A Few Vowels Short by Peter Marinacci on October 19, 2015 at 12:00 am Chapter: Comics Some people need more vowels than others. Only three days until Wombat Day! Start baking those wombat cakes! └ Tags: binky, games, scrabble, spelling, video, winky, wombat day, wombats, words
I’d watch it Binky. You may be the brains in the family but Winky looks like the muscle.
Yeah, I think I should sit on him!
Oh, then no muscle required, just fat.
My fat is pretty strong though.
Oh my chocmalt Binky…… chocmalt
Chocmalt? I think I’d like to try that!
hahaha good comeback!
I didn’t think it was very good.
I foresee game pieces flying across the room!
Scrabble wars!
I sense trouble lurking
There’s always trouble without chocolate!
I think a little of both! 😉
I think I have plenty of vowels!
I need to get ready for Wombat Day. And lots of chocolate too.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Lots of chocolate makes for the best Wombat Day!
Why must I get this consonant harassment?
Good one, Mike!
A few vowels short of a taste explosion.
And boy can I taste it!
I feel sorry for Winky, but I can’t help noticing he appears to have ten tiles instead of seven. Isn’t that, um, cheating…?
We play by Wombie Rules!
Ah, that makes sense.
No one usually says that to me!
Ooooooooh…. 🙂
I could use some Os!
A one track mind 🙂
Is it time to party yet?
Just two more days
to Wombat Day everyone 🙂
How can anyone think of anything but chocolate at this time of year?!
I’ve just noticed that my
Wombie drawings have an
extra digit, mind you Winky
would like that as it’s just
another part of his paw to
lick after eating his chocolate 🙂
Great cartooning as always Peter 🙂
You’re right, Andro, an extra digit would just be more effective for chocolate eating.
Look at that cool wombat cake!! Now that’s a way to celebrate. 🙂 It’s almost here…. woot! 🙂
It not a proper Wombat Day without a wombat cake!
Winky, I think Binky has promoted you to a General! Leader of the free chocolate world!!
Really? I bet I’d make a pretty good chocolate leader!
Less said, best said…
I wish Binky would have said less!
Very quick witted on that one Binky. I don’t think Winky was fast enough to realise he was just insulted
Winky seldom appreciates my wit.