More Vegetables
Vegetables that are fried, popped, or baked are a lot more tasty than the ones that come directly off the plants.
(This comic strip was previously published on May 4, 2009.)
Our dark friend Androgoth made this light-hearted sketch of Fraz. Are you posing as a Vampire, Fraz?
Androgoth is a talented writer of dark and gothic poetry and short pieces of fiction. You can visit his My Gothic Realm blog to read some of his naughty pieces if you dare.
I agree with Fraz. esp on the popcorn, if you got light on the salt & butter it is a healthy treat! the native Americans popped it & ate it as a form of cereal! and hubby tells me he did too… but it is his fav treat, and his mom always made it in left over bacon grease, sort of sounds like breakfast?? I think Andro did a spooktacular rendition of a vampy Fraz!
I’ve never tried bacon popcorn.
Me neither 🙂
Yes, Andro did a Spooktacular job!
Indeed he did! 🙂
But neither Fraz nor Andro will confirm if Fraz was really posing as a Vampire.
Well he sort of blended right into the cape (the cape was added later but its not actually showing on this drawing) and so even though originally he wasn’t a Vampire, we both agreed that he looked the part and so, it is now officially Fraz the Vampire Prince, which has a very nice ring to it don’t you think? 🙂
I wasn’t going to tell them, but I’m glad you did.
I like “Fraz the Vampire Prince”!
Yes me too and now that you have an almost identical Cape to mine we are almost twins 🙂 Here Fraz have another chocolate 🙂
I bet no one will be able to tell us apart now!
Hey I never thought about that but yes you are absolutely right, how cool 🙂
Well it was healthy until you make it in bacon grease.
Bacon grease isn’t healthy either?
Hey Grammy-Mouse-Tails I have given you access into my Space so call by anytime that you have the opportunity, oh yes and have a lovely Easter with lots of yummy eggs too 🙂
Androgoth XXx
Well technically, they are vegetables. Except if you eat Pringles, no potato there!!
Yeah, vegetables are vegetables, right?
Yes Fraz…do not be fooled
I try not to be!
I love Pringles. Oh and where is the Pringles HQ Loon??? huh HUH??
I don’t know. Where?
If they aren’t made from real potatoes, it MUST be Cincinnati!!!!!
Does Cincinnati have something against potatoes?
Pop me a can, Loon!
Pringles are okay, but I like real chips better!
Me too, Fraz.
Yes well I like pringles and real chips too, so we can have both but not the bacon flavoured one’s because they sound horrible 🙁 I wonder if they do a fried egg and sausage flavour instead? 🙂
I remember years ago when they had a Marks and Spencer over here they had all these strange flavoured crisps. I liked most of the flavours I tried.
Yes all but the horrible bacon one’s 🙂
I’ll avoid the bacon ones, then!
Unfortunately, I don’t think there are any Marks and Spencers around here anymore.
Yes and they keep closing them around here too but I do like their Pizzas 🙂
Is that the traditional English pizza?
It could be, but then I enjoy all those yummy Pizzas so it could have been any one of them 🙂
Wombie pizza is big around here. Wine gums, Spam, and chocolate.
Now that sounds too delicious to be a Pizza but I certainly like the ingredients 🙂
The Wombies like those ingredients on, or in, everything.
People should make themselves clear. Are Cheeto’s considered milk products? They say that you are to eat different color foods so I recommend eating lots of M&M’s and skittles.
That sounds right to me! M&M’s are great! They’re colored, AND chocolate!
Yes they are full of colour and have a great taste too, Hey Fraz I know you are extremely smart and full of logical expressionism but Bo Lumpkin is also a genius for thinking that one up, yes keep adding these fine ideas Bo 🙂
Yep, Bo’s been a’ thinking!
He used to post things under that before.
Excellent well I will be watching out for his wonderful expertise 🙂 I wonder if he has ever done any Moon Walking?
I don’t think so, but you never know!
Well it will come in handy if Bo decides to join us in outer space, and while he is busy Moon Walking we can help ourselves to even more chocolates 🙂
I think he might want to do some moon chocolate mining himself!
wait… there are… ‘other’… vegetables?!
That’s what Twink is trying to tell me.
In all truth Twink is correct, but the kind you choose are so much more enjoyable therefore you can get more if them in you….much better idea.
That’s what I thought too, but Twink didn’t seem to agree. Maybe you can have a talk to her!
No, no. There are only four basic food groups…beans, bacon, whiskey and chocolate.
I think you might be wrong. The 4 food groups are chocolate, wine gums, spam, and chocolate. I learned that in Wombie school.
Yes and number five is our yummy marshmellows so how about that for five a day instead of four? 🙂
Marshmallows are good too! Especially in hot chocolate or in rice crispy squares!
Yes I like them dipped in chocolate too, and also in a cup of hot chocolate 🙂
Hello, what about ice cream??? Staple diet of a Loon….oh…and Shiraz 🙂
I guess ice cream should be included as a food group, too. I don’t know what Shraz is, but since it rhymes with Fraz, it’s probably pretty good.
Shiraz is part of the “Whiskey” food group.
I don’t think I’m allowed that, then! Unless they make it into a wine gum.
Wine gums are in the “Whiskey” group, too 😉 You can have your daily allowance everyday!
Okay, then! Wine gums are okay ’cause they don’t really have any alcohol in them.
I don’t see a thing wrong with Fraz’ approach here. I’d do the same. Just saying.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
It’s a lot easier to eat vegetables when they come fried in a bag!
Or covered in chocolate.
I’d eat a lot more chocolate covered vegetables than regualar vegetables, that’s for sure!
Me too 🙂
When I was living in London, you could buy chocolate coated carrots for kids who hated eating vegetables.
I bet chocolate-coated carrots are what those chocolate Easter bunnies eat.
Yes Feaz those bunnies love carrots and if they are chocolate coated one’s then we will have some competition 🙂
Feaz is Fraz in Umpah-Umpah-Lingo but they only use that dialect on Planet UG but it was still worth a mention don’t you think? 🙂
It’s always good to know what you’re called on another planet!
Yes and I was wondering what they call me there too, I bet it is something really cheeky 🙂
If I ever get to Planet UG, I’ll ask them what they call you!
Hey Loon does that mean you enjoy a nice chocolate covered carrot then or do you prefer chocolate buttons instead? 🙂
I could go for a can of ‘spiffy pop’ right about now.
Spiffy Pop’s the best! Come on over and have some!
Is that the same thing as the Jiffy Pop we have here? I suppose it is, but don’t forget about the wonderful microwavable popcorn that it out there waiting for you to take home.
No, Spiffy Pop is pop. I guess you call it soda.
The popcorn is Puffy Pop, which is microwavable. I’m not allowed to make the stuff on the the stove. They think I’ll burn the place down or something. That only happened once.
Well I like the sound of the popcorn popping because when it pops it is time to eat it and i know that Fraz can’t wait for another bowl full Deb so how about popping that into the micro and getting us lots of treats? 🙂
Yeah, we could starve around here!
Whaddaya mean I should pop it myself? Do I have to do everything??
Hopefully Deb will take over and do all the microwaving bits, and that just leaves you and me to enjoy the popcorn 🙂
Maybe if we’re lucky! I’ll just put on my cute face and maybe she will.
Great thinking Fraz, you know Deb can never resist a cute face and she adores you Fraz so it looks like we will have lots of popcorn to enjoy soon 🙂
Cute usually works! Especially on girls!
I will have to try that idea Fraz 🙂
I’m not sure if it works on Goth girls, though!
Well I will try being Cute and just see what happens 🙂
I think I will. It’s gotta be outta the can though. The plastic bottle gives it a weird taste.
Cans are way better! Well at least for pop. Cans are not so great for chocolate.
But they’re vegetables!
I know!! Twink should make up her mind!
Twink is a great cook you know and those vegetables are really good for you Fraz? 🙂
Some vegetable are pretty good, but others are icky! Well, unless they’re chocolate coated.
Maybe if we put a thicker coating of chocolate on the icky one’s we might like those too? 🙂
Yeah, that might work! If you coat a brussel sprout in 5 cm of chocolate, I might just eat it!
That will be a huge sprout but at least when you have sucked all the chocolate off, the remainder can be fed to the chickens 🙂
Or the cat or the dog! That was my plan, anyway, but I don’t know if Zoe will eat brussel sprouts.
We will have to try her out with some, if she likes them it will be very handy especially at Christmas time 🙂
And Thanksgiving and all those other special occasions when they serve those kind of super icky veggies!
Yes well I quite like sprouts but I don’t like those horrible butter beans, now they really are icky 🙁
I don’t think I’ve ever had butter beans, but I’m happy to avoid them!
Just give them a try, besides you might even like them? 🙂
Well, maybe I might. But I kind of doubt it!
Is anything fried in vegetable oil good?
Potato chips are good! And so are donuts! And french fries! And chicken! And lots of other stuff!
And funnel cake….Mmmm.
Sure! If you like funnels.
I have never had funnel cake is it straight from the oven or does it have to be poured through the funnel first? 🙂
It’s a cake-type batter fried in oil. They pour the batter through a funnel into the hot oil to make it into a lattice-type pattern.
Well I never knew that, and it just goes to show that no matter how many times we visit Wombania there is always something new to learn along the way 🙂
And something tasty to eat, too!
Yes there are always lots of yummy treats in Wombania, hey I hope we are having some Easter pancakes with lots of chocolate milk shakes later on? 🙂
Sure, and the pancakes are all colored and shaped like Easter eggs and decorated with chocolate!
And then sprinkled in powdered sugar…or drizzled with chocolate or caramel…Mmmm.
Or all three!!
What an excellent suggestion, Fraz!
More is always better with food!
Yes it’s like that film ‘Oliver’ he was always asking for more porridge and they do a chocolate flavoured porridge now Fraz so that’s great 🙂
I don’t mind a little porridge with my breakfast chocolate!
Yes Fraz, me neither 🙂
Fraz you keep right on eating those items! Best part of being a kid is eating all the awesome foods.
Yeah, that’s what I say!! I can eat the healthy stuff when I’m old or dead.
Yes well I like eating all the yummy foods best too, come on Fraz let’s have some more chocolate, m&m’s and that stash of wine gums I saved for us 🙂
You know how to eat well, Andro!
Yes and you are a good student picking up all the best tips 🙂
Eating is my best subject!
I always knew that you were great at sums, well especially when sharing out the chocolates with Chris… Two for him and three for you, four for him and ten for you and so on… Now that is what I call a yummy lesson 🙂
How did you know that’s the way I count?
Well I just thought of how I would share them out and as we are practically twins we sometimes have similar thoughts 🙂
That’s true, we are! But I’m a lot littler than you.
And a lot thinner too, I think I must be eating too much chocolate, marshmellows, pancakes, wine gums and spam, but I can always lose a few pounds when I get chance, to be honest I am on one of those seafood diets, every time I see food I eat it 🙂
I’ve been told Wombies can eat a lot more chocolate and wine gums than humans.
I think Winky is on the same diet that you’re on.
Man, she’s picky! Next she’s going to say changing the channel doesn’t count as exercise…
Yeah, we kind of had that argument already!
Maybe you can move on to pizza…that has veggies… tomato sauce is a vegetable!
Yeah, pizza has cheese, too! Is that a vegetable? It’s probably too good to be a vegetable.
Of course it is. That is why macaroni and cheese is always on the vegetable buffet.
Well then I eat a lot of vegetables when I have my triple-cheese pizza!
I wonder if we can have a cheese chocolate dip too? 🙂
Well they make chocolate cheese cake, so I don’t see why not!
That sounds good to me Fraz 🙂
We need to have a chocolate cheesecake party!
With party hats!
Yes don’t forget the party hats Fraz 🙂
Mmm. Chocolate cheesecake pizza. I think we have a winner.
With double wine gums, too! And some chocolate peanut butter eggs just for Easter!
The peanut butter chocolate ones are my favorite!
Mine too 🙂
And what is wrong with popcorn, my I ask? Popcorn is loaded with fiber which is needed on a daily basis. Eat all you want, Fraz, maybe even make chocolate corn balls too.
Chocolate corn balls? With popcorn? Why haven’t I heard of this before?!
Deb is right. Candy coat it, cover it in caramel and chocolate. So much better than mere butter-flavor-substance.
I’ll have to try that. I’ve been deprived!
Haven’t you ever heard of caramel popcorn balls, Fraz? Red and I are going to have give you a trip to the kitchen so you can learn all the things you can do with it.
BTW: Popcorn is very good for you….see here.
I showed that to Twink and she said okay, but said I shouldn’t eat the kind with oil or butter or salt.
Come on!!
Maybe if I just chocolate and caramel coat the popcorn, she’ll be happy.
Salt is a preservative, and has been around since the beginning of time…that adds flavor. And the butter also has this agent and helps it all slide out easier..kernels and all
Plus the butter and salt makes it all taste a lot better! But I still think it’d be good to try the chocolate and caramel on popcorn.
Maybe there is a recipe where we can dip the popcorn in maple syrup too 🙂
You’re a genius!! We need to try that.
Maple Walnut Popcorn:
1 c. maple syrup
9 c. plain air popped corn
1/2 c. broken walnuts (optional)
In a deep 2-quart saucepan over medium heat, heat the maple syrup until it reaches 236 degrees on a candy thermometer. Lightly oil a large roasting pan or large mixing bowl. Add the popcorn and walnuts. Pour the syrup over all. Mix with a large spatula. Let the mixture cool, stirring occasionally. Break off popcorn into clumps to serve. Serves 12.
That sounds good! Thanks, Deb!
Twink, I need your help in the kitchen!!
Wow Deb I am feeling hungry already and Fraz just can’t wait to sample that deliciously sounding recipe 🙂 Mmmmmmm
Popcorn and Potato Chips are fine, as long as you throw in a carrot stick once in a while!
I could probably do that! I like carrots.
Yes and I like sticks too 🙂
As Wombies we’re supposed to like sticks and roots and all kinds of icky stuff, but I sure don’t!
No me neither 🙂
I do like chocolate truffles, though. I think we should have some!
Yes Fraz let’s open the chocolate truffles next, this is a lovely party and there is everything here that we enjoy the most 🙂
And none of those icky vegetables, either! Just the good ones like popcorn and potato chips and Cheetos.
Yes and peanuts with coloured coatings, m&m’s are always on top of my treat list 🙂
They’re good too! And Smarties of course!
Yes and those jelly babies too 🙂
I’ve never had jelly babies. I’ll have to see if I can find them.
Jelly Babies will be a Wombie sensation 🙂
Maybe we could make Jelly Wombie Babies!
Thank you for this most wonderful honour of adding my quick sketch of our little Fraz, he is a cutie as we all know and I am very pleased to see my offering proudly situated in your fine Wombania World, thank you for that my great Wombie friends 🙂 I think we all deserve some chocolates next and I have brought enough for everyone so tuck in and enjoy 🙂
It was my pleasure to put up your Fraz sketch here. A larger version of him resides over in the fan art section:
Wow thank you, I am so pleased about this delightful news and I will go and take a look straight away 🙂 What a wickedly good day it is today 🙂
It’s a good day to be an artist!
And a good day to eat chocolate eggs too 🙂
It’s always a good day to eat chocolate eggs!
Happy Easter 🙂
Happy Easter, Andro!
whew! Saw eat more vegetables and thought Karen Ann Quinlan. Of course that would be more of Andro’s style…
Great comic my friend!
Yes, that might be something found on Andro’s site!
I will be adding something ghoulish soon, perhaps one of my recipes and everyone is welcome to try it out afterwards too 🙂
I think I might just pass on that, but thanks anyway.
Yes a sound choice that, but you might like a lick of the Zombies finger? He uses that to stir in the chocolate on their infamous ‘Brains for Beginners’ parties, it’s a howl of an evening and strangely enough there is always lots of left overs? 🙁
Left over chocolate brains? That’s hard to imagine.
If he were serving them in a fondue pot, I think they would go faster 😉
Great idea that Red I will pass on your expertise, he will be licking his lips at that fondue pot mention 🙂
I like this all carb diet.
Not quite as good as my all-chocolate diet, but not bad!
Now those are some tasty vegetables. 🙂
The tastiest!
Not to forget Chocolate too. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans which are a veggie. I think cheese is a veggie too ‘cos cows eat grass, a veggie, & turn it into milk then it becomes cheese later at the cheese factory.
Oops forgot to confirm I’m not a spammer. Hey Binky whats a spammer???
If cheese and chocolate are a vegetables, then I eat plenty of vegetables!
I think a spammer is someone who doesn’t like Spam.
Ahah Fraz is SO, SO cute. I’d love to adopt him too but I know he’s with his family.
Andro did such a great job! Fraz the Vampire 🙂
If I ever run away to France, you can adopt me!
Yeah, Andro did a great job of drawing me. My new name is Fraz the Vampire Prince!
I love your new name!!! It suits your personality perfectly.
I think so too!!
Hey Fraz, I forgot to mention this but you also get chocolate Fangs to go with the Cape and luckily there is an endless supply of them, mainly because the Fangs are so delicious that it is just too tempting not to eat them before biting into anything, maybe that is why they call me the Jolly Vampire? 🙂 The tell tale sign of this is chocolate around the mouth so watch out for that one 🙂
Yeah, it’s hard not to eat those fangs when they’re so delicious!
I wonder if I could be Fraz the Jolly Vampire Jr. Prince?
Of course you can and with every grand title there is a nice box of chocolates, lots of wine gums, a large bag of marshmellows and as much spam and pancakes as you can eat at one sitting 🙂 That isn’t bad for a Jr Prince of the Jolly Vampire Clan 🙂
I should’ve been a Jr. Vampire Prince a long time ago!
Don’t worry Fraz you have lots of catching up to do but that means that there are lots of extra treats on offer 🙂
Extra treats are always good!
Thank you Cha you are always so kind 🙂
Too bad potatoes and popcorn don’t make for a healthy diet. wish they would
We’d be a lot healthier if they did!
Wow!! for someone as dark as Androgoth…that drawing is too cute to be true. I was expecting a scary vampire/zombie wombie
Yes, I think it shows Andro’s other side!
Thank you Novroz, I think it is Fraz that brings out the cuddlier side of Vampires, well him and all that yummy chocolate too 🙂
Well then…the next time I see a vampire, I just give him a chocolate to make him looks cute 😉
It worked for me!
Wow I can’t wait for that treat, I love chocolates almost as much as Fraz 🙂 Thank you Novroz 🙂
Technically speaking…Potato and Corn are vegetables…so I see nothing wrong with chips and popcorn
Me neither! But Twink says it’s what they add to them that’s the problem.
I think we need to do a full study on this one Fraz 🙂
That’s a good idea! We could eat the unhealthy junk food for the next ten years and see if we get sick or not. I’m willing to risk it!
Yes and me too Fraz 🙂
If you can test it like that…you’re a lucky wombie!!
Mommy will never let me do such a test
Well I guess it’s not good for turtles to eat that kind of food. Maybe mommy will give you some other kind of treat.
Technically, they are veggies.
Yeah, but Twink won’t listen to me! She wants me to eat the icky kind of vegetables.
You mean like sprouts, turnip and butter beans? 🙂
And other vegetables too horrible to even imagine!
Potato chips and popcorn are at least two of the major food groups, aren’t they?
Well I think they should be! Along with chocolate, wine gums, and Spam!
Happy Easter my little Wombies! And everyone else on this board!
Thank you Deb and Happy Easter to you and yours too, now go and help yourself to a generous helping of Frazvampo cake it’s the black and red one with the chocolate stakes, pancake garlic and wine gum mallet on it 🙂
You made a Fraz cake!!
Yes it’s for Jr Prince Jolly Vampires and it even has you name written on the top in big red letters 🙂
And it looks just like me! But it tastes a lot better!
Happy Easter to you too, Deb! Hope you get all the chocolate bunnies you can eat!
I recently had a vegetarian degustation – it was fantastic. and no crisps or popcorn in sight.
I don’t get how it could have been fantastic with no chips or popcorn!
Have a wonderful spam filled, pancake surprising, wine gum feasting, marshmellow of funning and of course a chocolate of delighting weekend of excitement and experimental rocket ship building Binky, Twink, Winky and Fraz (Chris is already tucking into his eggs because he knows how much all the wondrously nice Wombies enjoy them so much and he doesn’t want to miss out on all the treats) 🙂 Have fun everyone and be good 🙂
Thanks, Andro! We’ll all try to have a good Easter weekend, and we hope you do, too, filled with enough chocolate and other treats to keep you happy.
I can hardly type for eating all these yummy chocolates, have a great day today everyone and eat, eat and eat some more choco treats, we all know it makes sense 🙂
You don’t have to tell us Wombies to eat more chocolate treats!
Yes I know, and I have brought some extra large chocolate eggs as a big surprise so tuck in and enjoy them 🙂
I’m enjoying the chocolate eggs all right!
If he dips them in ketchup then he’ll get his veggies!
Why didn’t I think of that?!
At least Fraz still ate vegetables, just prepared in a different way, LOL!
Chocolate popcorn is actually one of my faves 🙂
Yeah, I like my vegetables to come in a foil bag!
I also remember reading in the US that something like 75% of us eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables every day. Sounds not too bad until it noted that 80% of what was eaten were french fries. *
* Note: actual numbers may be different because as I noted in my first sentence I am “remembering”, and that is getting less accurate every day even though I eat a lot of non-french fry veggies.
Those numbers sounded rather unbelievable until you mentioned french fries. That I can believe. It’s probably the only vegetable a lot of people eat.
Half the people who answer those surveys think Mac-n-Cheese is a vegetable…
It’s not??
Mac and cheese, french fries, and ketchup. That’s 2 servings of vegetables, right?
Or maybe three!
I’m definitely up for some bacon popcorn. Happy Easter Wombies!
Happy Easter, Catherine!
ahaha, the loopholes. Looking like Fraz has a bright future as a wombat attorney.
A lot of people have said I should be a lawyer. I don’t know why.
I thought popcorn, potato chips, and peanut butter were 3 of the 5 food groups? Cute strip as always! W.C.C.
They’re part of my food groups, along with chocolate and wine gums of course!
Happy Easter, my friends!!!! 🙂
Happy Easter to you, too, Cha!
Happy Easter Cha 🙂
Potatoes and corn come from plants. Good enough for me. Have a great holiday with lots of chocolate, that also grows from plants!
Catch My Words
Thanks, Joyce, we will. I hope you have a good Passover.
Vegetables are vegetables 😛
But some vegetables like chips are a lot tastier!
I like the way Fraz thinks!
It’s the only way to think about vegetables!