World’s Best Garage Sale
Garage sales can be great for bargains, but only if the seller isn’t too emotionally attached to his junk.
Debbie Adams recently built a cabin completely out of chocolate for Winky, and then fully equiped it with all the things that Winky would want. You can see Winky’s chocolate cabin and read all about it over at Debbie’s Art Blog.
ha ha ha oh man..but i do get it..i mean best way to save stuff is putting obscene price tag on them….
Fraz yes we do want more stuff to keep chocolates and cycles to get to the store to buy them and toaster to make a chocolate sandwich and mirror to see ourselves eating all the chocolates..those things can’t be sold..
Yeah, it’s important to have good stuff! I think I’m going to make a chocolate sandwich.
Dear Chris, they don’t want to sale anything just to seat in fresh air, and to socialize with people 🙂
Yeah! Plus, if we look cute, sometimes people will feed us!
You are super cute 🙂
I’m hoping for some yummy treats, then!
Yes, and maybe even some presents! 🙂
We’ll take presents, too!
Be careful the people are not trying to trade with you!
Yeah, we don’t want to give up any of our
junkstuff!Maybe you will trade for some new pancake recipes? 🙂
I’d rather trade some of Chris’s stuff for that!
Yes exactly what I was thinking too 🙂
Now we just have to find Chris’s stuff. He’s locked a lot of it away!
Maybe one of Binky’s inventions could be useful for this mission Fraz 🙂
I’m not sure Binky wants to help us! He sides with Chris sometimes.
I will have a word with him and see if I can twist his arm, I mean offer him a bribe, I mean have a friendly chat during a feast of chocolate milkshakes and pancakes 🙂
Binky will probably listen to you! Especially over chocolate milkshakes!
Good to see Twink is priceless.
At least they have good taste!
Absolutely 🙂
Hey it’s good to see you here Loon 🙂
Maybe Twink should paint Loon’s picture.
LOL, NO!!!!!! Did you see what Bearman did to me?????
I’d only paint your good side.
I have not! Where is the link, Loon?
Yes I will take a look at that too 🙂
But I didn’t tell you!
Oh. My. Word.
Now that is pooooooting brilliant, just don’t tell Loon that i said so 😉 🙂
Winky and Fraz, I’m with you on this one. You need all those things. Just look at all the good stuff. Bike for Fraz to ride on…you were just on it a week or 2 ago. The cooler to sell expensive lemonade, and on my, Twink’s painting. That should be sold it should be in a museum for fine arts of the old masters. Fraz needs the chair to get on to reach the chocolate on counter top.
I wouldn’t want to sell my bike. But if someone gave me $1,500,000 for it, I’d let them have it!
Well I can’t blame you for that, Fraz! Your bike is almost priceless. After all, it has been ridden by a prince and a captain. Here, an ice cream cone dipped chocolate.
Thanks, Aunt Deb!
Yes it’s not everyday that anyone can buy a bike that a Prince, Prime Minister and President, Captain of the Pirates, Zombie Handler and Genie owner has owned 🙂
Fraz needs a scrapbook with all of his titles and real estate pictures in it.
Maybe I can get Genie to make a scrapbook for me! I’m pretty famous, you know!
Maybe the 1.5 million isn’t enough for such a famous person’s bike!
I was thuinking around five million 🙂
I’ll take it!
How does installments of $10 a month sound? 🙂
$100,000 a month sounds a lot better!
I can only afford $10 a month but I can throw in some Pirate ‘T’ Shirts, a Skeleton’s Key Ring, a Zombies Jellybrains Recipe and some freshly made Pancakes if you will consider it 🙂
Okay, I’ll take it!! Jellybrains sound really good!
Ah, the barter system is such a lovely thing!
HA! Sounds like the Wobmies are hoping someone will make them an offer they CAN refuse!
Yeah, unless you do want pay what we’re asking, and then we’ll take it!
Are you going to consider haggling?
Only if they’re going to pay more than we ask.
Okay Fraz, so how much for the lot? 🙂
Make sure he gives you a good bulk deal….
I can’t sell to you, Andro! I want some sucker to buy it all! Maybe $5 million.
I know a few Zombies that would just jump at the chance of that deal, but they have run off, perhaps sucking jelly brains somewhere? Well they are a couple of suckers 🙂
If they come back, tell them about my bike. And how good a deal it is!
Yes but remember to lock them up first 🙂
That might make them not buy my bike, though!
Don’t worry just tell them there is a banquet of sloppy buns and lumpy ghoulish custard for afters and they will buy anything you like 🙂
Okay, I’ll try that! Those zombies must really like custard.
I go to yard sales regularly and there is hardly ever any man-stuff there. Men really like to keep our stuff.
We Wombies like to keep our stuff, too! It’s good stuff or we wouldn’t have it!
You need to come to garage sales at my place. I sell everything…including the furniture!
That sounds like a good sale! I could use a backup couch!
I know. I am ready to give up one or two from here for something new. That is why you have the sale…make room for new things.
I like to just keep adding new stuff. The chocolate cabin Deb made for me (the one up there ^^) has expandable walls so I should never run out of space!
Have you never heard of the “rule of stuff”?
The more stuff you have, the happier you are?
Stuff will expand and multiple to exceed the space into which it is intended…IOW, you will never have enough room!
I think you must have seen my place!
It is one of the scientific rules. It applies to every place!
So it’s not just me? I guess that’s good to know.
Not a chance. There are even television shows about the worst of the pack rats.
They could have really good garage sales, I guess.
I will be over in a flash red, I think you will certainly have something that I want 🙂
I know that is right…Although, the toys often go really fast. 😉
Have you got some of those whistles????? 😉
Or anything made of chocolate?
Gobs of chocolate things.
I’ll be right over!
LOL! A few 😉
I hate to admit it but I have a house, two mobile homes and a shed that are so full that I can hardly put anything else in.
It’s time to buy a barn, then!
Or a match!
Then he’d have room for more stuff!
Hey 😉 lol
I already have a fine collection for slave uses but I can haggle for your most prized examples 🙂
Bring cash.
Yes and a wry smile 😉
An a mischievous twinkle.
I bought an antique rockin’ chair Saturday for $10.
We would have sold you ours for $10,000.
The tags do convey the message ‘not for sale!’. 🙂
Great strip.
We wanted to have a garage sale without the selling part.
I too share chocolates with friends without the giving part..its fun
You can take all the chocolates you want from my Winky Wonka Chocolate factory.
And you can share mine and Fraz’s pancakes too Soma 🙂
1.5 Mil for a bike. Hmmm, would you let it go for 1 mil in cash?
Okay, I guess I could sell it for a million.
See, you do haggle!
I told Fraz not to! I’m sure we could have gotten more for that bike!
The trick to haggling is not taking the first offer!
I think maybe Fraz learned that the hard way.
Or even the third or fourth either 🙂
I’ll wait for the best price next time.
Yes a good lesson learnt Fraz 🙂
I guess learning is good sometimes.
Cute I think this is how my mom feels when I try to get her to trim down what she owns.
Some of us don’t like to get rid of our stuff!
Are Wombies pack rats?
No, we just like to keep all our stuff!
And get more stuff?
See. That does make you a pack rat. o.O
But I’m not a rat! I’m a Wombie!
LOL! Lots of humans are pack rats 😉
And some humans are just ratty.
But if you get rid of the old stuff, you’ll have more room for chocolate and wine gums!
I didn’t think of that. That’s a tough one!
Man, I could’ve used that painting . . . and the bat . . . sigh . . .
Maybe next time we have a garage sale, we’ll really sell some stuff.
I was going to drop by but then I realised I”M POOR! 🙁 I’m Dollar Store poor…
I’d give you my stuff if you gave me a whole dollar store!
Never mind Scholar Mel there is plenty of chocolate and marshmellows to be shared out, here grab a handful and enjoy yourself 🙂
Yeah, the chocolate and pancakes are always free around here!
Have any waffles?
Sure we have waffles, too! Any way you like them!
You can have extra waffles
with anything that you like 🙂
Except zombies.
Yes it is best to leave those
zombies to eat on their own 🙁
And maybe even eat their own!
Well, that’s better than them selling HIS stuff, I guess. 😀
I never thought of selling Chris’s stuff. Maybe next week!
Did someone put a price tag on Chris?
I should do that when Chris is sleeping on the couch. How much should I charge for an old grumpy human?
Depends on what he can do whilst he is awake…
It seems like that word “whilst” keeps poppin’ up. That is the second time this week I have seen it in a comment.
Whilst I’ll be!
<< uses it a lot.
He yells a lot. And throws up his hands. And rolls his eyes.
He might be marketable to a sports team as a coach to argue with the referees…Or to a home owner’s association. They are always up in arms about something.
I’m glad to hear Chris is good for something! Maybe I’ll ask $100 for him.
Or $50 and a fresh batch of pancakes 🙂
RED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL XO
Good to see you, Cat <3 *grins*
They appear to be very emotionally attached to their stuff. Bwahahahahahaha.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Yeah. Plus we don’t want to sell it, either.
Very Very Cute ::)
keep all your stuff ———– 🙂
it’s priceless –
and next time – organize a sale for chris’s
stuff –
what do you think he has ??????
lots of love guys ——— and lovely edible cabin DEB……
seriously a place i would want to live in 🙂
I think that would be a good sale. Selling off Chris’s stuff! He has too much junk, anyways. He won’t miss it.
Yes I bet the house is full of stuff you can sell, okay everyone all Chris’ stuff into the sale, now that should fetch a good price 🙂
If anyone wants his junk!
Someone’s old junk is another persons treasures 🙂
We’ll have to find the other person, then!
Maybe Chris has some hidden treats too, we just need to locate them 🙂
I’ve been looking, but Chris is a good hider!
Yes he hides them in his…
Well somewhere anyway 🙂
would be cool to see what he has ….huh ?
what does Chris have ?
i wonder !!!!!
have a great night guys and wombies
I am with you, Cat. They need to be raiding Chris’ closets and boxes. I am sure there is something they can commandeer to sell. xxx
Maybe Chris has some interesting things hidden away? 🙂
I’ve locked all my closets and the attic with Wombie-proof locks! They’re not getting my stuff!
I don’t know about that…Wombies are quite ingenious when they are on a mission.
I’ve found that out. The little weasels!
Might want to make sure your initials are not all over some of “their” things…
Binky has already appropriated all my tools, and Twink has taken over my kitchen. . .
Does that even leave you anything for a garage sale?
I could sell a few slightly used Wombies.
I am sure that would go over reeeeeeeeeally well.
Not so well with us Wombies!
Twink, he just does not know a good thing when he has it…
You’re right about that, sister!
Wombies are always after more not less, now why didn’t I think of that one? 🙂 I wonder how much a pancake costs these days? 🙂
Pancakes are always free around here. Especially now since Twink has that automatic pancake maker. It’s making so many pancakes, we can’t even eat them all!!
I did not think it was possible to get full on pancakes…
I never really get full. I just slow down a little.
Is this you?
I don’t know. It won’t let me see that page!
No me neither, maybe it is something too naughty for you and me Fraz? 🙁
Yeah, it might be. But then why did Red think it might be me?
Ugh. Silly privacy settings. I will have to post it somewhere you can see it.
There you go…Do not click on the post, as it is not live and you will not be able to get to it before tomorrow 😉
I had to click on it! It didn’t work.
I’ll have to try again tomorrow. If I can last that long.
It will probably only let me see it for now…the post goes live in the morning at 0800. You can see it then… :/
That looks like one of the zombie pancake eaters we had around here!
A lot scarier than Jack Skellington!
That’s for sure! He’d be at home on Andro’s site, though.
Yes well he will have to work for his pancakes, we don’t give freebies away to just anyone you know? 🙂
You don’t? We do! Just not to meanie zombies that try to eat our brains.
Andro, you are more than welcome to steal the photo. I was thinking it would make a good Vampy Prince collage piece 😉
Yes don’t get between them
and their pancakes red 🙁 lol
It is a good picture, perhaps
it would be nice inside Chris’
bedroom, just in case he has
a nightmare about any stolen
pancakes 🙁
Or it would give him nightmares!
It might give me nightmares!
I thought Wombies were too lovable to have nightmares…
I sometimes have nightmares about running out of chocolate.
*Shudder* Perish the thought.
I like Winky’s cabin Deb
it’s really brilliant, and a
nice chocolate taste too
I bet? 🙂
It does taste nice! But I try not to eat too much of it because I need a place to stay!
Thank you, Andro! 🙂
You’re welcome Deb 🙂
It’s not a garage sale. It’s separation anxiety!
Sometimes it’s just better to keep your stuff!
But too much stuff can make your house a mess Wink
Yeah, I know!
haha! I love the “priceless” tag!
And no one even made an offer on that.
Thank you for posting Binky’s Cabin.
Winky looks right at home in there.
My pleasure, Deb.
Winky is very much at home in a home made of chocolate.
With a yard sale like that they really only need to make one sale to have a great day!
You got a couple thousand you want to spend?
That’s like cleaning out the shed. I never want to ditch anything. Hope they made a few bucks. I can’t see that chocolate cabin lasting long. Winky’s already eaten the front wall.
We didn’t really sell anything to be honest.
Making renovations to a chocolate house is very very tasty! Especially the demolition part.
How could anyone take stuff away from a wombat?
Because some people are mean!
Maybe they could have a garage sale where other people bring stuff over for them to buy instead?
That’d be a good idea. It’s a lot easier to sell other people’s stuff!
Something just have to much sentimental value. 🙂
Yeah, I like all my stuff!
Hmmm…tough decision! You want more stuff but to buy more stuff you have to sell your old stuff. Just ask for more money from Chris…that’s the easiest way 😉
The problem is Chris doesn’t like to give up his money! Maybe I could sell his car.
Then, you would have to ride that million and a half dollar bicycle everywhere…
I didn’t think about that.
You can sell Chris’ Clothes 😉
He doesn’t need much clothes
That’s right, humans have way too much clothes!
Be careful with that. Do you want him running around in his skivvies?
We won’t sell all of his clothes. Just most of his clothes. He always wears the same thing anyway!
fRAZZY …..
That was a brilliant post last night on Red’s site about You guys – my wombies have disappeared onto the island and have not heard from then since xx
!!!!!!!!!! awesome RED- AWESOME WOMBIES – AWESOME DEB ………
and of course the beautiful Bruno and Claret xo
in their suits – 🙂 xo
All the Wombies are on my island for the pancake pirate party! Then we’re going to sail for Morocco to visit my palace over there. And them maybe we’ll go treasure hunting. I’ll tell Daisy and Violet to email you or something.
When are you leaving? I have to finish Claret’s veil and harem costume.
I thought they were already here! The ship’s leaving soon. But we’ll wait for them!
Well, I will send them along shortly…
I wouldn’t want them to miss their first pirate cruise!
They just got a calling card and called —– they told me you guys are partying it up and that they have been sleeping the spam off ……….. 🙂 glad they called !
🙂 xo Goodnight wombania xx
til next time xx
Yeah, they’ve been eating tons of Spam! Almost as much as Winky!
We’re off to Morocco tomorrow!
ha-ha… this one is so cute. There’s s cuteness to Wombania I really like. I’ve never had a garage sale because I’m too emotionally attached to all my junk.
Thanks, Nancy. Wombania is supposed to be something like Oz, or at least that’s what I’m aiming for.
I think a lot of people are emotionally attached to their possessions.
Awww sentimental items!
I love the Wombies even more.
So you won’t sell us then, I hope!