And in my new RSS Reader this one didn’t update.This is the 3rd reader it’s not working in. I’ve tried Google Reader (online) Feed Demon (desktop reader) & now RSS Owl ( desktop reader) Strange indeed…
I also switched the feed over to Feedburner, and then added a plugin which redirected the feed to a non-existent page. So I’m sure that didn’t help! I corrected the error, but Firefox cached the URL and wouldn’t update properly until I cleared the cache.
OK Now I got it Peter. As RSS Owl is a newly installed program I hadn’t sorted through the settings. The “Automatically Update On Startup” option wasn’t checked. I should be all hunky dory to keep up with your feeds now
You are right Fraz. All great plans face oposition. 🙂
Come to Poland Fraz. Here you can be retired without working ever. You just need to corrupt some doctors, who will prove, that you are not able to work.
Yes but just think of all the goodies there will be on offer, lots of Christmas cake, pudding, mince pies, chocolate cookies, chocolate cake, chocolate surprises and chocolate sweets, chocolate Santa’s, chocolate… Well a lot of chocolate that’s for sure 🙂
I was born in 1950. If I had kept a lot of the stuff… Like baseball cards I had when I was a kid I could be livin’ high right now. He might be on to somethin’.
It’s actually a great idea to think of things that will certainly come into your future – like getting to eat chocolates anytime and experiencing early retirement! Think positive! :
Twink, I feel your frustration . Fraz should be thinking about an early chocolate cookie plan !!!!
I put away some cookies for a retirement plan, but then I ended up eating them all.
Might try freezing them ?
Good idea! Frozen cookies are a lot harder to nibble!
Frozen cookies are no barrier to the determined
I know! Winky found my frozen cookies and ate them all!
Now I feel like chocolate & haven’t got any. I’m going to the shop right now, bye.
I’ll be back…
Don’t forget to get me some, too! All my chocolate is in the freezer!
It sounds like he’s already participating in early retirement,b
I would be retired if Twink didn’t force me to go to school.
Great idea Fraz!!! Its never to early to think ahead.
I thought it was a good idea, too! But some people don’t agree.
Ha! Aw, come-on, Twink…
can’t we at least crunch the numbers first?!
I was tempted to crunch someone. . .
Man there is a lways one in every crowed. Somebody always has to be a kill joy.
Tell me about it! I figured if I retired before I finished school then I wouldn’t have to get a job.
You could always major in Early Retirement in college. You can intern to practice retirement so you can get
good at it!
That sounds good! I think Twink will go for that!
Nothing wrong with planning with foresight Fraz.
And in my new RSS Reader this one didn’t update.This is the 3rd reader it’s not working in. I’ve tried Google Reader (online) Feed Demon (desktop reader) & now RSS Owl ( desktop reader) Strange indeed…
I also switched the feed over to Feedburner, and then added a plugin which redirected the feed to a non-existent page. So I’m sure that didn’t help! I corrected the error, but Firefox cached the URL and wouldn’t update properly until I cleared the cache.
Oh forgret my previous comment. I clicked the update all button & it updated your feed.
OK Now I got it Peter. As RSS Owl is a newly installed program I hadn’t sorted through the settings. The “Automatically Update On Startup” option wasn’t checked. I should be all hunky dory to keep up with your feeds now
Well I’m glad to hear that! This RSS thing isn’t a simple as it should be!
I guess Really Simple Syndication isn’t Really Simple Syndication after all
I like to refer to it as Really Stupid Syndication, though I’m not entirely sure who or what is the stupid one.
Fraz is a clear thinker.
I totally agree! Are you listening, Twink?!
At least he’s getting prepared early. It’s never too late to make a plan.
That’s right! And it’s never too early to retire, either!
At this rate, Fraz will be the only first grader in his school living off his IRA.
That’s my plan!
You are right Fraz. All great plans face oposition. 🙂
Come to Poland Fraz. Here you can be retired without working ever. You just need to corrupt some doctors, who will prove, that you are not able to work.
Have a great weekend Wombanians 🙂
Poland sounds like my kind of place! Can doctors be bribed with chocolate?
Fraz, does an early retirement place require a pot of coffee?
I like to retire with hot chocolate, but you can have coffee if you want.
btw, I have no idea what an early retirement “place” is. Sounds like hell to me 😉 … or Florida.
I wouldn’t mind retiring to Florida with my chocolate and frozen cookies. Disney World is there!
Hey sometimes you gotta dream big. Good Luck Fraz!
Yeah, my big dream is very early retirement!
I don’t have much of a retirement plan either 🙁
I have a retirement plan, I just don’t have any money for it!
I am stocking up the freezer with chocolate cookies, though.
You’re never too young to start saving though, even if retirement is a long, long, long way away.. 😉
I hope retirement isn’t that long off! I’m tired of school already! And it’s not even Christmas!
Yes but just think of all the goodies there will be on offer, lots of Christmas cake, pudding, mince pies, chocolate cookies, chocolate cake, chocolate surprises and chocolate sweets, chocolate Santa’s, chocolate… Well a lot of chocolate that’s for sure 🙂
Now I’m dreaming of a chocolate Christmas!!
I was born in 1950. If I had kept a lot of the stuff… Like baseball cards I had when I was a kid I could be livin’ high right now. He might be on to somethin’.
The right comic books and baseball cards from your youth would be worth a fortune now!
Fraz has the right idea.
I usually do have the right idea!
But no one listens to me!
That’s how I feel now! I’m in school but already planning for a way out XD
They should have an early retirement class in school!
It’s actually a great idea to think of things that will certainly come into your future – like getting to eat chocolates anytime and experiencing early retirement! Think positive! :
I’m on the Early Chocolate Retirement Plan.