Need for Speed
When you need more speed, Binky’s the one to call. He can add rocket power to anything.
(This comic strip was previously published on April 12, 2010.)
Our good friend Doron made a picture of the Wombies’ Olympic medal sweep for Freestyle Skiing. Fraz, Winky, and Twink won the gold, silver and bronze medals. It was an amazing victory for Team Wombania and took the world by surprise. You can read how they pulled off this incredible feat on Doron’s Wombie Olympic Medals post on his art blog.
See, not obsessed just armed with knowledge eh? 😀 (Oooer, made that sound like a missile….) Have a safe and speedy drive, Binky, … Seat belt, don’t forget!! xPenx
Yaaay!! I’m first, I’m number one… I’m Numero Uno… *cough* sorry!!! O_o xx
Hey you, what a cheek I was supposed to get here first… Oh go on then you can share my wine gums and marshmallows, you win hands down 🙂
Hmm… I need to get here sooner ma Lady or you girls will be beating me to the top spot every time…
Happy Thursday Lady Pen 🙂 xxxx
Better luck next time, Andro.
Thanks Peter 🙂
Happy Thursday to you Andro, better luck next time… 🙂 Heh!! xx
Hey you were quick this time but now I have my Zombie spies out, hopefully if they do their jobs right I will be the first here next time 🙂 Have a lovely weekend ma Lady 🙂 xxxx
You’d better set your alarm clock for Monday morning, Andro! Or just not go to bed.
I think I will set my clock, after all those matchsticks get a bit uncomfortable after staying awake for three consecutive days, how do you mean what are the matchsticks for? Well to keep my eyes open of course 🙂
Three days? I’m lucky to stay awake for three consecutive hours. Maybe you should go to bed right now.
I had a good sleep Peter but was up early this morning, bang on 07:10 just like every week day 🙂
That’s funny, I usually get up at 7:15. Though I probably go to bed a lot earlier than you.
You get the first commenter chocolate Wombie trophy this time, Pen!
Oh, Peter, I am so surprised by winning this trophy, I want to thank my mother, my …. ((At this point a giant hook yanks Pen off the page! ))… ¿ xx
We don’t mind long speeches here, so you can thank anyone you want. It is quite a momentous occasion, after all.
Hope we get a bite out
of your trophy Lady Pen 🙂 xxxx
I think she must have
eaten it all already 🙁 oh-hum…
The trophy is made out of the best Belgian Wombie chocolate, so I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s too tempting not to eat it.
I will let you know the next time I get here first, it happens so seldom that I can’t remember what the last chocolate trophy tasted like 🙂 lol
Perhaps that longing with be the motivation you need to be first next time.
Yes, knowledge is power after all. I always wear my safety harness and helmet.
Don’t look so astonished Twink, we all agree with you that Binky is a obsessed with his rocket programme 🙂 he is also obsessed with eating chocolate and wine gums too, but then I guess everyone knew that too 🙂
Boys are always obsessed with their toys!
Yes we are 🙂
Don’t I know it!
Great cartooning Peter, as always your awesomeness is second to none my great friend 🙂 🙂
Thank you, Andro. You are always too kind.
I just tell it how it is Peter,
everyone loves the Wombies 🙂
Well at least most of the people here seem to.
I think far and wide across the Internet there are children and adults thoroughly enjoying your Wombies Peter 🙂
I’d like to believe that! There are many little adopted Wombies who live all over the world.
Yes I was thinking of adopting one to train up as a Zombie catcher but it takes a lot of care and time to properly look after a young Wombie and they eat so much all the time too 🙂 I will think about it a bit more and perhaps apply for one later my great friend 🙂
Yes, little Wombies can take up a lot of your time, and most of your chocolate and wine gums.
Those who can’t understand genius, mock it.
I could not have said it better myself.
You’re right there Joyce, it’s a case of mock, mock and mock 🙁 Here have one of my extra large chocolate lollipops you’ll love it 🙂
It’s not mockery. I just wish men would learn to spend their time more wisely.
Twinks look speaks for itself!
If only Binky would listen.
I doubt that would happen.
Yes, that’s like expecting Winky to stop eating.
Doron makes champs of all the Wombies!
Love the painting!
Doron did a great job with this one.
I agree with you both, Doron’s art is fun 🙂
I think Binky has a gift with math. 😉
Math and physics are my best friends.
I was at lunch with a person the other day who had a ton of dessert. I said, “Do you love sugar.” And they replied, “No!?” Like they didn’t know why I said that.
Are you implying power is my sugar? Sugar does have a high energy density.
I could see you saying that also but no, it really happened just the other day. 🙂
Perhaps it was a German Winky. A number of Wombies have been adopted in Germany.
I’m surprised they haven’t move to my town… we do have the chocolate factory after all.
I believe they have already secretly infiltrated it. The chocolate factory here had to shut down because there was too much leakage.
Bwahahahahahahahaha. Well he has the stats down very nicely. I love it.
Have a fabulous day. 🙂
I always try to keep an accurate account of my projects.
I like those numbers, Binky! My ’64 beetle could use some rocket power. the 40 horses just ain’t cuttin’ it!
I think you are definitely in need of a rocket booster assist. Or perhaps two.
Those numbers add up to a lot of fun!
It does provide sufficient enjoyment.
By the time he finished saying that he could have circled the earth!
I’d rather be flying than talking!
I feel the need. The need for SPEED! 🙂
High five to Binky for being cool.
You can have a ride in my rocket racer any time you wish.
He’s fast with the info, too!
I have all the important stats memorized.
Fastest mammal on earth!
I would like to think so. Though not in eating.
I feel like I am back in Physics class but I think that car must be made of paper because just a basic F=ma calculation yields the car’s weight at .33 Kilograms (around 11.6 ounces). I HATE these stinking word problems! W.C.C.
Hmm. . . That’s not what I got. 0-60 in 1.41 secs = 1.93 g = 18.9 m/s2. 1125 pounds of thrust = 5004 N. F=ma –> m=f/a. 5004/18.9 = 265 kg.
Love Doron’s painting and Binky’s knowledge and speed is SUPERIOR! 🙂
Doron’s painting was great.
I finally visited his blog a couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed his work. He has done the same with my blog, so it’s nice to meet new bloggers through Wombania, too! Wishing all the Wombies a great weekend! 🙂
Doron’s a very nice guy, though he hasn’t been feeling the best lately, so he hasn’t been blogging as much. I met him through Deb’s site. I hope you have a good weekend, too.
I believe it! 😉
Power makes it so!
Can you repeat the question. lol
I do believe Twink would prefer not to hear the answer again.
Heyyy ! I was so excited earlier when I read this:
Maybe Wombania is already Prince George’s favorite comics! 😀
That’s pretty neat, Cha! I hadn’t heard of that. Thanks for letting me know. I hope Prince George is a fan. I don’t think I’ve ever had a royal fan before.
You should definitely try to catch their attention. Make a special series with Fraz in London. I will try to make a lil something. It inspires me. lol
… It would be awesome to see every kid with a little “wombie” bear. 😀 the new trend.
Fraz could be the official royal Wombie! I did add some comments to some of the articles about prince George’s wombat. I like your Fraz in London idea. I’ll see what I can do.
He’s been holding out on us!
I do not like to boast.
Just make sure you can survive the ride!
I’m a Wombie. I’m built for speed.
Thanks hope Binky is going to fix rocket power to my flight home this week as i run out of wine gum and all the chocolate melted and evaporated… in this desert conditions.
Fraz would be more than happy to fly you home on Frazline. I added rocket power to one of his jets. Plus the benefits of unlimited inflight chocolate , wine gums, and pizza should make it an enjoyable trip.
Girls just don’t understand such stuff Binky. I’m sure Fraz & Winky would be impressed.
P.S. What could you do for beefing up my 125cc motorscooter that needs more grunt???
Yes, most females don’t have an appreciation of mechanical things.
For your motorscooter, I would suggest a pair of side-mounted X-1A liquid-fueled rocket boosters. They’ll give you that extra kick you need when accelerating.
Sounds very exciting Binky. I’d probably need high heat resistant tyres to handle the speed bursts when I’m running from crazed Harley biker gangs who are jealous of my extra performance
I’ll make sure you get the complete upgrade package including tires, brakes, and suspension. I’ll throw in some defense missiles as well.
The Defence Missiles will come in handy for blasting any wombats errrr… I mean kangaroos that get on the road in my way
My missiles will not be used against any wombats or there will be dire consequences!
I could get one of my Zombie sprinters to push you Tony, he never gets tired, but watch out when you stop or he might bite you 🙁 lol
I believe the experimental rocket boosters would be a safer option.
Yes in hindsight I believe you 🙂 lol
But zombie pushers might be more fun!
Jet pack powered zombie pushers perhaps???
That’d be cool! As long as they don’t try to eat you!
Does sound a practical option Andro, especially considering the price of rocket fuel these days. I would carry a bag of sheep brains as treats to deter him from wanting to eat mine.
You’d better not run out of brains!
I’m 53 Fraz, I ran out of brains a long time ago. he he he…
Maybe that makes you safe from zombies then!
He has the speed down…now he needs to act more powerful
I don’t like to throw my weight around.
Ha!! Some people just don’t realize when they are addicted of something. At least you are addicted to speed not something else destructive
Ups…I mean something destructive
Binky will never admit he’s addicted to it, though! Like Winky’s addiction to chocolate. Well I guess all of us Wombies are addictied to chocolate.
So…Binky has two addiction then
At the very least!
Maybe he’s just trying to make supermarket trips more time efficient. So very practical, Binky!
Um, yes. That is exactly what I was doing. I guess I’d better add a trunk.