Fan Art : World Cup Champions 2014 by Doron
World Cup Champions 2014 by Doron
Our artist friend
Doron captured the moment of glory when Team Wombania won the 2014 World Cup. You can read the whole story on Doron’s Wombania News Flash 13th July 2014 post on his art blog.
World Cup Champions 2014 by Doron |
I am so confused. I watched the World Cup. Germany must have been showing us aWorld Cup Propoganda Game that made it look like they won.
In sports, people will go to any length to win, or to appear to win. The truth is here, however.
Dave you watch too much TV Germany story is only virtually… Go and see your doctor, I can detect from from our planet here that you are short of Red wine gums and have serious deficiency of chocolate milk shakes. the Germans start using this tactic after 1966…
I think most people don’t realize that TV programs are very biased and often do not report the facts truthfully. Here at Wombania, we do not suffer from any chocolate or wine gum deficiencies, so we can always be trusted.