Fan Art : I Am First by Doron
I Am First by Doron
Our artist friend Doron hasn’t been able to win the coveted “Wombania First Commenter Extra Special Super Deluxe Mega Chocolate Trophy” yet, so he painted a picture of two of our commenters who have won the prize in the past, Dave of 8-Bit Nerds, and Andro from his On The Edge blog. One day, Doron might win the trophy and be able to retire and live happily ever after.
I Am First by Doron |
Discussion (3) ¬
I just finish painting the wall ready for the trophy… Does it look as if I am first here… can’t see the shadow of Dave or Andro yet it is scary, missing those body guards…
You are the first commenter here! Fraz will be delivering your First Commenter Extra Special Super Deluxe Mega Chocolate Trophy soon. Watch the skies for the Frazline jet!