Apology Accepted
Even if it isn’t all your fault, it’s sometimes better to apologize for everything anyway.
Debbie Adams gave little Fraz the whole world. We can only hope he’ll take care of it. You can see the original posting of Fraz Owns The World on Debbie’s blog.
Winky that was such a smart move…
you are getting better..
Fraz always owned the world…and Deb has been so sweet to let other mortals know. 🙂
I try to learn. But it’s hard sometimes!
Fraz is taking over the world one chocolate at a time.
Yes and it is usually three chocolates for him and one form me, then ten chocolates for him and three for me, he might not like school but his mathematics is definitely up-to-scratch 🙂
He’s very good at Fraz math which coincidently always benefits him.
Yes and the only time I get more goodies is when it is sprouts or broccoli 🙂
I can imagine!
🙂 Fraz always gives me his broccoli and sprouts but I like those so I don’t mind one bit 🙂
It’s good that you like broccoli and sprouts because Fraz would probably try to give them to you anyway!
Sheez, men!!!! So obvious you are sucking up Winky for that chocolate cake, there in that oven!!!!
and the pancake too!!!
No I’m not! Not really. Well, that blueberry pancake does look pretty good. . .
Hmm, sure!
Want some cake?
I’d like a piece if that’s okay, Winky. 🙂
Sure! It’s double-chocolate fudge supreme!
I apologize for everything too. So, can I have some?
Sure, as long as you don’t tell anyone how you got it!
I promise!!!!
Dig in!
I was thinking of aplogising too Loon, by the way is there any chocolate cake left? 😉
You can have some of my cake (actually Twink’s cake), and you don’t even have to apologize!
Great I am bringing my
spoon round straight away 🙂
Good, because there’s ice cream, too!
Excellent 🙂
I accept your apology Binky…about time.
It wasn’t I who was apologizing.
First Winky, and the rest of the Wombies to follow, maybe that is what Bearman was thinking? 🙂
Perhaps. I think he just needs more chocolate.
I think he needs so wine gums too 🙂
Probably, however most Americans are unable to get wine gums. It’s a travesty.
That is a travesty,
I didn’t know that 🙁
One of the great injustices in the world. The UK and former British colonies are the main consumers of wine gums. They’re often quite difficult to obtain in other countries.
The stomach is at the heart of every sincere apology. Or… something like that.
My stomach is usually at the heart of everything!
Don’t accept that generic apology!
Make him give you an itemized list. 😉
But I’ve already apologized! It should be good for everything!
I can see you getting lots of treats now after that fine apology 🙂 twink is already mixing a new batch of pancakes 🙂
I guess apologizing is worth it after all!
It is when there are so
many pancakes at stake 🙂
That’s for sure! And triple chocolate pancakes even!
I agree with Bill Murphy, Winky is apologizing for everything?! I wanna know what he’s specifically sorry for 🙂
I don’t know! That’s why I apologized for everything. I figured that should cover it.
I agree. I’ve apologized even when I didn’t think I should have had to apologize. The funny thing? I was the one that needed to apologize. It just took me a bit to figure that out.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Sometimes it is hard to know when you’ve done something wrong.
Ok this is my Favourite
i know i always say that but they keep getting better !
and Frazzy with the world 🙂 super sweet …………… super innocent xx
love it xoxoxo
Thanks, Cat. I hope Fraz knows what to do with the world because most of our leaders don’t.
Thanks Cat! xo
Hi Cat, hope your having a great loved filled day! 🙂 xoxo
Thanks Deb – It’s an angel filled Day xx!!!!!!!!!!!!
🙂 🙂 🙂 xo
I like this one too Deb
it’s brilliant my great friend 🙂
Thanks Andro! 🙂
He best take good care of it! Great painting, Deb <3
You are so right !Aint that the truth !
Not to get too political on a monday morn .
but As November comes soon for the elections in the us – i think Fraz should jump in now ……….
Seriously xx
President Fraz has a nice ring to it. Deb even has a poll on her blog.
That right, and Fraz is in the lead, but lets all help out to keep it that way! 😉
Fraz already voted for himself, so it won’t let me vote!
I need to get over there and vote 🙂
Yeah, I’m counting on you!
I have been and added my vote, there are seven in your favour now 🙂
Thanks, Andro!
But I think I need more votes!
I knew I could count on you!
So was I. Your still in the lead by 100%
That’s a pretty good lead! I hope I can keep it!
I hope we get more Fraz votes 🙂
So do I!
Free chocolates for Fraz voters, everyone!
Fraz I like your powers of persuasion 🙂
I wish it would get more people to vote, though!
Hmm…That was pretty good, Winky! I don’t suppose you did that out of great hunger did you?
No! I don’t always think with my stomach. Well, okay, maybe I do.
Yes, well once you get that delicious pancake from Twink you can move on the the jar of chocolate in the cabinet behind you.
I kind of already did.
Well then, you must be quite hungry right now. How about I fix you a great big triple spambo-wombo burger with all your favorite toppings?
How could I say no to that? That would be great! I’ll bring the chocolate dessert!
I’ll bring the chocolate milk.
Feast time!
Yum 🙂
Double triple yum!
You shouldn’t apologize – doesn’t everyone need instruction on how to use a spatula properly? W.C.C.
I’d like a spatula that cooks pancakes by itself!
That a very clever idea, Winky.
And I could take it on trips, too. Like when I walk in the park, I could stop and have some pancakes right there!
Sounds like you have it all planned out.
I do. I take my eating seriously!
I think the smell of food went to your head, Winky.
That does happen, believe it or not.
Good move, Winky. You must be married.
I’m not actually. I’m just practicing.
When the big day?!
sorry, “is,” went MIA
Well I don’t know. The one I really like doesn’t really know how much I like her.
Tell her! Funny she doesn’t know, because I do.
I don’t know. Maybe. That’s kind of scary!
It can be, but once you say it, it will be over with.
It might be over all right! That’s what I’m afraid of.
Does she act like she likes you like you like her?
No. That’s the problem!
Thank you for posting Fraz with the world in his hands.
You’re welcome, Deb. The world could use a better guardian about now.
That’s for sure, and I’m sure Fraz would do a great job for all of us. 🙂
I think so, and Fraz would sure like to give it a try.
I think he’s going to win by a landslide.
I hope so! I think the world could use me!
That’s for sure. We need someone who cares about chocolate.
That’s me!!
I think the only one who cares about chocolate more than me is Winky. And he doesn’t want to be president!
I wouldn’t mind some
extra chocolate votes Fraz 🙂
You can have all the chocolates you want, Andro!
I knew that I could count on you Fraz, now let’s concentrate on getting you elected 🙂
Yeah! The election is getting close, too!
I guess saying you’re sorry DOES cut it!
Well at least I got pancakes. And cake!
But you would have got that anyway. 🙂
Maybe. But probably not as much!
She gave me a lot more pancakes after I apologized!
Oh, so she bought it did she. You see, you have her wrapped around your little finger.
I don’t know about that. She still yells at me a lot.
He seemed sincere enough….until I got a whiff of the chocolate cake in the oven. Crafty. 🙂
Shh!! That was just an extra bonus!
I just hope there is enough left for me 🙂
Of course! I only ate half of the cake. Well, a big half.
Wait a minute, I want some too!
Luckily Twink baked us another double-fudge triple layer cake!
Oh good, I’m ready for a slice of that now with a tall glass of chocolate milk.
And ice cream! And wine gums, too!
That sounds like I should be saying
crumbs, as in that is all that is left 🙁
That’s all that’s left of the cakes, but now we have chocolate-maple fudge! With whipped cream and cherries!
I will have to hurry up and tuck in this time 🙂
There’s also my chocolate factory full of chocolate, so you don’t have to worry!
Winky, I think you apologized only to have some pancakes. Brilliant.
I love Deb’s painting. Fraz looks so cute in it. 🙂
Thank you, Cha! 🙂
How come everyone says that??
Says what?
That I only apologized to get get some cake and pancakes.
Maybe they are all hypnotised 🙂
By Twink? I bet they are hypnotised!
That’s okay as long as we don’t
miss out on our daily pancakes 🙂
Yeah, you’re right about that! Pass the maple syrup, please!
Looks like you’ve got all bases covered Winky. Smart moe to keep on the right side of the lady
Twink makes the best pancakes in the whole universe Tony 🙂 Hey do you think I will get extras for saying that? 🙂 It’s true though so there 🙂
I think you might, you charmer, you.
Wow I knew that would work, I mean I knew that your pancakes were made from hard work and are the very best ever, always and everyone in the universe loves them, now how about that for positive feedback? 🙂
Pretty smooth! You get all the pancakes you can eat for ever!
You stand a pretty good chance Andro. Binky needs to take lessons from you I think
Binky doesn’t need to learn anything more!
Binky is too busy building rockets and inventing new turbo thrusters to think about chocolate, but luckily for him we always save a large helping of ice cream and triple choc cookies for his tea 🙂
Yeah, Binky always has his mind on rockets. I have my mind on more important things!
Oh I meant Winky, Winky!!!
Oh! Well that’s different. I hope Binky didn’t read what I said.
Or what I said either 🙁 But we will still save him plenty of goodies so I guess that we are okay 🙂
I think so. Binky doesn’t come by here that much anyway.
Yeah, I’m slowly leaning, Tony. Slowly.
Nice attention spread pretty evenly throughout the day will make her happy, therefore you happier.
I think I should be taking notes.
Don’t forget to let her catch you admiring her…that will really give you some points.
That sounds like another good idea!
I am always admiring Twinks excellent baking abilities, and her pancakes are second to none, everyone around here knows that 🙂
Oh, go on!
It’s all true Twink 🙂
Way to go Wink. I usually start my day that way because I know I did something that I am not sure about.
It’s probably a good idea to start every day with an apology!
And it don’t hurt none to end up with one at night too.. Especially if you are married.
I need to remember that one, too!
He’s up to something
No I’m not!!
I definitely agree, it’s sometimes better to apologize for everything even though it is not your fault. What a good way to apologize in the general sense – Winky is not really saying specifically what he is sorry for! Haha, Winky, what did you really do to make you feel guilty this time? 🙂
Nothing! I swear! I just figured it’s better to apologize for everything and get it over with!
You’re so persistent! I give up! 🙂
I was hoping you would!
Winky, you are very clever guy 😉
I think I’m getting smarter.
Sabina, Winky is a
lot smarter than he looks 🙂
Yeah, and that’s not a lot!
I mean it’s not more than what you think it might be. I think. I need some chocolate!
Me too, let’s open a brand new tin of Quality Street 🙂
Sounds good to me! And I just happen to have a couple of extra-thick milkshakes!
Better late than never.
Yeah, that’s what I figured.
I love it. I wish I could get one of those. lol
I’m sorry for everything.
thank you i feel so much better. you are great!
I’m glad someone thinks so!
Every women’s dream! Keyword = dream 😉
A man is a real man only when he learns to admit he’s wrong.
Well said Twink 🙂
I’m sure you’re a real man!
Yes well we know how to admit it when we are wrong, mind you I am not always right but then again I am never wrong, well sometimes 🙂 Okay let’s eat some more pancakes and give this one a rethink 🙂
You always know just the right thing to say!
Pancakes are a dish best served hot after an apology.
Love and respect happen when both get on that never ending cycle of admitting they are wrong 🙂
Except it’s usually the man who is wrong.
Ah bad move Winky, Twink will always be able to use this moment against you.
But I was trying to get on her good side! Women are so confusing!
Isn’t that what we’re all waiting for?
I don’t know. I’m waiting for cake.
Ha ha enjoyed plenty! Thanks 🙂
Glad to hear it, Dilip.
Hi Gang!!! I’ve just finished colouring my 2012 Wombat Day comic & it’s all ready to go. Eager to post it on the 22nd!!! Hoping you like my cartoon version of a wombat
That’s great, Tony! We look forward to seeing it in a couple of weeks. And I’m sure we’ll like your wombat!
I hope it’s a picture of me!
Oh ya I too hope its YOU Fraz! 🙂
Two votes for me, yay!
I hope so too 🙂
I love the shocked look.
Thanks, Jeremy!
That’s so much more practical than apologizing every time you do something wrong!
That’s what I thought! And you don’t have to keep track!
Sometimes you just have to be the bigger person and issue that apology even if you’re not entirely sure that you’re the one at fault. Nice job!
Yeah, when in doubt, apologize!
Hi Binky, Winky, Twink, Fraz, Chris and Uncle Peter…I’m stopping by for the first time 🙂
I have a lot to catch up with you guys 😉
Kurome is here before me!! Hi Bro 🙂
Questions to Twink: how do you know what it is Winky is apologizing to you?
Maybe I don’t know specifically, but Winky has plenty to apologize for, let me tell you!
Hi Kurome! You’re welcome to drop by Wombania any time you like. We hope you have fun here.
Good call, Winky! She looks pretty menacing with that spatula…
Twink can be pretty menacing! I figured it’d be safer if I apologized first!