Evil Crunchy Goodness
Junk food knows how to deliver all the taste sensations that you crave.
If you like cars, you might like my other website, Car Picture Gallery.com. It has thousands of original pictures of all types of cars, but specializes in exotic cars, collector cars, and classic cars. pictured here is a 1990 25th anniversary Lamborghini Countach. You can see more pictures of it here.
I think I can relate to this one. Dang that evil crunchy goodness.
Hey Joyce well done on getting here first
and winning the 1st prize chocolate trophy 🙂
Happy day to you both…
Maybe Joyce will share her first commenter trophy with you Andro, if you are good.
Yes I had a nibble of it 🙂 Thanks Joyce
Did I miss anything? Sorry I was eating some evil cruchy goodness …anyone want some? Apologises once again but GoogleChrome ate my homework 🙁 seems they have a few hiccups
You’re lucky there’s any evil crunchy goodness left! Though they do always seem to make more.
I don’t use that one, maybe I should try it sometime, well when all the glitches are ironed out I might 🙂 Hey Loon are you having a fun week so far? 🙂 Yaaaaay
When all the glitches are ironed out of a computer program? I think that might be a long wait, Andro.
Evil crunchy goodness is evil! And really good, too.
I completely understand your inability to resist. I often do not try to resist. Resistance is futile.
I’ll say. Evil crunchy goodness is just too evilly good to even try to resist!
You can never have just one!
Hi Chris, have a great start to your week 🙂
Or one can!
I doubt Chris will join in 🙁 lol
But I can see Me, Loon & Deb
sitting next to Twink in no time
at all 🙂 Yaaaaay
Chris doesn’t know what he’s missing! I hope I have enough for everyone.
You will Winky it’s a bottomless cup 🙂
That’s the kind of cup I’ve always wanted!
This is awesome cartooning Peter, and really funny too, I like the pointing of the fingers on this one, very good 🙂 lol
Thanks, Andro!
You’re welcome Peter, hey are you thinking of adding some bits to G+ I think your hits would really soar if you did 🙂 Not that you aren’t busy enough already with our happy gang calling into every comic treat 🙂
I guess I probably should, but I haven’t really gotten into all the different social media sites very much.
Thanks for adding the Lamborghini Countach Peter it is, as you know one of my most favourite cars 🙂 Excellent red too…
It is good to know that your new website is up and running smoothly and I will be calling in there and taking a tour very shortly 🙂
Have a superb start to your Monday Peter 🙂
I would give you the keys to it, but the owner might object. Well we can dream, anyway.
The website is up, but it certainly could use some more traffic.
I can relate to the crunchy goodness too!
Evil crunchy goodness is everywhere!
Great car, Peter, and so is your other website!
If people like looking at cars then they would love your sites. Especially since it’s a cut about the rest!
Thanks for the nice words, Deb.
Your most welcome, and I meant them too.
The crunchiness…. can’t resist the crunchiness….
I know I can’t! It’s too good!
You might as well, how could you resist?
I can’t!
I want some. Bwahahahahahahahahaha.
Have a fabulous day. 🙂
Sure, Sandee! You can have all you want!
lol – I think we’re going to need a bigger couch!
I think we will!
Those things are irresistible! I hate that I like them so much!
I didn’t know you were a car fanatic, Peter. I love cars, too! I’m currently in the process of restoring/fixing my 1964 VW Beetle. I had it since 1990.
I’ll go check out your site now…
Me too! I like that I hate that I like them so much!
I know exactly what you mean, Winky!
I’m glad you did because I’m not sure I know what I meant!
I’ve pretty much always liked cars, but only recently have I had the opportunity to see some of these exotic and high-end cars close up.
And I didn’t know you liked cars! Was the Beetle your first car? It must be fun to restore an old car. They are so simple and easy to work on compared to the modern, computerized-everything cars.
My exotic car encounter: My neighbor had a friend who brought over his Delorean. It was so cool to see that car in action! He even had a Flux Capacitor behind the front seat! It had a Lotus engine in it.
I love the simplicity of a bug. It’s like a big toy!
My first car was a ’72 Super Beetle but I got rear-ended by drunk drivers. It was totalled. But we were OK. So I got the ’64 with the insurance money. It’s my project car. I currently drive a ’95 Ford F150. I can still work on it because it’s not all computerized. It’s only OBD 1.
The Delorean still looks pretty modern, and the gull-wing doors make it unique.
That’s too bad about your first car, but at least you weren’t hurt. I have a ’94 Roadmaster which is OBD 1 too. It’s computerized enough, but a lot simpler than the new ones.
I think Bill Murphy had a sports car at one point. Not sure if he still does.
Yes, I remember Bill mentioning it. I believe it was a Firebird convertible, but he doesn’t still have it.
Hahaha! I picture Clive driving the Firebird!
And probably crashing it!
Looks like the evil crunchy goodness really does influence the brain well. Go on Chris I wanna see if it affects humans too.
Some beautiful cars on your other site Peter, although the Avanti sure does have an ugly looking front end
Once Chris tried them, he liked them too!So I guess it works on humans too!
Thanks, Tony. The Avanti is an acquired taste. It was originally made in 1962, and barely changed through the many years that it was produced.
And now we know how things went down in the garden of Eden.
Did they have evil crunchy treats there, too?
I can relate to the evil crunchy goodness, too, and since there are so many of us who can, what should we do about it, Winky?
Well if we all get together and eat up all the evil crunchy goodness, maybe we can make it disappear!
That sure sounds logical, but then we all might be sick from eating too much! 🙂
I don’t think a Wombie can get sick from eating too much!
You’re right, Winky, well you’re lucky then! I wish I were a Wombie because I’d probably get sick. But, hey, the process would be fun! 🙂
I’m glad I’m a Wombie, too! I guess you should only eat enough to make your tummy happy and then stop. You don’t want to get sick.
Okay, I’ll take your advice, Winky, but it won’t be easy! 😉
Yeah, it’s never easy to stop eating!
Evil crunchy goodness gets me every time!
It gets me every time too!
Evil chunky goodness is like the most contagious thing ever. Want some?
Mmm, yes please!
No wonder I can’t seem to lose weight. Move over and pass the yummy goodness
Sure! There’s enough crunchy goodness for everyone!
That crunchy evil will get you everytime. Sweets talk now.
I can never resist sweet talk, especially from sweets!
Is there room on that couch for me?
Of course! I have some extra evil crunchy goodness, too!
I’m way too busy. I have left a comment yet. Look at me! I’m all the way down here. 🙁
I’m trying to think of crunchy goodness… Butterfingers perhaps. Those are really good.
haven’t… D’oh!
Well I guess you have now.
Butterfingers are good! And so are potato chips. And honey coated peanuts. And chocolate pretzels. And Cheetos. And peanut brittle. And Crunch ‘n Munch. And all kinds of stuff!
Oh the extra evil crunchy goodness is an exaggeration its only harmless crunchy goodness.
I’m glad it’s only harmless because then I can eat even more!
How many more will fall victim to the evils of Junk Food?
Everyone, if they’re like me!
Oh! I can totally relate to this!
So many temptation lies in junk food
And they do that on purpose, too! They make it so we can’t stop eating it!
I know!
All those extra mono-sodium glutamate makes it even better, even though I know the dager of that chemical #sigh
The tasty stuff is always bad for you!