Fan Art Video 5
Our regularly scheduled comic strip has been preempted to bring you this special video of wonderful fan art made by our great and talented fans.
The artists whose work is included in the video are:
Our regularly scheduled comic strip has been preempted to bring you this special video of wonderful fan art made by our great and talented fans.
The artists whose work is included in the video are:
Hey Loon I beat you, la, la, de, la de, la, la, la, la, laaaaaaaaa yeeeeha 🙂 lol xxxx
You won the first commenter prize this week, Andro! I believe it’s an extra large leftover Easter bunny.
Wow thank you Peter, I always like anything with chocolate in the mix 🙂 Thanks for the nudge I made it and it was a safe bet 🙂 lol
I know it was pretty late for you, but you did make it! Fraz wants to know if he can have some of your bunny prize.
Fraz can share my bunny anytime, as can all the Wombies 🙂 It will have to be a very BIG bunny though Peter 🙂
Yes, you must have the world’s biggest bunny!
Chocolate Bunnies are perfect for sharing 🙂
Especially with your twin!
Exactly, here share this Skeleton cookie I brought over for us, it’s made out of biscuit but looks like ribs and toe bones 🙂
That was cool! I’ll bring over a pizza and milkshakes later!
What the ? Androgoth, you early worm. Sorry, I was still, nom..nom…noming on chocolate 🙂
Better luck next time, Loon. At least you got your chocolate/ Or Fraz’s chocolate.
Loon I hope you are sharing what’s left with me and all of our Wombie pals? 🙂 😉 xxxx
Sharing what? Nothing left bwahahahhahahahahahaha …I feel a little sick
You need to train more. Don’t worry, I’ll make you lots more chocolate to eat. Lots more for all of us!
What? You mean you have eaten the whole lot yourself hmm that’s typical, and just when I was getting ready for a good old noshing time too 🙁
Never mind I will share my chocolate chip pancakes with you, oh and some of my fudge lollipops too, see I am not as greedy as you first thought 😉 lol xxxx
I’ll share those with you too! And I have lots of leftover Easter chocolate, too!
Wow let’s have an early beachy-chocolatey party, I think Fraz has some of Debs’s Wambo-Spambo burgers left over from lunchtime so that’s a start 🙂
I’m on the beach already! Where is everybody?
Thank you for yet another awesome fan art video Peter, I know that I am biased being one of the many artists that add their slant on Wombania but that doesn’t take anything away from the brilliance of the Wombies 🙂
Thank you Peter, and on to the next 🙂
Thanks, Andro. It’s always such an honor when people make some Wombie fan art.
I will be getting my
finger out again soon
Peter 🙂
And I look forward to seeing your new art.
Some great fan art Peter. I shouldn’t play favourites but I especially liked the Frazbacca one & the one where Fraz ran down the Snowman.
Liked the piano music, reminded me of music from an old silent movie
Thanks, Tony. I certainly get a lot of wonderful fan art from my fans. Yes, the music definitely has that silent movie feel to it. I really liked those old silent movies.
There’s a lot of great artwork in that video, and you did a great job at putting them all together in a video, Peter!!
There certainly is a lot of great fan art there.
Hey that’s really cool! And great music too!
Thanks, David. The music is from the website.
That was fun and I loved the music. So much talent.
Have a terrific day filled with chocolate. 🙂
Thanks, Sandee. I have a lot of talented fans.
Fantastico, “encore” to all participants.. Thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish… or should I say… Fin.. 😀 ….xxPenxx
Thanks, Pen. I’m glad you liked it.
It’s nice seeing all my favourite pals here in Wombania 🙂 Helloooooo ma Lady 🙂 xxxx
Chocolate attracts everyone!
You’re telling me, there was a queue of fifteen thousand Zombies out there, I had to throw some jelly brains at them to give them the slip… It worked too 🙂 Right Winky now where’s is my chocolate surprise? 🙂
It’s right here! You’re lucky to have escaped!
thanks for saving me the largest piece, and yes it was a lucky escape, I think they were more interested in Twink’s pancakes, they seem to have acquired a taste for them 🙂
Oh no! I hope they don’t eat all of them! I want pancakes for breakfast tomorrow!
Great fan art, Peter. Lots of talented folks out there supporting Wombies! I also love the silent movie music. I really fits well with your video.
Thanks, Joseph. I have some great fans, that’s for sure!
Looks good everybody! I’ll have to draw a wombie stick figure and submit sometime.
We graciously accept all forms of Wombie art here at Wombania, Inc.
Look at all those great drawings! Fantstic job everyone! 😀
For which I take no credit whatsoever.
Wonderful video, Peter, and there is a lot of great talent there! Applause to all of them and to you, too! The music was great, also! 🙂
Thanks, Lauren. I just put it all together, and can’t take credit for any of it. But my fans are great!
Can’t see the video through mobile 🙁
Is it the one I saw and commented in youtube?
You can’t? I didn’t realize that would be a problem. Yes, it’s the same video you saw directly on YouTube, so you won’t miss anything.
It depends on the internet. If I used my SIM card, it’s not good enough to watch video…I have to use wi fi to watch video
Great fan art!
Guess what? My daughter finally saw a wombat in Australia.
Thanks, Joyce. I’m sure that was a life-changing event for your daughter!
Nice collaboration, and I’m digging those waffles. 🙂
Thanks, Rosey. We’ll have to get Rachael to make us all some.
Amazing artists! Amazing work!
Amazing fans I do have!
That is awsome man.
Thanks, Jeremy.
Awesome stuff!
Thanks, Daniel.
It make you proude to be a Wombanian.
Yes, we are all proud Wombanians here!
Hi Doron, I asked Winky to make you a special Wombie-longy-choco-milkshake, passed down from Deb, one of the finest milkshake makers of all time, so it should be very tasty 🙂 I just hope you will save us all some 🙂
I think I might have to get another one from Deb. I drank that first one!
I hope you didn’t drink mine too Winky? 🙁
Maybe. I’ll get more, don’t worry!
I will wait for a taste of the
next batch then Winky 🙂 thanks…
Here it is! And I only tasted it a little bit this time.
What an amazing video of wombies & art made by so many of their fans! Thanks for including my small contribution, I am honored.
I hope all the wombies got a big basket of chocolatey bunnies for Easter, too!
Yes, I have some great fans! And I was gald to include your effort in the video, Faythe. Don’t worry, all the Wombies had more than their share of Easter chocolate.
Fun Video. Like the music!
Thanks, Mike.
Are you reusing my fan art? I thought you put that one in a video already.
No, I don’t think so. I was just really behind in creating the latest video.