Remote-controlled Lawn Mower
A better mousetrap, almost.
Tomorrow, May 11th, is Hairy Nosed Wombat Day!
(Not to be confused with the Wombat Day we always celebrate, which is on October 22 every year.)
But so much fun! 🙂
I wouldn’t mind mowing the lawn if I could use a rocket powered lawn mower!
Not a good idea at all. Bwahahahahahahaha.
Have a fabulous day. 🙂
It has a few kinks that need to be worked out.
Oh well, we didn’t like those neighbors, anyway.
Neighbors are so annoying!
That looked fun! 🙂
It was! You don’t see the rocket launch of a lawn mower every day!
Only in Wombie world!
I’m glad I live here.
Just go buy a drone for pete’s sake… and I’m not talking about the artist.
Its purpose was not to fly; just to cut the lawn as quickly as possible.
Wouldn’t the rocket fuel just burn the grass up?
Not if the thrust is properly diverted away.
A great idea that didn’t make the cut!
It made a pretty good crash though!
Haha, it sure did!
Just the answer for a boring neighborhood! 😉
It’s never boring when Binky uses his rockets!
He just needs more practice.
I wish he’d let me fly it!
Just a little tweak here and there to make it stay on the ground, and they’ll be rich enough to buy all the chocolate they want!! Mowing the grass can be SO time consuming.
Yeah if Binky could get it working right we could be rich! I think I’ll go order a big load of chocolate now!
Wow turbo powered for sure 😆
Perhaps a little too much power in this case.
Yes, you certainly pushed the
boat out on this invention, or
should I say the lawnmower ☺
It definitely needs some more refinement.
Yeah, nothing like having fun while mowing the lawn. 🙂
It’s the most fun I’ve ever had cutting the lawn!
But the rockets are why it gets done quick! We cannot remove those.
If it was up to me I’d add more rockets to see how high it could go!