Fan Art : Chris Land’s Portrait by Debbie Adams
Chris Land’s Portrait by Debbie Adams |
Debbie Adams is a great artist who draws and paints both digitally and with traditional media. You can visit her website Debbie Adams to see more of her work. The original post of Chris Land’s portrait can be found on Debbie Adams’s Art Blog. |
Chris Land’s portrait by Debbie Adams |
Ahahahaha! Cris, you look like you’ve seen a ghost. Hey, trust me, I know how it is now that I have a clan of Wombies too! 🙂
Every day is like living on the edge of terror when you have a house full of Wombies!
I know just where your coming from Chris! 😉
I’m sure you do!
Yes, but it’s getting easier….well, maybe not always!
Maybe we’re just getting more used to their craziness.
That’s got to be it, or we’re just getting to old to fight it anymore.
I suspect it’s some of that as well!
Gets tiring to fight them.
Exhausting. And ultimately fruitless as they always seem to win, anyway.
The harder we try, the crazier they make us.
I guess we should learn to stop fighting them, and just give in.
No, they’d completely take us over!
I thought we already did!
That’s what we let you think!
I guess I’m gonna have to work harder at controlling Chris then!
I’m going to hang out with you so I can learn to take over too!
I’ll teach you everything I know!
Cool! And if I figure out some tactic I’ll teach them to you too!
Do you believe it, Chris, our two youngest are conspiring to take over!
I’ve suspected it for a long time!
Well, we could hold out on the chocolate to gain control. Nope, that would be risky for us. Well, I’m just going to sit in my easy chair and what will be, will be.
I think you’re right. The wisest thing to do is to just go with the flow.
…and bury my face in the newspaper.
Maybe we should just give them the keys and move out.
Sound like a great idea!
Except then we’ll be homeless. And Wombieless.
I don’t want to be either of those…I guess we’ll just have to put up with it then.
Yeah. And I think they know that, too.
They got us over a barrel.
We surrender!
Yes, Yes, Yes!