Ultimate Snack
Winky’s ultimate snack has almost everything you ever wanted in one dish. If you can survive it.
(This comic strip was previously published on August 2, 2010.)
Our great friend Andro did a quick sketch of Fraz practicing his fencing skills on Bearman. You can see Andro’s original post on his Frazzie Fencer entry on his blog. (Click on the picture to see a bigger version.)
Sounded good right up until gravy and everything else that appeared after that.
Well done Dave you get the 1st prize chocolate trophy for adding the first comment, wow how do you know when Peter is going to post? Hmm… lol
Maybe Dave is psychic. Or he just really wants that chocolate trophy.
If I really get to earn a chocolate trophy then please have it sent from the factory in town where I live. 🙂
I tell Winky to send you the trophy directly from his Winky Wonka Chocolate Factory.
If I’m not mistaken his posts go out at midnight his time or midnight EST, which is 6 am here in Germany. I posted this at 7:10 am. It’s all rather logical my dear Watson.
Yep, that’s the way it works! Of course, I guess I could change the time to some weird hour.
But that’s all the stuff that makes it good!
But us humans develop clogged arteries fairly easily.
Someone should fix that!
It does sound revolting 🙁 Eeeeeuw
It’s not revolting! It’s yummy gooey good!
Thank you for adding my quick sketch Peter, I am doing some more shortly, maybe even as early as this week, what’s left of it 🙂 lol
You’re welcome, Andro. It would be very nice to see some new fan art from you.
Winky looks convinced that Chris will love his new creation of chips extreme but Chris is looking a little worried 🙂 lol
Worried that I might not be able to survive Winky’s creation!
I hope Winky wasn’t insulted.
I kind of was. I thought everyone would love my new dish!
I’ll try it!
I bet you’ll like it!
I bet it’s filling too!
It probably is for humans!
But I bet it’d be yummy!
It is! It’s yummy-ummy gooey-good!
Fix us both a plate and I’ll get us the milkshakes!
Will do! I’ll get some chocolate cake for desert, too!
Mmm! I’ll get the movies!
Sounds good to me!
I’m so stuffed, Winky! I couldn’t even finish my plate.
I’d be happy to finish it for you!
Would you please. I fix you another milkshake to go with it.
Okay, that’s a deal!
We can have doughnuts for breakfast….nite nite.
I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep now!
I hope you weren’t up all night! Here you go, Winky. Four 3 foot trays of assorted doughnuts, and 3 gallons of chocolate milk
Thanks! I did get to sleep, but I was dreaming of doughnuts all night long!
It will be a slow happy death. 😉
I want to go with a full tummy!
I try some Winky. Sounds really good to me.
Have a fabulous day. 🙂
You can have all you want! I hope you like it!
One of my arteries just clogged up after reading this!
I think that means you need to eat more chocolate!
It kind of concerns me not to see Loon here yet.
Maybe she was too busy eating my Chips Extreme!
Excellent work on the drawing! Andro art always has a way to make me smile!
Andro puts the fun in art!
Killing him softly…
But it’s a good way to die!
Chris, it is called a “snack” not a meal.
Winky style nachos!! 😉
A snack attack for my heart!
Probably one of those dishes that sound good when it’s raining outside and you’re the only one around. Eat it all then live with the regret. Been there, done that!
Funny comic!
I think it’s good to eat any time! And I haven’t regretted it yet!
I hope Winky entered that recipe into the Frito Lay ‘custom chip’ contest! W.C.C.
I didn’t, but I will now! I wonder what I could win!
Sorry, Winky, I’m still feeling a bit queesy, but if you like it then that’s what counts…
That’s too bad, but it makes me feel good!
That sounds positively disgusting.
Is that a code word for delicious?
I think you have a million dollar idea there, Winky!
That’s a dollar for every calorie!
Almost the perfect meal! 😉
I think it just needs a little chocolate to top it off!
Death by Mayonnaise.
But a happy death!
We call it a stew… don’t remember many died from it before… haa with Mayonnaise…. you got a point.. coated in chocolate… you got another.
If we coated the whole dish with melted chocolate it’d make it perfect!
Love Andro super picture of knighted Bearman….
I think the position of the queen ‘Royal artist’ recently became vacant…
Andro always makes very playful art. I’m not sure if he’d like to apply for such a formal position, though.
No he is non formal kind guy.. Increase his weekly wine gums and you would not need to twist his arm.
I’m sure Andro wouldn’t mind more wine gums.
Battered and deep-fried potato chips, lolol I saw some deep fried Oreos for sale at the fair, and I was amazed that there was a line to buy. Amazed. 🙂
If you deep fry it, they’ll buy it!
It’s how i want to go!
It’s a good way to go!
I wanna order 2 of those please, with extra bacon!!!
I have anti-cholesterol tablets so I’ll just take a couple extra
You won’t be sorry! It’s really good.
I hope those pills work for you!
I saw something similar on an appetizers menu recently.
(I have no idea why my comment never posted to this… I read it when it came out. Le sigh.)
They do come up with some killer foods these days.
I don’t know why you comment didn’t get posted the first time, but WP has been doing some strange things lately.
Heartattack on a plate.lol
But a really really tasty one!
Aha! Winky is trying to kill Chris with pleasure 😉
Well if you have to go, it’s a good way to go!