Fake Autobiography
If you haven’t lived an interesting or exciting life, you can always make one up. Many people do.
Debbie Adams gave Fraz his own Pirate Pizza shop, where you can get the best pirate pizza anywhere. And also some cool pirate accessories for all your pirate needs. The original posting of Fraz’s Pizzeria and Pirate Shop can be found on Debbie Adams’s Art Blog.
Discussion (420) ¬
Yeah! Autobiographies can go however you wish for them to. Embellish away. 🙂
Embellish is a lot better word than lying!
Or telling porkies 🙂
Is that sorta like Spam?
Sort of 🙂
Porkie burgers.
Porkie Spam burgers?
Well, he said it was sort of like spam, so why not. We could make Dorky Porky Spambo burgers.
I’m firing up my BBQ grill right now!
Good then, I have a cart full of spam, porkies and buns….yes, chocolate too
It’s going to be a good lunch! An early breakfast sort of lunch!
It’s almost dinner and that grill still look hot, so how about a combo dorky porkie spambo deluxe with wine gums and chocolate sauce with a side of curly fries.
Okay, you talked me into it!
It wasn’t that hard, really.
I knew it wouldn’t be since you always have such a great appetite.
It’s hard to beat my appetite!
I think all the Wombie try to beat you, but you just the the biggest appetite of all.
Yeah, my stomach is king!
So were you born in Kenya?
What’s a few white lies? All just chocolate coated 🙂
I’m just trying to make the truth more interesting.
I wouldn’t mind a bit Loon 🙂
Nooooooo of the chocolate silly 🙂 lol
Hey watch it 🙂 lol
I’ll buy your first book, Fraz
Yay! I hope it’s a bestseller!
It will be Fraztastic 🙂
Fraztastic!! I like that!!
I knew that you would 🙂
That could be my book’s title. Fraztastic! The Incredible Adventures of The One And Only Fraz!
#1 Best Seller!
I hope so!!
The Adventures of Fraztastic 🙂
Maybe I could make a comic book, too!
Your specialty.
And it would be in 3D
3D and Fraz-o-vision!
You are just so famous, Fraz with all you do and the records you beat. Hey!…How about you get yourself in the book of world records for most famous person in the world in the shortest period of time.
That would be Fraztastic! I’ve always wanted to break a world’s record! I think I should be able to set the world record for the most Frazy Fraz, too.
You’ll be the Frazzie First of many firsts!
They’ll need a whole chapter for my records!
Maybe you even need your own world record book!
Fraz’s Book of World Records! I like that idea! I better get started on breaking some world records!
You already have a nice start with your accomplishments. What are you going to do next?
I don’t know. Maybe pancake eating. Or sword fighting. Or zombie trapping.
Zombie trapping would be a really good one to get good and fast at, since we don’t want them around except on tv.
OK, I’ll practice my zombie trapping, then!
Oh yeah, Fraz, I almost forgot, your Pizzeria gets loads of business.
Thanks for posting this one, PDM…one of my most popular Womibe posts.
It’s hard to argue with the popularity of pizza. Especially Pirate Pizza.
Especially when Fraz is the owner. 😉
It’s a really great painting Deb
full of fun and wicked Pizzas 🙂
Thanks Andro! 🙂
Me and pirates and pizza just go together!
There is none better tasting either 🙂
Fraz has the pizza making touch! 😉
It’s because of my secret ingredients! Like Spam and my special secret sauce! And the cheese I put in the crust!
Yes, and you have the best stuffed pizza crust in the world!
All the pirates really like it! And the Wombies, too!
And so do I. Come to think of it, I think Andro is rather fond of your pizzas too! 🙂
I like them a lot Deb,
actually I like yours a
lot too 🙂
I didn’t know Deb made pizzas!
Thank you Andro! 🙂
Yes, but I put a few things on his that you may not care for…like sprouts, but I can fix you one without those.
Yeah, I like my pizza without sprouts! But wine gums would be nice.
Maybe I could make a zombie pizza just for Andro!
Maybe a werewolf pizza. The zombie one might linger.
Okay, a werewolf pizza then!
Okay, but I think I just want a regular pizza with a cold root beer.
Yeah, me too. The werewolf pizza is for Andro. He likes that sort of thing.
Yeah, he loves that kind of pizza. But now it’s mid-morning and I think we should have pizza with your favorite cereal sprinkle on top…it’ll give it texture.
Or we could have pancakes with pizza on top!
That sounds pretty good…I have one with you. I want extra cheese though.
Sure! And I want extra Lucky Charms on mine!
If we are what we eat, the will Lucky Charms make you lucky?
I’m counting on it!
That is my exact story! When your autobiography comes out, I will just cross out your name and add mine in crayon. Then, I will leave it on my coffee table.
Thanks 🙂
Are you a Wombie? Maybe you’re my long lost brother! He’s in chapter 4!
He sounds almost like you, Fraz.
Maybe he is!!
Well only you can be you…no one does that better.
Yeah, I wouldn’t know what to do with another me!
My mom was always glad I wasn’t twins.
I bet Chris is glad I’m not twins, too!
Or even quads 🙂
I wouldn’t mind one of those quad ATV’s, though!
They are fun! I prefer the quad of the ATV.
Yes just don’t fall off during
one of those big leaps 🙁
I never fall off! Well, maybe because I’ve never ridden on one.
I fell once on one once. I bailed as it was going to roll over, but it still caught my ankle. No harm done to the ankle though. Another time I went air born and hit my mouth on the bars. I cut my lip a little but no teeth lost.
I didn’t know you were a daredevil like me! I’m glad you didn’t get hurt, though. We should have an ATV race!
I don’t use quad anymore…too dangerous for me. I like my teeth and ankles. Maybe Andro will have a ATV or Quad race with you.
Hey, I’ll race you to the finish of a milkshake though.
Yeah, I bet Andro would like an ATV race!
Okay, we can have a milkshake race then! I bet I can beat you!
Ohp, you beat me. What do you want as a prize?
Another milkshake!
Okay Frazzie. I’m passing you and extra super large chocolate milkshake with a wine gum sitting on top of all the whip cream.
With chocolate whipped cream just the way I like it!
Of course chocolate whip cream, Fraz. I don’t think I even have any of the white kind…not your favorite.
No. Why have plain old whipped cream when you can have chocolate whipped cream?
You got me, lots of humans do though. They always want something better, but they never let go of what their use to.
If you want to make something better, just add chocolate. That’s what Winky always says!
Me too, Bo. 😉
Maybe Fraz needs a ghost writer.
The Ghostly Life of Fraz!
there is nothing like
a good spook Fraz 🙂
Yeah, one that makes you scream…scream for a milkshake!…BTW, you want one?
Of course! The only time I wouldn’t want a milkshake is, well, never!
I brought you two, one for now, and one for later. Unless you want them one after another, then that is fun too.
Or we could both share them together!
That would be really nice, Fraz. Good thing I brought more with me this trip here.
The more milkshakes the better!
New day, new shake! This one is bottomless. Don’t get a brain freeze.
Bottomless? I hope it doesn’t all fall out, then!
No, it won’t fall out, It just means that your open for refills as soon as your finished.
Oh, OK! I didn’t want my milkshake falling out the bottom!
Only if it sits in a paper cup too long. Not much chance of that happening with you.
I usually finish my milkshake before it even knows it’s a milkshake!
Yes Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease 🙂
Us triplets can all share one extra super duper huge milkshake!
Yes, all we have to do it whip out our special straws. I got an extra red shake for Andro. And yours is extra creamy dreamy chocolate with a wine gum on top.
Fangs a lot for the red one Deb 🙂
Your welcome…I got some with me for breakfast too to wash down the donuts.
And the triple chocolate pancakes!
I was pretty sure that one was mine!
Thanks, Deb!
Of course!
Am I spooky enough to be a spook?
You spooked sharky! 😉
That’s right, I did! Sharky thought I was pretty scary!
Those Zombies are really scared of you too 🙂
I can be pretty scary when I want to be!
Not to my friends, though.
No, not to your friend, because you care about them.
Yeah, and they might get all mad at me and stuff if I was scary to them.
Yes, he was so scared he look like he was going to flop out of his sneakers….but you tamed him now.
Those Zombies wear
multi-coloured flip flops
too Deb 🙂
And their flip flops are multi-stinky, too!
How beachy of them! 🙂
Sharky is a good friend now. He even helps me to look for underwater treasure!
I bet he can smell the treasure miles away. Has he found you treasure yet?
He found an old treasure chest! It had lots of gold and jewels!
Wow! You must have lots of idea for the treasure.
I’m making a tree fort out of gold! And it’ll be all sparkly and stuff with all the jewels!
Can I hang chocolate candy canes around it when Christmas comes?
Sure! You can do that now if you like. Maybe I should put up a Christmas tree early this year. Like now!
Oh how fun would that be. You could start Christmas in Sept. instead of July. I’m getting my stuff out of the attic now!
I wonder which one of us can get the tree up first!
I don’t know, I can do it pretty fast so I can get to the fun decorating part! Ready, set, go!
Oh no! I can’t find the decorations in the basement!
Don’t fret, Fraz…I’ll wait till your ready. Here, lets just have some wine gums and milkshakes till you have everything ready….all better?
OK, I’ve found the decorations, now. We can start whenever you want!
My Christmas lights are all tangle up and two of them need to blinkers! And I can’t find the hooks for the decorations!
That sounds like ours! OK, I’ll wait till you get everything right.
If only it were that easy to make you mark. Everyone would be famous then.
I don’t think everyone should be famous. Just me!
Agreed, Fraz. If too many are famous it makes it harder to get noticed.
He will get noticed
sat on those books Deb 🙂
Yes, and he deserves to be set up high too! 😉
And I need it, too!
Maybe I should sit on books more often, then!
And I want to get noticed!
You already are noticed!
But I want to be noticed all over the world!
You are getting a lot more noticed now than you were before so it is just a matter of time, and how many books you sit on 🙂
I guess I should sit on a stack of books up to the clouds, then! Then everyone should notice me!
Maybe you could use those cool stilts Andro made.
I have just designed some thirty metre stilts but unfortunately I haven’t found anyone brave enough to try them out yet 🙁
I’m brave enough to try them! I always wanted to be taller than a skyscraper!
🙂 Fraz the giant!…You’re going to star in a movie if you wear those.
Invasion of The 500 Foot Fraz!!
Ah, see, there you go be scary…we told you you could be scary.
Those zombies will be running away from me now!
Yes, they will be frightened for sure now that they know your around. They’ll be tip toeing trying not to fall in a trap.
Maybe we can get rid of those bad zombies once and for all!
You need a gun for that Fraz with a lot of bullets. Better stick with the traps so you don’t get hurt. It will be fun. Set the trap, and when you catch one, my dogs will dig holes to put them in. Then we can all to a happy dance.
OK, that sounds like a good plan. We’ve got extra traps this time, just to be sure.
Maybe we need a new way of catching them. Got any ideas?
I dunno. Maybe an electric fence to keep them out?
We’d still have to trap them to get collars on them.
I wish Binky would stop working on his rockets and invent a better zombie trap!
Ha…not much chance of that! You know how important his rockets are…and they are too. But I think that you are very capable of inventing thing just as well as he if you put your mind to it.
Maybe. I’ll have to think of a good way to trap zombies.
Just write “Based on a True Story” and all will be OK>
That’s a good idea! I’ll do that!
Bwahahahahahaha. He’s a good point you know.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
I’m just copying what the famous people do!
Fraz! What a great idea and reasoning! I now know the direction of my next blog/website. As long as my imagination can come up with enough insanity and outrage, I should be able to attract millions of readers, monetize the site, and retire to a pacific island. On the other hand, as you note, there is a lot of existing competition to be conquered.
That’s what I want, too! Even though I already have my own island. And beach house. And Beverly Hills mansion. And Palace. And Genie. And pirate ship. And oil well & gas station. And pizza shop. And Nobel prize.
Well that’s a start, Fraz!
Yeah, but it’s not nearly enough!!
From the size of that list I don’t think I’m painting enough. 😉 What do you want to be or have next?
The world!
The world! If you get the whole world what would be left to look forward to?
The galaxy!
Ok, but what after that could you look forward to?
The universe!
And then?
The multi-verse!
You always think of something.
That was it! But if I had everything in all the multi-verses, there wouldn’t be anything else left to have!
That would be sort of sad, to not have anything to look forward to anymore. How about we first get you to be President in about 6 more weeks.
I guess I should work on my president campaign! Or else people might forget to vote for me!
My life has been interesting (and not always good either) enough that I don’t need to make anything up. 😉
Yes tell us everything Wendy
don’t be leaving us in suspence 🙁
I’m sitting here is suspense too! 😉
If you and Andro are trapped there in suspense, my pirates and I can come rescue you!
Yes, come get us out so we can move on. 😉
Okay! We’re coming to rescue you!
Thanks Fraz 🙂
It was a hard rescue, but you’re both safe now!
Thank you, Fraz. I was so stuck till you came. Yay!
Pizza for everyone!
Hey I am liking all these
extra pizzas are you Fraz? 🙂
Deb is always too good to us 🙂
Pizza is always good after hard work! Well, it’s good after no work, too.
I think Deb might be trying to spoil us!
Nothing wrong with getting spoiled. We all need it from time to time, well, all the time really. It makes you happy!
Now I’m here pretty early this morning and happen to be making breakfast…the usual stuff. But for you two I’ve got only the freshest jelly donuts with extra powdered sugar and all the pancakes you can eat…favorite shakes for you too to wash it all down, and each a big chunk of only the finest chocolate in the world. I’ll just have a V-8.
You are up early!
That’s the best breakfast I’ve ever had! And I know Andro really liked it, too! I saw him licking the plate!
Good then. The next time I’m up really early I’ll come in and bring you all some breakfast…Home cookn’
I hope you’re up early again soon!
I’m counting on it!
Your place will be my first stop then.
Made it! Got up early this morning and made you a batch of chocolate pancakes topped with wine gum syrup…big stack! Got your chocolate milk ready to wash it all down?
Yep, all washed down and ready for more! That was good!
Pushing the serving cart your way! Enjoy!
Maybe I don’t need to be king. You always treat me like a king!
That right! And the difference between a real king and you is I want to do those things for you. King’s servants do it because they have to. So your happier than a king.
I didn’t think of it like that.
I’m better than a king!
But making up stuff is funner than the truth!
And made to be more interesting too.
Yeah, real stuff is pretty boring.
I don’t know, your real life is pretty interesting. 😉
It’s a lot more interesting than it used to be!
Aw, you life has always been interesting, you just didn’t see it yet.
When you and the others started giving me stuff my life got a lot more interesting!
I see…more to do right. But you yourself, rich or poor has always been interesting…always will be.
I try to have fun!
You do better than try…you succeed!
Because I have a lot of fun friends like you!
That works both ways, Fraz. 🙂 😉
Fraz for president. 🙂
I’m hoping to get elected!
You got my vote, along with Cici’s, Cassie’s, Dink’s and Tink’s. 😉
I’ve got your family vote! Yay!
Yes, and Mitch’s too!
Double triple yay!!
Lol You going really fast this morning Fraz. You must have has a lot of sweets for breakfast. 😉
Yeah, thanks to you and the big breakfast you made for us!
You must have lots planned for the day. It’s so early and your all fired up.
I’m planning my weekend pirate party and treasure hunt!
Well don’t worry about the milkshake department…I got is covered. 🙂
Great! Twink’s machine will be making the pancakes, and Winky’s chocolate factory will be making all the chocolate we need!
I’ve got tables and chairs and a few umbrella and one First-up canopy.
And I’ve got a pirate ship for all the extra guests! Plus the beach huts!
That right, you do have beach huts. But I think we need to get you a long row of them.
That would be good! Winky and Binky and Twink have all volunteered their houses for the guests to stay in, too.
That’s very nice of them to do that, but I think a row of houses just for the guest would be great. That way everyone has their privacy while we’re all together.
That’d be better, but I don’t think there’s time to make them before the party starts tomorrow!
That’s okay, we’ll have them for another time. I did dig out my tents for you to use though for any unexpected guests.
Tents will be good enough! I think everyone is having a good time at the party!
I’m having loads of fun!…always do at your parties, Fraz!
All the food and treasure and games you want!
I think I’d like to play ping pong then have some chocolate covered popcorn while I watch a pirate fight.
You can do all of that! I’m even going to fight Sharky again! But only for pretend this time.
So how does Twink know it’s untrue. Personally I believe every word of your entirely plausible story.
Yes it is extremely believable Tony
especially with Fraz always gearing
himself towards being a politician 🙂
You have to have a good story to be president!
I was hoping most people would believe me! Twink doesn’t really know me as good as she thinks she does!
She does know your appetite though. 😉
That’s true. I think I’ll get her to turn on the pancake machine again.
Yes and leave it on this time too 😉
Yeah, I don’t even know why it has an off switch!
Was it your or Winky playing with the buttons?
I think that it was a stray
Zombie that did it Deb 🙁
Yeah, I think we should blame the zombie! They’re really sneaky!
Yes, they can be very tricky. It seems you have one lurking around pushing buttons, making it look like someone else did it. Time to set the traps Fraz.
Yeah, we need to bait the traps with some better zombie food this time!
I forgot about those nasty things. There always getting into places where their not wanted.
Zombies are hard to get rid of once you’ve got them!
Sound like there as bad as a roach…maybe worse.
I think zombies are worse ’cause they’re always trying to eat your brains!
Yes, well they are pretty icky aren’t they. But a roach if very icky too…their so ugly and disgusting.
I don’t like roaches, but at least they’re small!
Some of them are big to me. If it’s bigger than a baby finger nail I get a phobia.
I’ll tell Genie to give you an anti-roach spell! Then no roaches will come anywhere near you!
Or maybe he could turn them into butterflies.
OK, I’ll tell Genie to do that! I hope no one’s scared of butterflies.
I’m not!
Me neither. As long as they aren’t in my stomach.
Yes, they do kind of flutter around in there once the get in there. How do you get rid of them once they get in your stomach Fraz?
I drink a couple of milkshakes to drown them!
Oh that’s a good idea. I’ll try that next time they get in my stomach too. What so you think we can do to rid the he-be-ge-bes?
Of course…chocolate is the answer for everything. I have to go, I have to fill up my purse with some. and put some on my night stand too in case I wake up from a bad dream of someone taking my chocolate.
We have our chocolate everywhere, just in case we need it for an emergency. Or just in case we want some chocolate.
This is brilliant, and I like the detail of Fraz sitting on those books gaining a little height for using his computer 🙂
Great reflection detail in the
mirror-like shine of the table top too 🙂
Thanks, Andro. Fraz needs that little boost. Well, maybe not his ego.
Reflections are actually quite easy to produce, though they do add a touch of reality.
I like the extra details Peter, it just shows everyone how much effort you put into each one of your comic strips 🙂 Brilliant…
I often go for a minimal amount of extras, but some times I put in more.
Whatever way you present them is always, A+
I definitely agree with you Deb 🙂
Good! No passing you a red drink. 😉
I meant now, not no. 😳
Thanks, Deb!
Your welcome! 🙂
I like all of your
comic strips Peter 🙂
I’m glad to hear that!
I have not ever seen one comic of yours that was not so good that it deserves to be top notch in the comic industry.
I appreciate that, Deb. Unfortunately those in the “industry” don’t share your enthusiasm.
There lose…we’ll enjoy your comics…as we do, and dump them…which I have. 🙂
Wombie comics forever!
Lose, Loss. loose. I always mess them up…But you seems to know what I meant.
So do I!
I approve, Fraz. Plus, with that story, you can just bite anyone who says you weren’t raised by wolverines.
That’s a great idea! If baring my teeth doesn’t work, I’ll bite!
Wait, is a wombie a wolverine or is that part of making oneself look good?
By the way, I’m not really a ghost or a scholar.
A Wombie isn’t a wolverine! A wolverine is a baby werewolf or something. I think.
You mean you’re an imposter??
I’m as fake as they get. I’m really just some American dude sitting in his apartment in Germany, typing a comment to an obviously real web comic character. 🙂
So you’re an American Japanese ghost in Germany? That’s weird!
Fraz, you gave away the ending. Now, nobody will read it. 🙂
That’s not really the ending! That’s just the beginning of my great adventures!
What party does Fraz belong to? Wait, I sense an idea for another day……..
I belong to the Wombie party! We have the best parties on my pirate island. You look like a pirate. You should join us!
It will be a best seller and I wish to reserve a copy before they get sold out.
Yay! I’ll save a special autographed copy just for you, Indrani!
Yes, the more the merrier!
And the more the better!
And the more we have, the more goodies we have too!
And goodies are good!
Yes…so have another donut and pizza to get your day going on the right track.
I think this day is going pretty well so far!
I couldn’t agree more…Same for me, Fraz. Mitch went fishing so I think I’ll fool around with some painting for a while.
I wish I could paint all day! I’ve got to go to school!
You must be home from school by now.
Finally! Only one more school day before our party!
Yay! You’ll have to make you get your stomach ready..stretch it out a bit so you can hold more when the big day gets here.
I always work on my stomach! Even when I have to go to school!
Well let’s not waste anytime talking. Here, have this great big 10 lb box of chocolates to munch on.
That should keep me happy till supper at least!
Ding, Ding, Ding!..Dinner time!…Roasted spam delight covered in wineberry sauce.
That sounds good!
I hope there’s some chocolate cake after!
Yes, there is, and it got wine gums all around it, and its served on a huge pancake.
That almost sounds like a Wombat Day cake!
Maybe I’ll paint one for wombat day then!
If you paint it in chocolate, then I could eat it!
Wouldn’t you be surprise if I sent you one painted in real chocolate.
I would! And it’d be a yummy surprise!
True. So incredibly true. Thanks for stopping by.
I get my ideas from the best!
Most of them you get from yourself! 😉 😉
I like thinking that he was raised by many alternate reality Logans.
The superhero Wolverine? Yeah, he was my father!!
The pen is mightier than the sword of truth.
Yeah! Even though I just typed it in.
I’m sure that 98% of real-life politicians live their lives under their fake autobiographies, but of course nothing is actually written in their historical (political) records.
I figured if they can do it, so can I! A fictional autobiography is a lot more interesting!
Totally agree with you Fraz! It’s always better acting like you’re not yourself! (That came out weird, but oh well) 😛
The me I want to be is a lot more fun than the me I am!
I can write an Autobiography like that, after all I am a figament of my own imagination. There are a few people on the net who will know exactly what I am talkin’ about. Do you?
I think so. Being a figment of your imagination is the best way to be! Then no one can tell you what you’re not!
Fraz can and Fraz should and Fraz will write it…i am tinking of writing one about how I am an alien and came here to study earth and my spaceship got stolen and am building a chocolate tunnel all the way to my planet now..
I didn’t know you were an alien! Sometimes I think I’m an alien too!
I’ll help you build that chocolate tunnel. It sounds like fun! Is it made of dark space chocolate?
It’s always dark in tunnels
until we switch the torch on 🙂
You could probably use the torch to melt your way through the tunnel! But then someone would have to eat all that melted chocolate. I volunteer!
You’ll have to eat fast, those walls are thick and melting faster and faster with that torch on.
Fraz always eats chocolate fast 🙂
And you two can help me, too! There’s enough chocolate for all of us!
We could always use a candle in a lamp, a bit old fashioned but as they always come with a spoon it will be an advantage for all that chocolate eating along the way 🙂
That sounds like a good idea. I hope it comes with a BIG spoon!
…and lots of napkins.
Deep but so true!!!
Fraz is an excellent politician to be 🙂
He certainly is 🙂
I’ll be the best president I can be!
I try to learn from the best!
All the other famous politicians and celebrities who make up stories about themselves.
Ahahah “true story”! Could write a movie and stare in it. Xxx
After I get elected president, I should work on writing the movie script of my life!
Yes, and you could have your pirate crew co-star doing all the things you tell them as they eat all the wonderful things you feed them.
My pirates would have to be a big part of the movie of my life! And all our beach parties, too!
Did you say party?! Ooh, lets have one…they’re always so much fun around here.
Yeah, we need to have one this weekend! I need a break from school!
School in session already? Vacations are way too short.
That’s for sure! It should be 10 months of vacation and 2 months of school!
Or one year of school and 2 years off. 😉
Or three years off and no years of school!
Yay! Fraz has no more school anymore…Party and play time!
Maybe I could get Genie to grant me that wish!
That would be a fun wish. Did you ask him yet?…What Genie say?
Genie said school was too important.
I’m not talking to Genie any more.
Oh, you don’t mean it, Fraz! You mustn’t be upset with Genie. Genie is the only Genie in the world that only grants wishes that won’t hurt you.
Well, maybe. I’m still kinda mad at Genie, though.
Now Fraz, you must not be mad at him day after day like this or it will open up doors to other evils…I know you don’t want that…right?
No, I guess not.
That better, now you go tell Genie to do something and you feel better. 😉
OK. I told Genie to get lost!
No I didn’t.
I told Genie to make supper so Twink wouldn’t have to. Genie made a really nice meal.
How nice, Twink got out of the kitchen tonight. But try and be nice to Genie. okay Frazzie.
We made up, so it’s all good between Genie and me. She even made me a special pirate hat!
Now I can see that going #1 on the best sellers list. And the # 1 movie in the box office.
I hope so!! I’m going to call it Fraztastic, the Incredible life of Fraz!
What is ‘true’, really?!
It’s true because I say it is! Isn’t it?
That works for me.
I knew you’d believe me!
Don’t I always?
Yes! Well, I think so, anyways.
Yes, Fraz I always agree with you. Your my little buddy! 🙂
It’s nice to have someone who believes me!
I’ve always believed in you and all of Wombania! Now take this bag of wine gums and munch away.
Thanks! Wine gums are always good!
There even better when they are the center of chocolate…got some right here for ya.
You always know what I like!
Guess what I got on Ebay this morning for you at a great price!? I new bike with reflectors and a cool horn and a basket and all kinds of accessories!
Oh boy! That sounds great! Thanks, Aunt Deb!
Your welcome, not you make sure you wear your helmet and knee pads when your ride it…and look out for squirrels.
Yeah, those squirrels and chipmunks are pretty dangerous!
I remember! Twink had to put a band-aid on you. Remember to use your horn when you see them ahead…it’s really loud.
It is one of those air blaster horns? I always wanted an air horn!
Fraz is right. 😉
I think so, too!
Me too!
Yay me!