That’s great! And you know whenever I leave milkshakes here, there’s enough for everyone here…including all the guest.
I have a handy dandy milkshake maker so I can make them by the gallons!
This is a great video from last year Peter 🙂 And your 2013 Halloween graphic in the header is also brilliant, there is nothing like a Halloween Wombie that’s for sure 🙂
Very observant of you, Andro! That specific frame was re-rendered in a wider format for the cartoon. The camera angle would be slightly different than in the film. And the frame was later enhanced, adding the mist, eye reflections, and maybe a little more color.
I think another video would be good, perhaps something on Binky’s Rocket? 🙂 I mean we all look forward to your cartooning skills but your videos are awesome too 🙂
Have a great weekend Peter and another thing your new car website is looking great, I had a quick look last evening but will be calling back in there again soon to check out the other cars 🙂
This is awesome and guess where it is going to be next? 🙂 Yes right on my leading page, it is that good 🙂 I think some more of these will go down brilliantly Peter 🙂 Well done
I knew that you were a fast runner but sprinting like that could be tiring, mind you with al those rewards at the end of the conveyer it will be worth the run 🙂
Maybe your counter only registers visitors comments and excludes your replies, I am not sure about that but with every comment I add it increases so it must be the overall comments tally 🙂 Have a great evening Peter and keep up the brilliant work 🙂
I watched the counter as I added another comment, and it does seem to count mine, too. I think maybe it counts all the comments, including the spam comments which get deleted. That might take the count to 76,000+.
I didn’t know about the SPAM, which is quite novel being that we are all such eager Spam eaters in Wombania 🙂 Whatever the total actually is, I know that you deserve them for having such a well constructed and entertaining website 🙂
Have fun tonight Peter 🙂 I am watching Masterchef soon, I hope they improve because so far the so-called-chefs have made a poor attempt at convincing me that they can cook 🙁 lol
The number Andro is talking about is in the URL to this page which ends with “#comment-76658 or something similar. But that’s almost double my true comment count. So I don’t know what it really means.
The more I think about it, the more I believe it is the combined comments and replies, as that would make sense for the almost doubled score 🙂 Hey we do like to theorise on things don’t we Peter? 🙂
Yes I agree 🙂 It all adds to the fun of debating though, I think we miss out on that kind of interaction sometimes, mainly because not many choose to join in, but I understand that too so it’s okay 🙂
You dserve all these comments Peter 🙂 Well done on providing so many chuckles to so many followers of your Wombies. It is an excellent achievement my great friend 🙂
We call back regularly because your style and commitment is second to none, in essence we just couldn’t miss out on your Wombies Peter, and besides where else in the universe can we sample the delights of Winky’s chocolate factory? 🙂 Have a fun evening my great friend 🙂
That’s a very gracious compliment, Andro. Thanks. There’re not too many places where the Wombies congregate, I suppose. And all the chocolate here is free.
No, not when you are around it doesn’t but we wouldn’t want you to miss out on all the creepy treats Winky, and more importantly Wombania wouldn’t be the same without you so tuck into some of these quadruple layered sticky finger fudges with orange and lime filling 🙂
The icky one’s are for the Zombies but they will eat almost anything so they are fine about that, whereas we Wombies only eat the very best in chocolates, mainly because you are such a great connoisseur, and chocolate maker 🙂
I try to make only the best chocolate because I know all the Wombies will like them! And even some non-Wombies! It doesn’t matter. Anyone can have my chocolates!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN Wombies …. boo!!!!
Happy Halloween Wombies, Loon and everyone else here in Wombania 🙂 🙂
Happy Halloween, Andro! I hope you get some nice treats.
Thank you Peter I
had some chocolate 🙂
Hope you did too…
I had my share of those mini chocolate bars. I managed to hide a few from the you know whos.
That’s good, and well done on the concealment of those choc bars too 🙂
It takes some trickery to get any chocolate for myself around here.
Happy Halloween Loon 🙂 😉
Andro xxxx
Happy Halloween Androgoth, you big zombie, you 😉 xxx
🙂 lmao Ooops am I
allowed to say that…
on here? 🙁
Hope you had fun Loon 😉 xxxx
You scared me!
Happy Halloween Loon!
Happy Halloween, Loon!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN Deb and Fraz, I hope you have a booing good time xx
Loon, I always like a bit
of boo-boo time 😉 lol xxxx
You should put a band-aid on that, Andro!
lol 🙂 and thank you Fraz 🙂
I had a chocolate eating good time!
I knew that you would 🙂
It’s hard not to on Halloween!
You can eat chocolate
anytime and you are the
expert too 🙂
I’m really good at eating chocolate but I think Winky is even better!
Happy Halloween!
I liked the video, very cute till the pumpkin falls. 😀
Happy Halloween, Indrani!
Yes, that’s the surprise ending! Wombie pumpkin pie.
Happy Halloween to all the Wombies, Peter and all your guests!
Happy Halloween Deb 🙂 😉
Andro xxxx
Happy Halloween, Andro! 🙂
I got a large chocolate milkshake for you! 🙂
Wow and did we enjoy it, we meaning Fraz, Binky, Winky, Twink and someone in a cape 🙂 lol xxxx
That wasn’t me! I was Frazewbacca!
That’s great! And you know whenever I leave milkshakes here, there’s enough for everyone here…including all the guest.
I have a handy dandy milkshake maker so I can make them by the gallons!
And you need to with us around!
Dropping off another big batch!…and doughnuts!
All kinds and enough to last you till dinner time…dig in!
Oh boy! Thanks Deb. You know how to keep Wombies happy! I’ll get Fraz to bring you over some Pizzas later!
Thanks, Deb. Happy Halloween to you and Mitch and all your Wombies, too.
Thank you, Peter. I’m joining my Wombies in a fun filled day of doing what they like to do best…eating chocolate!
That’s a very popular activity over here as well. And not just on Halloween.
Yes I agree, I do that all the time 🙂
All us Wombies do!
Yes we do 🙂
Love the video of the Wombie Zombies, Peter!…Awesome!
Thanks. It’s a rerun from last year, but maybe no one will notice.
I remember it, and enjoyed it every bit as much as last year…it’s a classic!
Classic sounds a lot better than rerun! Does that mean I can run the video every year without people complaining?
I for one would not complain.
Even if you were to make another, I think this classic one needs to be viewed too…you could make it a tradition. 🙂
You’ve sold me! It’ll be like Peanuts’ The Great Pumpkin special. Only a lot shorter.
I like it too, in fact it blends in really well with my resident Zombies, yes Zombies and Wombies everyone is welcome in the creepy mansion 🙂 lol
I’d like it better if the zombies would stay away!
They run for cover when they see you coming Fraz 🙁 It’s the fear of being trapped in one of your special Zombie I think?
Special Zombie traps I meant to say 🙂
Zombies are kinda dumb. But I think they’re smart enough to know I’ll trap them if they get too close!
They are Fraz aware now I think, but you can always fool them by wearing your Pirate outfit 🙂
Or my Frazewbacca costume too!
That’s great, Peter. It’ll be your Wombie Zombie Special…you could do that for the Christmas one too.
I guess I could make a Christmas video, too, if I get the time.
That’d be cool.
Could you make one with the Wombie eating the chocolate?
That might be difficult. Their mouth motion is very rudimentary.
Hmm, that could promote a problem. But I know you could me a really good one…in your spare time that is.
Spare time?…what’s that…lol
Yeah, I know. I wish those guys would just grab a camera and film themselves. It’d make things a whole lot easier.
Happy Halloween, Andro!
Happy Halloween again!
Happy yummy tasty Halloween!
Guess what I got for you, Winky!
….a chocolate kissy’s cake!…Mmmm! Super rich and chocolaty!
Oh boy! And I’ve got some Halloween Wombie chocolates for you!
The cakes and chocolate were yummy 🙂
They always are!
Thank you, Winky!
Mmm, mmm good!
I’ll be ordering a truck load of that for the winter for my Wombie clan!
I’ll send you over a truckload this afternoon!
Just got it delivered today!…My wombes are in heaven!…thank you!
Your milkshakes are thanks enough!
Thank you Deb 😉 xxxx
This is a great video from last year Peter 🙂 And your 2013 Halloween graphic in the header is also brilliant, there is nothing like a Halloween Wombie that’s for sure 🙂
Thanks, Andro. The header cartoon is taken from a frame of the video animation.
I thought so but then I noticed that Binky’s eyes looked greener, it must be that the mist had cleared 🙂 But what a great header 🙂
Very observant of you, Andro! That specific frame was re-rendered in a wider format for the cartoon. The camera angle would be slightly different than in the film. And the frame was later enhanced, adding the mist, eye reflections, and maybe a little more color.
I think another video would be good, perhaps something on Binky’s Rocket? 🙂 I mean we all look forward to your cartooning skills but your videos are awesome too 🙂
Have a great weekend Peter and another thing your new car website is looking great, I had a quick look last evening but will be calling back in there again soon to check out the other cars 🙂
I did make a video of Binky and his rocket many years ago, which you’ve probably seen.
This is awesome and guess where it is going to be next? 🙂 Yes right on my leading page, it is that good 🙂 I think some more of these will go down brilliantly Peter 🙂 Well done
I did a number of videos about ten years ago. I should do some more, but they just take so long to make.
I can appreciate the time it takes but the results are so worth it Peter 🙂 Have a brilliant evening and don’t forget to eat plenty of chocolates 🙂
Hopefully I’ll be able to produce some new videos in the future. But don’t hold your breath.
No I will wait patiently Peter, but will look forward to seeing them nonetheless 🙂
That’s good to hear. I wouldn’t want to be the cause of any medical emergencies!
For every emergency we have Winky standing by with his chocolate and wine gum medical kit 🙂 We always feel rejuvenated after an injection of goodies 🙂
Winky is an expert at keeping your blood sugar levels as high as they can be!
He will be a sugar daddy
one of these days I am sure 🙂
I think he already has a heart of pure sugar.
And I’m glad you like my new site. Only another 10,000 pictures to add. . .
Wow that is as a lot of work but definitely worth the effort, especially with those brilliant photographs you have been taking 🙂
Thanks, Andro. I hope it’s worth the effort, eventually.
It most certainly will be…
Do wombie zombies still like chocolate or does it have to be dead chocolate — like the dried out old kind?
No, us Wombie Zombies will eat any kind of chocolate we can find! It doesn’t have to be dead! Though I don’t like it to be moving.
What happens if it is moving on a conveyer belt? I bet you would soon catch up with that and grab a few bars 🙂
I’d run to the end of the conveyor belt and let all the chocolate come to me!
I knew that you were a fast runner but sprinting like that could be tiring, mind you with al those rewards at the end of the conveyer it will be worth the run 🙂
I don’t run for just anything. But I’d run for chocolate!
You can always ride Binky’s rocket ship 🙂
That would be a lot quicker I think 🙂
And a lot of fun too 🙂
It would be! But Binky doesn’t usually let me ride his rocket. He doesn’t trust me. He thinks I might do something dumb. I don’t know why.
No, me neither 🙁
You can ride the Zombie
Chocolate Train instead
but watch out for those
creepy green folks 🙁
A Zombie train sounds scary! But the chocolate part of it sounds good! I’m confused!
When confused, Confucius says
Eat More Chocolate 🙂 It works for me…
I can do that! I always do that!
Yes maybe I learnt that from you 🙂
I’m glad you learned something good from me!
We always learn things from you Winky and another thing,I am sure that everyone admires your chocolateology degree too 🙂
It’s the best degree I could have! Luckily Deb helped me get it.
Happy Halloween! You zombie wombies! 🙂
Happy Halloween, David!
That was the pumpkin from Hades. Bwahahahahahahaha.
Have a fabulous Halloween. 🙂
You too, Sandee!
So that’s where that pumpkin came from!
Happy Hallowombie
Hallowombie! I like that. I’ll try to remember to use that next year.
Happy Halloween, Bearman.
Happy Halloween guys 🙂
Mommy is ready with her Halloween post too, but might be a bit late
Happy Halloween, Kroten! And Kurome and Papoe and mommy! I hope your Halloween post has some chocolate!
Happy Halloween to you too! 😀
Happy Halloween, Bill!
I should be terrified, but they’re so darn cute!
Happy Halloween!
It’s hard to be scared of the Wombies.
Happy Halloween, Jerry!
I didn’t know they have Halloween in your part of the world! Anyways, Happy Wookieween! :OD
While our wild wombat cousins originate from Australia, we’re from Canada!
Looks like those Wombies have been eating too many Lime flavored Wine Gums for Halloween!! W.C.C.
They’re the ones known as Zombie wine gums!
Happy free chocolate day. Happy halloween.
Free chocolates always make me happy!
Happy Halloween, Jeremy!
Creepy! In a good way of course.
It’s especially creepy when the Wombie Zombies come after your chocolate!
Forget brains, they want chocolate!
Give us your chocolate, and no one gets de-brained!
Oh that was not a happy ending… lol
Those Zombie Wombies are not to be trifled with!
I like a bit of trifle though Peter 🙂
I’ll let you have it without trifling!
Now you’re talking 🙂 lol
I’m thinking that somebody just took their picture in the dark with a flash camera.
Maybe that’s why there’s so many Zombies around these days!
We must destroy all cameras! That is the key.
As long as you don’t touch my chocolate!
Maybe I should have done a Halloween post at 8-Bit Nerds 😐
Nah, I think those kinds of posts have been done to death.
I stabbed mine 31 times.
I added quite a few stabs myself.
I have just noticed that your comment counter is a whopping 76,597 and 76,598 after this one 🙂 WOW
My comment counter? Where do you see a comment counter? I didn’t add one, and can’t see it.
My stats show just under 39,000 comments.
It is in the URL above… Now it is reading as 76,636 and after this one… Well you know just add one 🙂 lol
Okay, I see it now. I really don’t know what that’s really counting as my internal stats say 38,917 comments.
Maybe your counter only registers visitors comments and excludes your replies, I am not sure about that but with every comment I add it increases so it must be the overall comments tally 🙂 Have a great evening Peter and keep up the brilliant work 🙂
Your website rocks…
I watched the counter as I added another comment, and it does seem to count mine, too. I think maybe it counts all the comments, including the spam comments which get deleted. That might take the count to 76,000+.
I didn’t know about the SPAM, which is quite novel being that we are all such eager Spam eaters in Wombania 🙂 Whatever the total actually is, I know that you deserve them for having such a well constructed and entertaining website 🙂
Have fun tonight Peter 🙂 I am watching Masterchef soon, I hope they improve because so far the so-called-chefs have made a poor attempt at convincing me that they can cook 🙁 lol
The spam vs SPAM argument could be an explanation as there is a natural attraction of the latter to this site.
I hope those chefs cook up something good tonight. Otherwise we may have to send over Twink or Winky to show them how to cook with chocolate.
The show would improve
vastly with those two at the
helm 🙂 Now let’s have a
wicked rest of evening with
chocolate for everyone 🙂
I have enjoyed
our interaction Peter 🙂
I will raise a glass of
wine to you later 🙂
I’ll raise some wine gums to you on my end! If I can find any the gang hasn’t eaten.
now it’s 76,600
Do you see the phantom counter, too? Maybe I need glasses.
Awesome video! 😀
Thanks, Rara! Glad you liked it.
Someone forgot to switch on the camera’s Green Eye Reduction Mode
I don’t think Zombie cameras have that mode!
No I was just guessing. No idea what Andro’s talking about
Check out the URL Tony 🙂
I hope that you are well and
hopefully we will soon see a
few of your cartoons 🙂
I know it must be a lot of work
changing sites and things but do
add some more when you can 🙂
The number Andro is talking about is in the URL to this page which ends with “#comment-76658 or something similar. But that’s almost double my true comment count. So I don’t know what it really means.
The more I think about it, the more I believe it is the combined comments and replies, as that would make sense for the almost doubled score 🙂 Hey we do like to theorise on things don’t we Peter? 🙂
It might be, but it seems to count my comments, too. I think it might be adding the spam comments to the total before I delete them.
Yes I agree 🙂 It all adds to the fun of debating though, I think we miss out on that kind of interaction sometimes, mainly because not many choose to join in, but I understand that too so it’s okay 🙂
Well at least a few of us enjoy it, so I guess that’s all that matters.
True, and I have certainly enjoyed our chats here my great friend 🙂 Be well and happy… Chocolate is calling 🙂
And now for those hopeless chefs, oh dear 🙁 lol
Maybe you should show them up with some of your own fantabulous cooking.
You dserve all these comments Peter 🙂 Well done on providing so many chuckles to so many followers of your Wombies. It is an excellent achievement my great friend 🙂
I think the real count is about half that, but that’s still a lot of comments. Which is all due to people like you!
We call back regularly because your style and commitment is second to none, in essence we just couldn’t miss out on your Wombies Peter, and besides where else in the universe can we sample the delights of Winky’s chocolate factory? 🙂 Have a fun evening my great friend 🙂
That’s a very gracious compliment, Andro. Thanks. There’re not too many places where the Wombies congregate, I suppose. And all the chocolate here is free.
I always say exactly what I mean so you are very welcome Peter, and yes FREE chocolates always entices everyone, especially the Wombies appetites 🙂
I know you do, Andro, and I always appreciate your comments.
Have a superb evening Peter 🙂 I will more than likely be back again later, after the shoddy chefs have disappointed me yet again I shouldn’t wonder 🙁
Maybe you need something better to watch. Like “Cooking With Chocolate” with Twink!
Happy Belated Halloween Wombies!! I hope your candy stash was absogigantolutely (new word) fabulous!!
It was! But the treats are all gone now. Halloween never lasts long enough.
No, not when you are around it doesn’t but we wouldn’t want you to miss out on all the creepy treats Winky, and more importantly Wombania wouldn’t be the same without you so tuck into some of these quadruple layered sticky finger fudges with orange and lime filling 🙂
As long as they’re not real! I only like good yummy treats. Well, all treats are good and yummy. So I guess I like them all. Unless they’re icky.
The icky one’s are for the Zombies but they will eat almost anything so they are fine about that, whereas we Wombies only eat the very best in chocolates, mainly because you are such a great connoisseur, and chocolate maker 🙂
I try to make only the best chocolate because I know all the Wombies will like them! And even some non-Wombies! It doesn’t matter. Anyone can have my chocolates!
Wombie Zombies! You could do a lot with that
It has a nice ring to it, but I’m not sure what I could do with it. I’m not so great on the promotional end.