I’ve never known it described so scrumptiously before but I still need
to get here faster next time 🙂 Wow
Joseph will be eating chocolate all
weekend now but he deserves the
1st prize for sure 🙂 I wonder if he
will be sharing it with everyone? 🙂
Maybe Fraz Airlines should be delivering it personally? I wouldn’t mind seeing that, you could parachute out with it and don’t be eating it on the way down either 🙂 lol
You have done, it takes a lot of skill to get here first and claim the yummy chocolate trophy, everyone is talking about it in Wombania these days, mainly the Wombies as they always like to have a taste of the prize. Luckily it’s big enough for everyone to have some, did you notice how I said everyone there 🙂 lol
Have a great weekend Joseph and good luck on the next cartoon, the race is on 🙂 Yaaaaay
You lost this time Dave
but I am sure it will only
make you arrive quicker
next time 🙂 This trophy
winning is getting harder
with every cartoon but it
is a lot of fun I think 🙂
It is paying off and by the way I think the yellow surfboard looks brilliant 🙂 I suppose you have a collection that spans every colour of the rainbow 🙂
I thought that I was easily going to get the 1st prize chocolate award this time but no, I was beaten fair and square by Joseph 🙂 Well done my friend 🙂 Wow it gets harder around here to win that prize 🙂 lol
Cheers Andro mate, glade you like the music those wine gums are fab…. Solid as sweet rocks or hard as a cucumbar? great weekend my friend.. and everybody who visit Wombania… and if you don’t you don’t know what you miss…
Cowabunga dude!
What??? I’m the first one? WOW!
🙁 I’m even up early this time. Oh well, at least it wasn’t Loon.
Nice try Dave, maybe next time 🙂 lol
I guess you’ll have to wait till Monday, Dave. It’ll give you something to look forward to.
Well done Joseph you beat everyone here 🙂
And he wasn’t even monkeying around.
WAIT, WHAT!!! Sorry, slept in 🙁
I thought maybe a shark had gotten you when you were out surfing.
Slept in? That’s not
good enough Loon you
need to get here by
kangaroo next time
and jump the queue 🙂
Andro xxxx
Shhh! You shouldn’t be giving Loon any hints how to beat you!
You get the First Commenter Super Deluxe Chocolate Wombania Trophy, Joseph!
I’ve never known it described so scrumptiously before but I still need
to get here faster next time 🙂 Wow
Joseph will be eating chocolate all
weekend now but he deserves the
1st prize for sure 🙂 I wonder if he
will be sharing it with everyone? 🙂
The trophy is big enough to share, but Joseph has a whole gang of moneys that will undoubtedly want a piece of it.
Now I want some pizza!
I’m eagerly awaiting my prize in the mail. I’ve checked the mailbox three times already and it’s still not here!
Thanks, Andro. I feel I have accomplished something significant today! :OP
It should be there soon! We sent it Super Wombie Express!
Maybe Fraz Airlines should be delivering it personally? I wouldn’t mind seeing that, you could parachute out with it and don’t be eating it on the way down either 🙂 lol
That’s a great idea! I’ll fly the trophy out to the next winner! But I might take a nibble or two of it just to make sure it’s still good.
You have done, it takes a lot of skill to get here first and claim the yummy chocolate trophy, everyone is talking about it in Wombania these days, mainly the Wombies as they always like to have a taste of the prize. Luckily it’s big enough for everyone to have some, did you notice how I said everyone there 🙂 lol
Have a great weekend Joseph and good luck on the next cartoon, the race is on 🙂 Yaaaaay
I’d rather eat the trophy than talk about it, but we Wombies can’t win it! Maybe I could dress up as someone else.
Ah yes, second place. I’m the first loser! 🙂
I hope Fraz can swim in case he falls off his board.
Of course I can swim! I’m a big bad pirate!
Maybe I should have a trophy for that!
I would gladly receive the loser trophy.
Maybe we should call it the First Place Non-Winner Trophy.
You lost this time Dave
but I am sure it will only
make you arrive quicker
next time 🙂 This trophy
winning is getting harder
with every cartoon but it
is a lot of fun I think 🙂
Way to go Fraz, nice
balance you have there 🙂
I’ve been practicing! A lot!
It is paying off and by the way I think the yellow surfboard looks brilliant 🙂 I suppose you have a collection that spans every colour of the rainbow 🙂
I only have one surfboard now. When Sharky and I were playing he bit my other one in two! He didn’t really mean to.
I have always liked this one of Fraz and thanks for offering it in header style, it looks fantastic on my larger screen monitor 🙂
Maybe I’m full sized on your monitor!
You nearly are, but
keep up the good work
surfing, and don’t
forget to eat plenty of
chocolates and wine gums
afterwards 🙂
I won’t forget that! I might forget to eat my broccoli though. On purpose.
I thought that I was easily going to get the 1st prize chocolate award this time but no, I was beaten fair and square by Joseph 🙂 Well done my friend 🙂 Wow it gets harder around here to win that prize 🙂 lol
I guess that first place chocolate trophy has become quite desirable. It can feed an army of Wombies.
It is wanted greedily by everyone, but so far all the winners have shared their prize, so that’s nice, and in a way all of us are winners 🙂 Yaaaaaaay
Chocolate is hard to resist for most people. And all Wombies.
Fraz the waxhead. Gnarly dude!!!
I’m a surfer Wombie dude!
You’re a dude on a surfboard
dude, and a happy dude indeed 🙂
I’m a triple dude!
Shouldn’t we be saying “Cowawomba”?! 😀
Cowawomba? I like that!!
Cowawomba dude!
Nice one Bill, I think we should all get together and shout that out at once 🙂
I already did!
I didn’t know you were so talented Fraz. I am impressed.
Have a fabulous day. 🙂
Surfing is fun!
Whoaaa…you look like Keanu Reeves in Point Break 🙂
Or like the TMNTs!
I was thinking that too, Fraz
is a snazzy surfer for sure 🙂
Have a great weekend Miss. Novia xxxx
Maybe I should enter a surfing contest!
I’d love to catch a wave with a wombat.
You can come surfing on my island anytime!
I thin k it’s time for one of our beach parties, you make sure the zombie traps are in order, and I will bring the party hats 🙂
Yeah! We’ll have a big beach party on my island this weekend! It’ll be fun for everyone!
Go Fraz!!! Great visual!
Thanks, Pam!
Cue the surfer music!
I hope you don’t wipeout
on the next wave Fraz 🙁
I kinda did!
I’m catching it! 🙂
It’s catchy!
It’s very catchy 🙂
But not itchy!
I’ll wave also hope you catch… great idea! Love all the slogan that come along… Peter hope you note it down.. Thanks for puting my art work also.
I caught your wave and am sending you back another one!
Did not expect this one… wow it knocked me over….. slow down we got flooded here…. it is stormy…. not another invention by Binki??? the wave machine…
I didn’t mean to flood you! Next time I’ll send you a smaller wave.
I’ll talk to Binky and see if he’ll invent a wave machine for us!
Small are better I am new surfer… thanks I’ll put the wave machine in my bedroom so I can practice
That’d be cool! Especially if you have a waterbed! You could surf while you sleep!
You’re welcome, Doron. It’s nice to have your artwork here.
Your artwork rocks Doron 🙂
It does!
Cheers Andro mate, glade you like the music those wine gums are fab…. Solid as sweet rocks or hard as a cucumbar? great weekend my friend.. and everybody who visit Wombania… and if you don’t you don’t know what you miss…
Wasn’t that the slogan for ‘NEW’ Coke? – Be careful cuz we all know how that story turned out! W.C.C.
Don’t worry, I’m sticking with Classic Wombania cartoons!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay 🙂
I have been waving for 2 hours and no one has waved back yet.
I guess I was too busy surfing to notice you. I’m waving back now!
Ultra new wave Fraz!
I like to be on the cutting wave!
Well done everyone. Now lets get in before the fins begin.
You mean like the shark fins? That’s probably Sharky, and he’s my friend!
He looks close to shore. That’s my kind of surfing. 🙂
You’re not supposed to notice that!
I’m coming, Fraz!!!
Yay! I think I like the beach almost as much as you do!
I envy you, Fraz 🙂
I can teach you how to surf if you want!
Go Fraz, go Fraz, go Fraz!!!!!
Hey, there a chocolate milkshake waiting for you at the end of that wave! 🙂
Oh boy! I’m surfing as fast as I can!
Way to go Fraz! You have some serious talent!
Thanks! I practice a lot!
You have terrific form, Fraz. What are you getting pierced? Almost every surfer I have ever known has a piercing.
I did get an earring a while ago but Chris made me take it out!
Party pooper. Chris, you really need to lighten up, dude.
I tell him that all the time but he never listens to me!
Fraz looks so natural on that board!
I was born to surf!
Hang ten Fraz.
I’ll try to! I think I can only hang 8 though!