Final Report Card
If we could write our own report cards, we’d have be much better off.
(This comic strip was previously published on March 1, 2010.)
Our friend Andro painted Fraz in a bit of a corner with bombs raining down on him from above. But we’re sure Fraz will escape unharmed with his pancakes one way or another. You can see Andro’s original post of Pirate Fraz over on his blog if he’ll let you in.
Time for Plan B.
I don’t have a plan b!
I bet I know Chris’ plan A. )
What is it??
Grounding you.
Time in the corner to think of what you did. Plus what Red said.
Where was Fraz when I was a lad? I needed him to write my report cards for me. 🙂
Maybe I could make money writing report cards!
Can I make a percent of the profits for giving you the idea?
I guess that’d be fair. I might work for chocolate though.
I figured as much.
You’re lucky I won’t be working for wine gums!
Could we compromise and work for chocolate covered almonds?
OK! They’re good!
Alright! High five, or however many fingers you got! 🙂
Umm, I guess that would be four. How come you got five??
top marks for trying !
When I was at school this kid failed all his subjects. Instead of Fs he got NA (not applicable) which is really bad. But all was good, he told his parents that NA meant Nearly Advanced.
Thanks for the idea! Maybe next year I can get NAs!
Hahaha… well… it is written in ‘official teacher’s red pen’… that sort of thing can’t be faked very easily, can it?!
No it can’t be! It has to be real!
Don’t worry about Chris. He doesn’t believe anything you Wombies do anyway!
No. Chris lives in a whole different world!
Deb is Right may be Chris is jealous that Fraz got such great sweet xcellent report card!
I bet he is too! I bet he never got such a good report card when he was a kid!
I bet he did!…one like you made.
If he did that he didn’t tell me.
He wouldn’t because then you would think it okay for you too. 🙂
But guess what? You get a big chocolate cake with ice cream for effort!
Yay! I needed that! It’s really hot out!
I’m surprised he didn’t get a 110% in math.
That’ll be my grade next time!
Or 1000%
That’s even better!
Well it was a pretty good plan until he handed it over. Nice try. Bwahahahahahahaha.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
I don’t know why it didn’t work!
LOL! A++++ for creativity and hopefulness!
I remember a friend of mine changing her grade in her report card…her dad figured it out and because she was so scared she said *I* taught her how to do it! And her dad came up to me the next day at school and scolded me! hahahahaha
That was a nice friend! I guess we all do some pretty dumb things when we’re scared or caught off guard.
Has the plan worked Fraz? For surely it wuz a fantastic one. ‘Cos who would disagree with ‘Fraz is the best!!’ 🙂 not me for one. xPenx
It shoulda worked! But Chris is smarter than he looks sometimes.
I noticed that too…
I think Chris might be taking lessons or something.
Does he go somewhere after work?
He usually says he goes insane. But I don’t know where that is.
I think it’s round the bend,
but which one I don’t know 🙁
I don’t know either, but he doesn’t seem to like it.
We need to look at the curriculum they offer. Seems he may be signed onto the wrong class. o.O
Maybe Chris could go to night school to learn how to be a Wombie. That’d be fun!
Nice try Fraz 🙂 Here have some of my wine gums I have plenty left 🙂
Thanks! Wine gums are better than report cards any day!
Umm, I hate a late note from my teacher about my absence on Wombania yesterday too 😉
I get those a lot. Sometimes I eat them.
You need to get here sooner Loon,
are you having fun tonight? 🙂 🙂 xxxx
Thank you for adding my impression
of Fraz the Pirate of Wombania 🙂 🙂
You’re welcome, Andro. Fraz wouldn’t let me forget to post his pirate picture!
I am just wondering what he
will be doing in my next drawing? 🙂
Something fun! And dangerous!
I have a very good idea what that will be but then I won’t mention it just now or it will spoil the surprise for everyone 🙂
Oh boy! I can hardly wait!
I have never seen more authentic report card ever…congrats sweets
Thanks! It took a lot of work but it was worth it!
You must have been watching the teacher’s handwriting a lot.
I tried to! I guess Chris didn’t buy it.
Sweet as a grade for geography made me crack up! 😀
Too bad Chris didn’t think so.
Nice try Fraz 😉
Anyway…what a coincidence. I have just finished writing my student’s report book…it would be fun if the book is like that card, I don’t have to do a lot of writing.
I could write it for you! And you wouldn’t even have to pay me!
I wish I thought of that before 😉
Now I have given the report to my students
It was worth a shot!
I never tried anything like this but probably should have.
I think maybe I should have done it on the computer instead.
That is highly creative!
Chris called it something else.
You have a promising career in PR, Fraz!
Will that make me rich?
only if you come up with more fantastic ideas every time. the wilder the better . Seems to work that way. xx
I can come up with some fantastic ideas!How about a UFO powered by chocolate?
not my chocolate Fraz? Someone else’s maybe. Oh alright, sigh!! But can I just have a last lick before the trial run? xx
I’ll use Winky’s chocolate for the UFO. He won’t mind. He’s got a chocolate factory!
You might have gotten away with if Fraz, if it wasn’t for the spelling. Good try.
I shoulda used spellcheck!
I’m sure Frazzie’s REAL report card was spectacular!
It was! Chris doesn’t believe me though.
Parents always know…
or so I tell my kids. 😉
Chris always seems to know!
All I can think is “Signed, Epstein’s Mother”
This is so funny. Who didn’t try this as a kid? I dunno, love the heartfelt memory part and the reactions. This cartoon is now my favorite Fraz perfect reply!
Andro made a statement. A giant step for man/am and Wombiekind: Pancakes ARE treasure. Worth their weight in dubloons! Going to miss his drawings and videos while he goes on hiatus 🙁
Have to say this Fraz Folly is delightful!
I’m glad you enjoyed it, Rachael. I don’t think I ever tried that, actually. Thought about it probably. Chocolate, wine gums, Spam, pancakes, milkshakes. . . is life even worth living without those things?
not worth living at al! The ‘Epstein’s Mother’ excuse was from a tv show called Welcome Back Kotter; John Travolta’s start.
Epstein’s mother, not so much
Haven’t had dinner. pancakes sounds pretty tasty 🙂
I thought it might have been from that show. Never watched it that much, but do remember him.
Triple chocolate pancakes (chocolate batter with chocolate chips and chocolate syrup) are good any time!
Hey you do get an A for effort in my book.
I wish I would in Chris’s book too!
I DO cook and softening peanut butter for peanut butter chocolate batter….with butter.
Think of the dish AND the tongue twisters
I like peanut butter on my pancakes, but never tried it in my pancakes. They could be like a big Reece’s Peanut Butter Cup.
Seems plausible to me Chris. It’s from Fraz’s teacher so I can’t see a problem with it.
The problem with it is a little forger named Fraz!
Wooohooooh!! Congrats, Fraz! I’ve always believed in you.
It was my best report card ever!