm.. I think this is the first time we’ve seen Chris actually doing any work (I hope I’m wrong, though)
Also, panel 3 has got to be the closest headshot we’ve seen of Fraz, or of any of the wombies for that matter.
Is that a flea?
I think you’re right, though in the newspaper version of the comic strip Chris was seen at his desk at least one other time. That one will make it here eventually. For an architect, Chris does surprisingly little architecting.
For the last panel I was trying to zoom in on the book, which still ended up too small.
That better not be a flea because Fraz won’t be too happy wearing a flea collar.
that would be a funny site 🙂
It would be for us, but probably not for Fraz. Unless maybe it was a secret-agent super-spy flea collar which included all sorts of neat high-tech gadgets.
psst, Fraz… next time don’t have the book so noticeable under your arm! good luck in getting that raise 😉
That’s good advice. Fraz could definitely work on being more subtle.
He should have quoted before he asked the first time. 🙂
Fraz has a lot to learn when it comes to dealing with people.
Love the plywood desk! Is it patterned after a real-life one?
It’s based on my old solid wood & cast iron drafting table.