For the Love of Chocolate by Peter Marinacci on August 24, 2017 at 12:00 am Chapter: Comics For some, the love of chocolate knows no bounds. └ Tags: chocolate, eating, love, snack, twink, winky, wombie
It seems to me that chocolate trumps win gums with the wombies. Is this true?
I don’t want to upset my wine gums, but yes! I do love wine gums, too, though.
Me too 😆
We need to have chocolate and wine gum party!
can happen at any time…
Looks like yours is
happening right now ☺
I love chocolate triangles! Especially dark chocolate Toblerone triangles!
She’s just jealous. Don’t let her ruin your relationship with Chocolate.
I think Twink is. But nothing could ruin my relationship with chocolate!
Chocolate brings a smile to his face!
And my tummy, too!
No such thing as wanting too much chocolate.
That’s for sure! Do you need more chocolate again?
Hmmmm… I think a ‘Milky Way’ bar is calling my name…
I think I hear one calling my name, too!
I can quite any time I want! I just don’t want to.
Oh..ahahaha..I thought Winky was taking to get chocolate from her..ahahahaha.
I think Twink might have thought that too!