Average Chocolate Consumption
There are some things that Winky is really good at. And eating chocolate is right at the top.
(This comic strip was previously published on September 7, 2009.)
Debbie Adams thought Twink deserved a retreat of her own, so she gave her her own little beach house. You can see Debbie’s original painting of Twink’s Beach House over at her blog, and see a lot of other great works of Wombie art there, too.
I think I’m an over achiever as well 😯
And it’s something I don’t even have to work at!
Me too!! Mommy is the one who has to work it out 😉
I’m glad no one tells me to stop eating.
I remember Twink told you to do a diet program
Yeah, but I don’t really listen to her.
It is call “natural ability”, Loon. Only we higher evolved life forms have it 😉
*called… I so need a nap.
I definitely have a natural chocolate eating ability!
Thanks for the reassurance Red 😉
*curtsies sweetly*
Right up there with ya, Loon. 😉
Yay! Another highly evolved lady!
Sweets for a sweet. 😉
Can I get in on any of those sweets?
You sure can! Name you sweet?
How about a Winky Wizzler?
You got it!
Is that anything like a Sizzler?
A Winky Wizzler is a candy coated chocolate coated cherry covered in coconut and pecans.
Yummy! Well you got it then. I have a 6 dozen right here.
Great! That means we can all have some! I’ll have to make more at my factory when we run out.
I do not even like cherries and that sound yum…
Well I could make up some special Winky Wizzlers for you with strawberries or blueberries instead.
Well make a few for me too please, I love strawberries and blueberries! 🙂
Sure, I can make enough cherry, strawberry, and blueberry Winky Wizzlers for everyone!
My name might be Scholar but I think I am a little under average… though I have already had some dark chocolate this morning. I stole it from my wife.
Don’t tell her though. I plan on replacing it. There is always more chocolate and here in Europe, I think it is the best.
Belgian chocolate is the best! Could you email me Belgium?
You need to find someone in Belgium to adopt Wombies. You would be able to have them send you chocolate all the time!
If anyone in Belgium wants to adopt me, I’m ready to go!
Now, how would Chris feel about that?
I doubt he’d let Winky go, but then again…nah. 🙂
I might have to sneak out the back door! But so far I haven’t got any adoption offers.
It might be difficult sneaking out of the back door with everyone tagging on behind you Winky, I mean if there is Belgian chocolate to be had then I am sure that we will ALL want to join you 🙂
And I’d be right behind ya! 😉
Yeah, I guess you’re right, Andro! Everyone would want to come along for Belgian chocolate!
Most definitely 🙂
I’ll adopt you, Winky! 🙂
I think you already have! I spend half my time down there on your island in my chocolate cabin, and at my chocolate factory! That you gave me!
What about when I go home for the winter…I’ll make you chocolate treats everyday. You can even eat spam sandwiches with Cheerios on it so you don’t have to decide between breakfast or lunch.
I’ve just found a new mom!!!
That sounds like the perfect home!
I would be happy with banana on toast Deb so if there is room for me I will certainly be ready to pack my suitcase 🙂
Maybe Fraz could come, too! We could be the Four Musketeers! Or the Four Wombateers!
Hey a great idea Winky, how about we get Red in on the act so that we can be The Famous Five 🙂 We can still take our hats and swords with us though 🙂
Okay, sure! The Famous Five Wombateers! We will leave no chocolate uneaten!
I’ve got room for all of you at the house. I’ll just put in 3 sets of bunk beds and you’ll be all set. I’ll have plenty of chocolate, toast and bananas….Don’t forget your swords!
We won’t!
Let the fun begin!
We can also use Fraz’s pirate ship to find new adventures!
We don’t go till back till November. So hang loose and eat some more.
Hey Winky I will collect the chocolate parrots from your factory and you grab the swords and hats, deb you are in charge of the zombie trap keys so watch out they don’t try pinching them out of your pocket 🙁
We’ve all got a lot of important stuff to do! And a lot of important fun to have!
You know I am in!
Pocket pinching Zombies?! Oh man, I’m sewing zippers on my pockets to keep the keys safe.
Yay, Red’s in too!
You can never be too careful around zombies!
Yes, and if they dry to get past the zippers, Cici will take care of it. 😉
I think zombies are afraid of dogs!
Then they’ll have much to fear between Cici and Cassie.
I’m above average as well! Let’s hear it for hitting the end of the bell curve!
It’s good to be above average in something!
Especially when it comes to eating chocolate and taking naps.
Those are my specialties!
You are very talented when it comes down to eating pancakes, wine gums and marshmellows too 🙂
Those are my other specialties!
Hey amongst so many others Winky don’t be so modest 🙂
You’re too generous, Andro!
Though I’m pretty good at pancakes, too.
Yes you are the king of pancake eating 🙂
I think you might be a close second! Which is pretty amazing for a human!
Yes, and your both good at eating smambo burgers, where I’m the Queen of chocolate shake drinking.
Being part of The Famous Five Wombateers, I guess we’re all good eaters!
and nappers
We are great at everything we are 🙂
We’re the best!
If I do say so myself!
Hahaha… whoever wrote that article should have included a photo of Winky… just to remind everyone who was setting the pace! 🙂
If they included me, I think I would have upped the average for everyone!
Huahahaha Glad to know you are a wombie who always sees things half full 😉
And I’m never too full to have more chocolate!
Good, then I guess you won’t mind having some more now.
Right after I finish this chocolate bar!
And I have just made a fresh batch of pancakes so who wants some? 🙂
I need a snack for my wrestling matches tonight.
A non-stop eating spree! It’s nice to have such good friends!
It’s always nice when you friend like to do the things you like to do. Where’s the chocolate?
Right here! And over there! And over there, too!
And here, and here, and here too 🙂
We’re surrounded by chocolate!
Just the way we like it!
Yes bring on another round of chocolates and pancakes I like both 🙂
And wine gums and milkshakes and Spam! We might as well make it a well-balanced meal!
Here you all go. I nice big batch of Chocolate, wine gums, pancakes, spam and lots of ice cream for chocolate milkshakes topped with whip cream and cherries.
The perfect meal!
I guess we should be powered up for some fun adventures now!
Yes, today we are going to work at eating up the world’s largest piece of chocolate.
WOW… That will take us about ten minutes to get through, but Winky always has plenty of extras Deb so don’t worry we won’t starve 🙂
I was thinking the same thing! I wonder how long it would take us to eat that? It’d sure be fun trying!
That would fill the chocometer up really quickly!
Yeah, and my tummy too! If that’s even possible!
My goodness, is there any left?
You need a chocometer like Red suggested the other day…perfect for here!
I couldn’t find one, though.
Maybe Red will help you later Winky. 🙂
I’m not an overachiever. It goes right to my hips so I avoid this wonderful chocolate. Sigh.
Have a terrific day filled with chocolate. 🙂
That’s too bad, Sandee.
It probably goes to my hips, too, but who cares!
I think my chocolate fat is just storing itself to expand on my hips some other time in my life….uh oh.
Maybe Binky could invent a zero calorie chocolate!
Yes but a delicious tasting one though Winky we don’t want to lose out on the flavour 🙂
It’d have to taste like real chocolate, or else it wouldn’t be worth eating!
Yes and I like to finish off with a chocolate milkshake so I hope Binky has some plans for those, in the zero calorie meaning of course 🙂
I’ve been bugging him to work on the zero calorie chocolate, but Binky doesn’t seem to think it’s important. Sometimes I wonder if he’s really a Wombie.
I think he just thinks too much sometimes, but he has a brilliant mind, all we need to do is tap in some of our notions and see if he can deliver 🙂
Okay, I’ll try to tap into Binky’s mind. I hope he doesn’t mind the drilling!
Maybe your need to be asking Twink to come up with one…she’s a gourmet cook, and I’m sure she is a master at substitutes that could taste like the real thing.
That would be a good idea, but we’ll have to wait until Twink comes back from her painting vacation.
I’d call her up and ask her to ponder the idea while she is relaxing in her lawn chair. She might when she can’t think of what to paint.
If we send over some skellie good time slaves she might even bake us all a chocolate fudge cake for our good thinking, well at least Twink can relax while the skellies do all the cleaning up 🙂
As long as the skellies don’t scare her!
Twink has Rose at her that cleans for her, but she could use a hand to make life even better for Twink. So did you call her yet about fat free, full flavor chocolate yet?
She said she’s still on holidays! I hope I can survive until she returns!
Guess it will be up to Binky then.
We’re doomed!
Binky…you can have my share.
Thanks, Bearman! I’ll try to make sure Binky gets it. Maybe.
Bet it slipped you mind.
It might have. . .
Bet it was good too! 🙂
It was! Don’t tell Binky!
Mums the word.
10lbs a year?
That seems awfy low !
Must be a lot of folk not pulling their weight.
Guess I’ll need to double my own chocolate intake to compensate for these slackers !
I know! It’s people like us that have make up the difference and keep the standard high! But I don’t mind, actually.
It is true one should not care about anything else when eating chocolates..pure fun in itself is the highest
I couldn’t agree more! I often get lost when eating chocolate. Actually, I get lost when I’m not eating chocolate, too.
Hey Winky – I’ve found you a great job. One you can really get your teeth into !
wantneed that job! And they wouldn’t even have to pay me!It’s great to know you’re above average isn’t it Winky? Well done. See practice by repetition really does pay off.
Being above average definitely makes me feel superior! In chocolate eating, anyways!
I do feel people should not research and make statistics like these cos one can never have enough chocolates
Are you part Wombie, Soma?
Yes she is and has the chocolates to prove it 🙂
I thought so!
🙂 :roll:)
lol Andro you got it right I am a wombie.and have a huge underground facility full of chocolates
You have a chocolate vault burrow?
If Soma has then we will be examining it very closely, and maybe even trying it out before it sets, with a BIG spoon 🙂
I’m sure she wouldn’t mind sharing her chocolate with us. We share all ours with her. Plus our pancakes and wine gums, too!
I knew you were a secret Wombie in disguise, hey I wonder if Binky knows yet? 🙂
I think Binky might know, yes.
There is no way that average includes things like chocolate syrup, chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream, chocolate covered strawberries…Completely implausible statistic.
For me, yeah. I eat that much a week! At least!
I like the chocolate on strawberries the best as you can eat them both night and day 😉
I can eat any chocolate night and day. And any other time, too!
Yes me too Winky 🙂
There’s never enough time for chocolate!
Don’t worry we can always make time for more chocolate 🙂
It’s too bad we couldn’t make more time for chocolate, though. Like a 30 hour day!
They are especially mmm when you pop them in the freezer for a few minutes. The chocolate is crisp and the strawberries sweet…mmmmmm
You’ve sold me!
Is it true that an average Wombie will eat his body weight in chocolate every day?
That’s a bit of an exaggeration. But only a bit!
Cute One PDM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good stats =-==!!!!!!!!! lol 🙂
need to up the chocolate intake on this site —— choco- meter ? 🙂 xoxoxoxo
Oh! What a wonderful idea! Peter, you need to grab a meter from my site and make one just for chocolate!!
red ///xxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxo
YOUR LOVE BUTTON 🙂 xoxoxoxoxoxo
love you guys xoxoxoxoxooxxooxoxo
see you soon ……………
Red has a love button?
On every post 😉 At least that is the public one…
I never even noticed it before!
Hey I saw that one 🙂
I mean the comment 😉 lol
What? *grins*
Yeah 🙂 on every post ,,,,,!!!!!!
it’s green i think xo
love u wombie people 🙂 xoxoxooxoxo
goodnight xoxooxox
Hey we love you too Cat, here have another chocolate and a sweet pancake before you go to bed 🙂
I will thank You Andro ….:)
and here is one for you
TA-DA !!!!!!!!!!!!!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZqnaoD_KrU
We’ve got to give that recipe to Twink’s automatic pancake maker machine so we can try them!
A choco-meter? We’d probably wear the poor thing out around here!
I can see it now…How long does it take four Wombies to eat 1,000 pounds of chocolate?
About as long as it takes them to tear through the wrappers.
Not too long then? 😉
In the blink of an eye.
It is always good to know there are people like me who take pride in being super achiever when it comes to chocolates…
I am sure chocolate runs in my veins and my blood group now is C+
And that makes you extra rare <3
Red. xxx
You must be part Wombie! Chocolate runs in our veins, too! We’re powered by chocolate!
Powered to eat, eat and eat more chocolate 🙂
You know us well!
For sure you are over average Winky 🙂
I try my best, when chocolate is involved!
Didn’t mean to take so long to get here. I had been a bit Incapacitated.
Funny post, I bet Winky could break any chocolate meter.
Thanks for posting my the painting too! 🙂
I didn’t know. I hope you’re feeling better now, Deb. Maybe you need more chocolate?
If it wasn’t from to much sun, then it could have been just a little something going around for a day or two. All better now….thank you. Chocolate makes everything feel better.
I’m glad it was nothing too long or serious. I guess you’re back in fighting/wrestling form now.
Yes, and it looks like I need to fight for some chocolate so I came here to get all I want. 🙂
The chocolate is always unlimited in Wombania! And even more now that I’ve got a chocolate factory!
Yes, and lots of other nifty treats too…and milkshakes!
Of course!
Yes it’s a great painting Deb 🙂
Thanks Andro! 🙂
I wonder how you would weigh something like that?
I don’t know. I’m more into eating chocolate than weighing it.
If it was an olympic competition, Winky, you would be among the best!
I take my chocolate eating seriously!
Whew I don’t eat that much, thank goodness I don’t have a sweet tooth that is that big.
That’s okay, I’ll eat the chocolate you don’t!
Ahahahhhh I think I’m better than average too!!! 🙂
This painting by Deb is fantastic!!! LOVE IT!
Big hugs from France
Thanks, Cha!
Yes, Deb’s painting is very tranquil.
Not too big of a gut for that much chocolate. I’d turn into Jabba the Hut.
Wombies have fast metabolisms. Plus I’m a trained eater!
How many vegetables does the average person eat?
Who cares?
Yeah, I don’t care! Unless they’re yummy vegetables like doughnuts.
It has to be right. I mean it’s right there black and white.
Ten pounds of chocolate a year is probably okay for humans, but it’s definitely not enough for Wombies!
Don’t worry Winky I am sending along another truck load for you 🙂
I knew I could count on you!
Hey what are wicked friends for? 🙂
Actually there are three truck loads arriving in Wombania within the next hour so watch out for those 🙂
Don’t worry, I won’t miss them! I can sense chocolate from a mile away!
I’m a reformed choco-olic – I use to eat more than 10 pounds a year for sure.
Reformed? What did they re-form you into?
It’s always nice to see people (or wombats) going above and beyond!
I try my best! Especially when chocolate is involved!