My wife used to watch for the meter reader and then read the meter after he left. She kept up with our exact usage. They were right on every time. She finally decided to go ahead and trust them.
Technically they called “burrows”, but you’ve got it. The gate has to be locked to keep out the riffraff who have a tendency to fall into said holes and then threaten to sue.
If you think about it, he got lucky. The chances of him actually giving a reading lower than whatever was the last reading (thus keying the power company into what he was doing) are about 50%
If they can’t get in here they just estimate, (guess), Then adjust it the next month. They are always telling us to trim our bushes so they can see the meter through their little telescope without getting out of the truck.
Discussion (49) ¬
Ha Ha!!! Gosh will Chris be able to afford that bill? Or will they all be left in the dark?
Chris had to put a couple of the Wombies up for sale to help pay the bill.
so cool! i would buy a wombie 🙂
Maybe we should hold an auction!
Wait, can he even read?
Of course I can read!! But sometimes numbers confuse me a little.
My apologizes 🙂
That’s okay. To err is human. Or whatever kind of cardboard box thingy you are.
Yeah, I really need to get something original for my gravatar. This is mascot box thingy.
That’s sad. Everyone deserves their own box.
‘just made up a number’ ?
Ha, I’m sure my utilities company employs that same technique when sending me bills based on a ‘estimate’ of my usage – Ggrrrr !!!
You’ll pay one way or another, either now or later, but you sure won’t get away with paying less for long.
Funny…I think the electric compnay does that same thing. Oh wait…duncan said that.
I guess we have to trust their meters as it’d be awfully hard to dispute the amount of electricity they say we use.
When in doubt… guesstimate
Give or take a few hundred thousand kilowatt hours.
My wife used to watch for the meter reader and then read the meter after he left. She kept up with our exact usage. They were right on every time. She finally decided to go ahead and trust them.
Trust can be a hard thing to come by, especially with big corporations.
HA! I guess Winky rounded up. A bit.
Still, it’s probably best he’s getting some T.V. time in now… before that bill becomes due.
Never thought about that, but I guess it’s true. Better use as much electricity as we can before it all goes dark.
Bwahahahahaha. What a helpful pal indeed. I love it.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
It’s hard to appreciate certain types of help.
Hmm. Looks like they might have to bag the tv watching and read books by candlelight!
That, or it’s time to go solar.
Well, as long as he’s having fun, let him know the pure pleasure and enjoyment of chipping in on that electric bill. 😀
Somehow I don’t see the fun in that. But if you’d like to chip in, I won’t ruin your enjoyment.
Hmm, now I am wondering why they couldn’t get into the yard? Have they been digging holes again?
Technically they called “burrows”, but you’ve got it. The gate has to be locked to keep out the riffraff who have a tendency to fall into said holes and then threaten to sue.
If the electric company would allow him to name his own meter number, they should allow him to name the amount he wants to pay as well.
That’s an excellent suggestion. I’ll have to call the electric company in the morning to see what they’ll have to say about it.
If you think about it, he got lucky. The chances of him actually giving a reading lower than whatever was the last reading (thus keying the power company into what he was doing) are about 50%
True, but it might have been luckier for the electric company to figure out that Winky’s reading was incorrect.
My electric company seems to make up a number for the bill, so I don’t see why he shouldn’t make up a number for the reading! 🙂
But if you’re going to make up a number, you should aim a little lower than Winky’s attempt.
Have Wombies? Is that anything like having crabs? It sort of sounds like it.
I don’t think so.
Wahaha! Now if you can just get Winky to give the right kind of numbers you would have it made. 🙂
We’ll have to see if we can train him better for next time.
Yikes, we’ve had it before that they didn’t come out and they guessed it to be over, we certainly got the money back! Winky needs to learn some Math 🙂
We’re working on that, but it can be difficult to teach an old Wombie new tricks.
Listen to him, Chris! You’ll be happy when you get that refund next month! Winky is a better planner than you thought!
After Chris had to take out a second mortgage just to pay for it!
Gyahahaha….Winky!! you are such a naughty womby.
54 thousand is a LOT..hang in there Chris.
Yeah, $54,000 is a little more than Chris budgeted for his electric bill this month.
On the bright side, next month’s electric bill should be pretty low.
Hopefully very low. Like on the negative side.
If they can’t get in here they just estimate, (guess), Then adjust it the next month. They are always telling us to trim our bushes so they can see the meter through their little telescope without getting out of the truck.
I wonder what else they use their little telescope for. Better watch out, the meter reader is watching you!