Fraz’s London Trip

In honour of young Prince George getting a large stuffed wombat on the royal’s recent trip to Australia, Fraz took a trip to London to show Prince George what a real Wombie is like.

Fraz at the Tower of London

Me at the Tower of London Castle. The best castle ever!
(Photo courtesy of ct253.)
May 4, 2014

Fraz marching with the Buckingham Palace Guards

Marching with the Buckingham Palace Guards. They wouldn’t give me a hat!
(Photo courtesy of akivasha.)
May 4, 2014

Fraz at some red London phone booths

Me and some red phone booths. I dunno what a phone booth is.
(Photo courtesy of sylmac.)
May 4, 2014

Fraz and the London Bridge

The London Bridge. I wanted to raise the bridge but they wouldn’t let me do that either!
(Photo courtesy of bugdog.)

Fraz with Big Ben

That’s Big Ben! And me again!
(Photo courtesy of strefa.)
May 4, 2014