Fan Art : Pirate Fraz by Debbie Adams
Pirate Fraz by Debbie Adams |
Our Artist friend Debbie Adams was kind enough to grant Fraz his wish by painting him as a big bad pirate. Debbie’s original posting of Big Bad Pirate Fraz can be seen on her art blog. |
Pirate Fraz by Debbie Adams |
Pirate Fraz has never looked better!
Pirating is my favorite thing to do in the summer!
I know it is, and your the best looking pirate of all the seas! You look so dangerous!
Everyone’s afraid of Captain Fraz!
That and they know he’s c……….lever!
You thought I was going to say it didn’t you?
I have to be feared when I’m a pirate! I can’t be that other stuff!
You mean c**e?
So your a lean, mean, fighting machine?
That’s me!